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Trump administration hints at ‘greater enforcement’ of marijuana laws

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<header class="entry-header"> uh oh

Trump administration hints at ‘greater enforcement’ of marijuana laws

Posted 6:31 PM, February 23, 2017, by Tribune Media Wir </header>
WASHINGTON – The White House said Thursday it expects law enforcement agents to enforce federal marijuana laws when they come into conflict with states where recreational use of the drug is permitted.
“I do believe you will see greater enforcement of it,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said regarding federal drug laws, which still list marijuana as an illegal substance.
That’s a reversal from the Obama administration’s stance, which laid out in an official memo that the federal government wouldn’t interfere in states where nonmedical use of marijuana is allowed.
That guidance was issued after two states — Colorado and Washington — voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Obama said in the immediate aftermath of those votes that the federal government had “bigger fish to fry” than cracking down on marijuana use in states where it’s considered legal.
Most drug enforcement operations are carried out by state and local authorities, with little involvement by the federal government. Enforcing marijuana laws has been considered a lower priority for federal drug agents, who have remained focused on curbing narcotics trafficking and combating a nationwide epidemic of opioid abuse.
Spicer on Thursday, however, linked marijuana use with the widespread abuse of painkillers, suggesting that allowing recreational use of marijuana could be interpreted as condoning drug use more widely.
“When you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people,” Spicer said. “There is still a federal law that we need to abide by when it comes to recreational marijuana and drugs of that nature.”
He was careful to distinguish between use of medical marijuana and recreational marijuana. President Donald Trump, he said, understood that marijuana could help ease suffering for patients with terminal illnesses.
Trump took varying positions on marijuana during his campaign for president. He said during remarks in June 2015 that legal recreational use was “bad,” adding he felt “strongly about it.”
But later that year he suggested the issue should be decided by individual states and not by the federal government.
“In terms of marijuana and legalization, I think that should be a state issue, state-by-state,” he said in Nevada in October 2015.
He’s remained staunchly supportive of medical marijuana, telling Fox News host Bill O’Reilly he was “in favor of medical marijuana 100%.”
“I know people that have serious problems and they did that they really — it really does help them,” he said.


The good new is it was just that idiot Spicer that said that, not the big orange idiot.

DOH! Never mind. This is what oldchuck already linked about. I don't click on most links. Sorry dude.


Well-known member
Trump administration hints at ‘greater enforcement’ of marijuana laws
uh oh

Trump administration hints at ‘greater enforcement’ of marijuana laws

Posted 6:31 PM, February 23, 2017, by Tribune Media Wir

WASHINGTON – The White House said Thursday it expects law enforcement agents to enforce federal marijuana laws when they come into conflict with states where recreational use of the drug is permitted.

Most drug enforcement operations are carried out by state and local authorities, with little involvement by the federal government.

once again, Trump does not understand the laws he is tasked with upholding. state & local LEO may not be forced to uphold federal laws. if states atty generals hold their ground, it is nothing more than another grand futile gesture by the Combaround to his rabid base. "i tried, but no one would help me..."shrugs shoulders):biggrin:

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
All politicians are pathological liars, that say what ever it takes to get elected, then do whatever makes them and their owners rich.


Any one that voted trump. Shame on you now he's in you will all see he don't give a shit about anybody that isn't rich or white.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Any one that voted trump. Shame on you now he's in you will all see he don't give a shit about anybody that isn't rich or white.

You can thank Hiliary for giving us Trump!! After rigging the primaries and un-doing Obama's campaign finance reform, it is amazing anyone would vote for her. They are both piles of shit. They knew that Hiliary would tie with Trump well before the primaries were over, and Bernie would have won by about 20%. The only one Bernie would have had problems with was Kasich, who was moderate Republican.


Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Any one that voted trump. Shame on you now he's in you will all see he don't give a shit about anybody that isn't rich or white.

That should be "Rich and White"!! If you are not rich, he does not give a crap about you.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
The war on drugs is nothing but a government welfare program. Such a waste of money and resources.

It is part of the false economy. Any jobs that are paid for by the government, like war expenses and jobs, benefit no taxpayer.


