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Using Nitrogen gas vs. Co2 for long term storage of cannabis.


New member
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has experience using Nitrogen or Co2 gas to store their cannabis long term? We just started storing all of our product in large mylar vac seal bags. We use a vacuum sealer that blows nitrogen gas into the bag before sealing. I have heard that using Nitrogen gas can cause the buds to degrade very rapidly when the package is opened months later. I was recently told that using Co2 instead of Nitrogen might not cause this rapid degradation. We used to use Oxygen absorbing packets, which worked fairly well, but I like not having to put a packet in each bag. It is much nicer to just inject gas into the bag when sealing. The question is which gas? I know that nitrogen gas has been used for a long time to preserve food products, but it seems to be fairly new when it comes to long term cannabis storage. Has anyone done a test using different gasses?

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