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Cannabis job chances with temporary work visa?


New member
Im a 22 year old guy from Europe with a passion for growing cannabis. I think when a mans hobby/passion becomes his job, thats a wish come true, that man becomes happy. It is my goal, that someday i would grow legal medicinal cannabis . What kind of a chance does a foreigner like me with advanced growing knowledge and a temporary work visa got, to enter the cannabis industry business?

thank you for your answers.


Well if you go the mexican route, temp=forever so you got a good chance...we prefer the super frosty super stinky kushweeds on this side of the pond so if you got those - you stand a chance.


Well-known member
You may want to contact some of the companies you would be interested to join and or consultants for medical/recreational cannabis, tell them what you're interested in, even if it just to start as labourer to then move up. The problem may be that the lmo may not get approved if they are able to find people to do the jobs locally (lmo is labour market opinion) . Mr Nice is opening something up in Washington State I hear, you may want to contact them and see if there is any opportunity there.


Hey Trout...he's got a better chance than the Nebraska bish :laughing: But yeah just go away...Euros are the biggest dollar right now if you haven't noticed.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I would try and get a legal job with visa in one of the med states and get on trimming/helper monkey/water boy. Other wise you're looking at a Mexican style move, honesty at the border will probably get you turned away.


Look up what new hires are getting paid and decided if your still interested. Trimmers, growers, ect.. are getting paid a few bucks more than min. wage if your lucky.
Business owners are taking advantage of peoples excitement to work in a formerly illegal biz. You better be a trust fund kid to be able to pay Colorado rent on $9 - $12hr.
Our rent prices are going up faster than any other state.
Heres a link with current cannabis jobs.


I forgot to mention you have to pay the Gov. $150 or $300 to fill out a extensive application packet.
Shitty that wages are so low after having to pay so much to apply..


New member
Thank you all for your answers, you guyz have opened my view a little.
I need to start low thats for sure. I am willing to work for a half wager or even for free if the situation requires, the main thing is that i learn more about growing and MEET NEW people, thats how i will maybe get an opportunity for a better paying job.

In which state do you guyz think i stand the most chance?
Do you have any tips for cannabis job searching? Any info is welcome.

Trying to collect as many information as i can before i make any big steps.


Washington medical may go down the toilet soon, all so the state can save the recreational cash cow they are heavily invested in. I wouldn't consider a move to Washington unless they adopt a more hands off approach to medical. Ignore that if you don't mind working in a recreational "farm". They seem to pay decent for entry level $12-$16, but cost of living over here will leave you with little $ for yourself.


Active member
How "legal" do you want to be? Do you want to work for someone else or start up your own operation?

California has a few more years of "medicinal" sales left before recreational comes through. If you set up your own operation and have the skills you could make a very good sum before that happens. Would be cash however and would help you build any credit. It will also cost you initial investment and you need a good spot to grow in. Cost of living can be expensive depending on the location.

If you want to work for someone legally for recreational then go to Colorado, but as others have mentioned pay doesn't sound great and cost of living isn't cheap either.

Euros are the biggest dollar right now if you haven't noticed.

Look again. It is but not by much. Exchange rate has plummeted, the dollar and euro are about the same at this point. 1.13 Euros per $.


New member
It is my goal, that someday i would grow legal medicinal cannabis . What kind of a chance does a foreigner like me with advanced growing knowledge and a temporary work visa got, to enter the cannabis industry business?

Well, "legally" I would go with Oregon. Mainly because it's a pure market for everything, not just marijuana. The food, beer, scenery and location nearest Vancouver (outside of Washington state) are really top notch. Clean cities and amazing beaches. Colorado and California are just saturated markets now. You really have to weed out the bad to find the really good.

Oregon however, is consistent across the board.

Now, this might be off topic, but what I'm about to recommend are low cost living states that manufacture the most bud outdoors: Tennessee, North Carolina, and Kentucky. Believe it or not, other than Cali and Hawaii, those three states produced the most in weight and income for outdoor growing. Tennessee, in 2006 was 2nd in marijuana production in the early 2000's and beyond.

You could make a killing in Asheville, NC. Lot's of high quality there and you have nothing but hippies, the art crowd, and college students. Lot's of growers there, for real. The local music scene is awesome, and Asheville has some of the best and most numerous micro-breweries in the nation, second only to Oregon.

It's up to you though. Just remember, your cost of living on the West Coast is outrageous.


New member
I am slowly but surely getting the picture of the americas canna bussiness thanks to you guyz. Are there any other sites like craigslist? Ive checked the link that Lefthand put on and there are some good opportunities, or should i use a more direct approach? I think if i only send Emails and resumes i will be one of many.


Thank you all for your answers, you guyz have opened my view a little.
I need to start low thats for sure. I am willing to work for a half wager or even for free if the situation requires, the main thing is that i learn more about growing and MEET NEW people, thats how i will maybe get an opportunity for a better paying job.

In which state do you guyz think i stand the most chance?
Do you have any tips for cannabis job searching? Any info is welcome.

Trying to collect as many information as i can before i make any big steps.

Maybe think about working for a hydro/grow shop instead of directly in the weed biz. All of your coworkers and customers would be growers. Impossible not to learn some skills in that environment.


this was a big trend when it got legalized - people all over the world came and flooded the market - i wouldnt' bet on finding a well paid job - there is enuff locals that know whats up - and if you are looking for a 9$/hr leaf cutter job then maybe ....


if it smells like fish
very little chance .. we got plenty experienced folks .. you will end up most likely doing bullshit work anyone could do at small rate $$$...stay home yeehaw


if it smells like fish
the going rate for weed whacking here is 25$ an hour...buy a weed whacker and advertise .. grow jobs don't pay shit usually....yeehaw


Been in the industry for three years in Colorado. If you have enough patience to work your way up you will do fine. I started trimming for $10/hr and worked at many grows, dispensaries and even a concentrate lab, all of which never paid higher then $15/hr. All of that was okay and I wasn't making much, but then I got offered $18/hr to trim because I can trim 2+lbs a day as well as a couple of other $150/lb gigs. I also have my own grow to work on. Colorado is cool and all but I have been looking into moving to Oregon honestly. Recreational just opened up over there in October and if you ever travel down the 101 you would understand. Can beat that Pacific Northwest scenery.

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