1. Fake Jobs: It’s not just that the “official” unemployment numbers are a fraud, the actual jobs are fake as well. Ask yourself how many professions actually produce something of value? 80% of jobs could disappear tomorrow and it wouldn’t affect basic human survival or happiness in the least. Yes, in our society we need money to survive – and jobs equal money – but that doesn’t mean a “job” has any actual benefit to society. More on this in the next point…

2. Problems Create Jobs, Not Solutions: We can’t fix real problems, because it would destroy more fake jobs. We can’t end the wars and bring all of the personnel home when the jobless rate is already suffering. We can’t end the War on Drugs because where would the DEA agents, prison guards, the court system, parole officers, and the rest of their support staff work. We can’t simplify the tax code because the bookkeepers, CPAs, accounting professors, and tax attorneys would be unemployed. We cannot reduce the bureaucracy of government or streamline healthcare because paper pushers have few other notable skills. We can’t stop spying on Americans because it now employs millions of people. We can’t restrict the Wall Street casino, or hardly anyone will be left with a job. Finally, what will happen to university jobs when people either realize their product is not worth the cost or they discover they can get the same education online for nearly free? In other words, we need these manufactured problems to create phony employment.

3. Money Has No Value: Money is the biggest illusion of all. Our money is loaned into existence with arbitrary interest rates by a private monopoly. It is an IOU. It only has value because a law says it has value, and that value fluctuates based on how much supply is in the economy which, again, is controlled by a for-profit monopoly. It’s actual value is zero since it is just a piece of paper with fancy ink on it. The only things with real value to humans are skills (labor), tools and materials, food and water, and energy.

4. The Fed Now Buys 90% of the Nation’s Debt: Speaking of money, the Federal Reserve loans money to the US government who issues bonds to cover their spending. Those bonds are sold on the open market through auctions to investors who believe in the ability of the United States to make good on those bonds. Apparently, the US has no more investors because the Fed is now buying 90% of new Treasury bonds. This is called monetizing debt, or, essentially, monetizing money. That’s what a Ponzi scheme does. This acts to keep interest rates artificially low because they’d have to raise them to attract outside “investors”. In layman terms, our whole monetary system is a paper tiger, a house of cards, or whatever metaphor you want to use for fake.

5. What is the Value of Anything? The price discovery mechanism, or the process to determine the value of an asset in the marketplace, has become so convoluted that determining the genuine value of anything has become nearly impossible. Between government subsidies for things like food, fuel, education, housing, insurance and even cars; taxes, regulations and laws; the manipulation of the value of money and interest rates; Wall Street gambling on commodities; what is the real value of something? For example, why does an ounce of marijuana (a weed that can grow anywhere) cost up to $500? Is that the real value based on labor and materials, and supply and demand? Of course not. Its value is inflated mainly due to laws and regulations.

6. Failure is Rewarded: You know we live in a false economy when failure is rewarded and success is penalized. Citizens everywhere are being told they need to tighten their belts, work harder so we can bailout the failed government, banks, insurance companies and even car companies. And when we work harder and achieve some success, they tax it heavily to indefinitely pay for these fraudulent institutions. Yet this infinite money creation and taxation is light years from solving the root cause of the problem. The reality is that the banks’ solutions are the problem, enriching the investor class at the expense of the middle class. Global bankers are playing with taxpayer money – and the money of many future generations – in a global casino royale that is destined to fail so they can take the people’s assets. They are all-in; but their money is fake, and our assets put at risk are real.

7. Corporate entities have the same rights as humans, but not the same punishments: When the Supreme Court ruled that corporations have free-speech rights of people, it was one of the final nails in the coffin of the republic. Monied interests can now openly finance elections and buy the legislation they need to operate with impunity. Corporations may be comprised of humans, but they are not subjected to the same standard of humanity. It was profoundly argued in the article What if BP Were a Human Being? that judged by common standards of morality, decency, and previously agreed-upon definitions of criminality, BP would be judged a psychopathic killer … and immortal. Ditto for the rest leading the predatory corporate pack; the most obvious being defense contractors. And since these corporations are now joined at the hip with government itself, what does that make government? By changing definitions, they are attempting to change reality. But that still doesn’t make it the truth.

8. People buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have: In a type of trickle-down debt whirlpool, the government’s rampant spending without sufficient assets to back it up is mirrored in the behavior of the American consumer. Despite inflation, rising unemployment, and a continued collapse in real estate, it hasn’t stopped credit spending. The Associated Press just reported that for the month of October:

Americans swiped their credit cards more often in October and borrowed more to attend school and buy cars. The increases drove U.S. consumer debt to an all-time high.

The Federal Reserve said Friday that consumers increased their borrowing by $14.2 billion in October from September. Total borrowing rose to a record $2.75 trillion.

Borrowing in the category that covers autos and student loans increased by $10.8 billion. Borrowing on credit cards rose by $3.4 billion, only the second monthly increase in the past five months. (Source)

Most troubling is the type of borrowing highlighted. The worst possible borrowing would be these negative-return investments such as student loans, credit cards, and cars. It is magical thinking taken to the highest degree.

9. Entrepreneurs are punished: It has become nearly impossible to make a simple living on your own. America has become a land filled with bureaucratic red tape that actively thwarts small business creation and criminalizes independence. There is perhaps no better example of this than the attacks waged against the ultimate entrepreneurial endeavor of self-reliance: the family farm. Through collectivist models such as Agenda 21, long-running family farms are being shut down and supplanted with “protected zones.” In the most recent case, a family oyster farm was shut down based on provably false scientific data that aimed to demonstrate negative environmental and economic impacts. It was completely fake, ending an 80-year local business that generated 50,000 tourists per year and employed 30 full-time local residents. In many of these cases the federally stolen property winds up in the hands of developers who have no interest in a true local economy. It is an inherent part of any false economy to create dependence where none should exist at all. A five-minute video that can be seen here sums up the American economy of illusions and the death of the American Dream.

10. Engineered Slavery: Do you think slavery died in the 1800s? Think again. Economic hitmen (lenders) have successfully enslaved-by-debt everything from nations, entire industries, state and local governments and nearly every person on the planet. And they bought your servitude with money they never had, they simply created it out of thin air. Even if an individual doesn’t have any bank financing or credit cards, they still pay the private Federal Reserve through inflation and income taxes. As author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins, would say: the time has come for the banks to collect their “pound of flesh” from average citizens by way of higher taxes, less social services, and taking your pensions — “austerity.” For an enlightening explanation of how economic hitmen work their dark magic please watch this video. If you’re still confused, see these 10 signs you might be a slave. Another, more obvious, form of engineered slavery is prison labor. Laws and regulations are specifically created to add to the prison population which enriches the corporations that own them, while local communities actually become poorer and more dangerous (source).

As George Carlin said, “It’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” It would be bad enough if it were contained to only one country, but we are now experiencing a global collective dreaming that fantasizes about a government figuring things out just in the nick of time. However, in the real world, the collapse has begun in earnest. Until we are committed to stop being slaves and counter the 10 points above, we will remain in the grip of an hallucination. However, there are encouraging signs through protests worldwide, alternative currency movements, and myriad creative solutions in the most affected countries like Iceland, Greece, and Spain that people are beginning to shake off their sleep, look in the mirror and realize that the dream economy they have been sold was designed to make them seek solutions in entirely the wrong direction.


Well-known member
@25 minutes in , there's a comment to the press.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2kagnaxYUPc?ecver=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Well-known member
Looks like the DOJ is going to double down and rescind earlier initiatives to move away from corporate prisons. Four more years of keeping the head down, be safe folks.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Sorry for the off topic statement, but it really pisses me off when Hiliary supporters do not accept the fact that she put Trump in the whitehouse. The polls showed Bernie beating Trump by 20%, while Hiliary was tied with Trump. Anyone caught committing election fraud should be executed.


Active member
And Hiliary was any better rigging the primary, so she could be as bad as Trump, just slightly less neurotic???

She was the biggest piece of shit candidate in history!!!!!!!!!

Bernie would be president if not for her and her piece of shit minions!!!!! I will debate you for days!!!!

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar. Donald leans over, and With A smile on his face, says, "The media is really tearing you apart for That Scandal."
Hillary: "You mean my lying about Benghazi?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean the massive voter fraud?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean the military not getting their votes counted?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Using my secret private server with classified material to Hide my Activities?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything Else?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, Hiring Cronies, And taking bribes from foreign countries?
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean the drones being operated in our own country without The Benefit of the law?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it Declared Bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "The funding of neoNazis in the Ukraine that led to the toppling of the democratically elected president and to the biggest crisis that country has had since WWII ?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Turning Libya into chaos?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Being the mastermind of the so-called “Arab Spring” that only brought chaos, death and destruction to the Middle East and North Africa ?
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi and go to sleep?
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Encouraging and supporting the murders of Palestinians and the destruction of their homes, towns and villages by Israel ?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "The funding and arming of terrorists in Syria, the destruction and destabilization of that nation, giving the order to our lapdogs in Turkey and Saudi Arabia to give sarin gas to the "moderate" terrorists in Syria that they eventually used on civilians, and framed Assad, and had it not been for the Russians and Putin, we would have used that as a pretext to invade Syria, put a puppet in power, steal their natural resources, and leave that country in total chaos, just like we did with Libya?
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "The creation of the biggest refugees crisis since WWII
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Leaving Iraq in chaos? "
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "The DOJ spying on the press?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months Later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "The NSA monitoring citizens' ?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General Investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Threats to all of Bill's former mistresses to keep them quiet"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I've got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware, when Bill left Office?"
Trump: "THAT'S IT! I almost forgot about that one".

You have absolutely zero credibility. All you are doing is deflecting blame away from Trump, that is what you Trump supporters do.
You are unable or unwilling to hold Trump accountable for anything he does or says, you will not criticize him no matter what.
If they follow through on their threats, you & the rest of the Trump supporters will gloat far, far less about your "victory".....
You have nobody to blame but yourselves.

paper thorn

Active member
funny ready, i don't think loc dog is a Trump supporter.
But I am.

Whether you like Trump or not, that list is all true.

And so far I like about everything he's done, which is a lot for being in only one month.
I really do hope that Sessions goes easy on MJ, both med and rec.

but the parties basically had the primaries rigged. Hillary of course used the dems 'superdelegate' thing to stack the deck for her, and the media was all in for H, first woman pres and all, you know. And the MSM only reported any of that list with eye rolls and a "boy aren't those guys on the right a bunch of assholes for talking bad about H" kind of spin.

The repubs did everything they could to stop Trump too.

And to whoever made the 'rich and/or white remark: There's a ton of rich(billions, not millions) white men and women in the mmj and mj biz. I guess they'll be ok?
How's a rollback of rec mj going to affect a black guy more than a white guy anyway?
stop with your white guilt crap, and make a valid point.


Active member
Please bin this thread. As usual, it quickly got off topic into some kind of political bitching match.


Active member
funny ready, i don't think loc dog is a Trump supporter.
But I am.

Whether you like Trump or not, that list is all true.

And so far I like about everything he's done, which is a lot for being in only one month.
I really do hope that Sessions goes easy on MJ, both med and rec.

but the parties basically had the primaries rigged. Hillary of course used the dems 'superdelegate' thing to stack the deck for her, and the media was all in for H, first woman pres and all, you know. And the MSM only reported any of that list with eye rolls and a "boy aren't those guys on the right a bunch of assholes for talking bad about H" kind of spin.

The repubs did everything they could to stop Trump too.

And to whoever made the 'rich and/or white remark: There's a ton of rich(billions, not millions) white men and women in the mmj and mj biz. I guess they'll be ok?
How's a rollback of rec mj going to affect a black guy more than a white guy anyway?
stop with your white guilt crap, and make a valid point.

LOL The point was about how wrong it is in giving a free pass to a politician, of either party, regardless of their actions or words. If someone cannot hold their "party" politician accountable for when they do terrible actions and say terrible things, then they have zero credibility.

A civil reply is most welcome. We are all adults (hopefully) and should treat each other with respect.

I will offer you an example of D. Trump's actions and explain what you like about it please.
D. Trump's very first action as the POTUS was to take away a planned 0.25% interest rate reduction for all existing & future FHA mortgages. This action will cost every USA citizen with an FHA mortgage or planning one, thousands of dollars in savings.
For example, if you have an FHA mortgage for $200,000, you would have had a savings of $3,480 over the next ten years that was taken away from you.
Why do you think this was the very first action taken as the POTUS ?
A good day to you & all others ! :tiphat:

paper thorn

Active member
dddaver said
The good new is it was just that idiot Spicer that said that, not the big orange idiot.

then complains that the thread got political.

armed old hippy said
gesture by the Combaround to his rabid base

of course nothing political there.

then the 'rich or white' and the 'rich and white' posts.

insults and the race card are ok, from your side, par for the course.

someone opposes or tells real things about your side, it's political and should be binned.

of course, there are people on my side that are totally anti-pot.

we tried for legalization here in AZ. The prop lost. Some, maybe most think the Repubs campaign against it was the reason. But lots of us Republicans(i feel more libertarian, but not libertarian party type) are pro-pot. Remember old hippies are in the 60s to 70s now, lol. The prop lost here because the pot heads voted against it in fairly large numbers. the biggest anti- legalization push was from SaferArizona, which had their own prop that did not make the ballot. They thought the MPP sponsored prop was too restrictive.

As for the national scene, i would really hate to see reefer madness take over the Fed Gov. I'm confident Medical is safe. I really can't see how places like Colorado can be undone though. Hard to put that toothpaste back in the tube.
Resources would be better put to convincing, in a rational way, Pres. Trump, that the states should decide on rec mj and that it's not making the whole country into a bunch of stoners. Which seems to be the concern of guys like Sessions. Instead of the never ending screaming fits by 'protesters' to bitch about every single thing Trump does, and spending the next 4 years trying to overthrow him.
MPP types should work to arrange a meeting with the pres. go from there.

i'll not respond to your take on any of the president's other actions, because they really don't pertain to this thread topic, which is MJ.
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