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Kerala 2010 - India


New member
Thanks for pictures!

Thanks for pictures!

Menudos viajes que te pegas, no falta el buen turrón a la mesa!

Menudas sativas en India no!?



Well-known member
Tremenedo viaje que te pegaste.
Felicitaciones muy lindas fotos.

saludos desde Chile.


New member
Nice! Muy buen viaje y muy buenas fotos txuck. No había visto todabía nada de este hilo, voy por la página 2 y no me da tiempo a más hoy. Pero veo que lo mejor esta aún por llegar! Esta noche seguiré!

Un saludo y gracias por compartirlo!


Lovin' your thread! Love the crazy sativa plants I see in the landscape. It totally caught me off guard as I pictured shorter stocky plants from India. Ive always considered the foothills of the Himalayas to be the birthplace of cannabis from an evolutionary perspective. While looking for posts related to Kerala genetics I found your thread and glad I did! I was gifted a Kerala x skunk seed plant last week. I am blown away by its vigor and hight................... Was wondering if It is typical growth structure of Kerala. Unknown breeder. The seeds DO come from a breeder. and the seeds were freebies in a seed order. could I post a picture of it here?


Well-known member
Gracias por el fantástico recorrido fotográfico a través de Kerala y Nepal. Anapurna es muy bonito...



Active member
Lovin' your thread! Love the crazy sativa plants I see in the landscape. It totally caught me off guard as I pictured shorter stocky plants from India. Ive always considered the foothills of the Himalayas to be the birthplace of cannabis from an evolutionary perspective. While looking for posts related to Kerala genetics I found your thread and glad I did! I was gifted a Kerala x skunk seed plant last week. I am blown away by its vigor and hight................... Was wondering if It is typical growth structure of Kerala. Unknown breeder. The seeds DO come from a breeder. and the seeds were freebies in a seed order. could I post a picture of it here?

Is an open thread, you are wellcome to post any picture or opinion related with the thread.... thanks bro. ...

sirius haze

beautiful plant man, is this kerala krush from the flying dutchman or a cross you made ?


sirius- Neither, I got the seeds on Herbies as freebies with an order. Got 5 free seeds with an order, wich I gave to the neighbor. He sprouted them all. All 5 took and when 3 feet tall all 5 had female preflowers, so I took the runt of the litter for myself as it is a beautiful strain. Not counting on it finishing at 43 north, but if we have a dry fall like last year it is possible.


Active member
Thanks a lot for your amazing thread, txuck, I like it very much, your pictures are so nice
and tell a lot...:joint:


In Munnar look for a cripple that gets around with a crutch, he is the guy that I knew in 1973 when I was there the first time. His mother and father worked on a tea estate. He walked around to all the farms with me and acted as a guide and connect for me. He knew who grew the best, I found him again in the mid 70's when I returned to Munnar. He will be in his 60's 70's today. People with health problems are the first to use Cannabis, he was a connoisseur that understood Cannabis, and Kerala Cannabis as well as anyone I ever met. All the best Cannabis I saw from the farms was seedless, just a few seeds per kilo of weed. I paid about $3.50 a Ser/kilo, for some of the best commercial Sinsemilla in the world, only the very best Thai might be better. they sold it by the Seer & Tola, 11.6 grams based on the 1833 British East India company Rupee, I still have one, the Seer or Ser is 80 tolas, or 933 grams. They do not grow on small farms anymore because of police pressures, they grow in the jungle, and the quality as gone way way down. And a modern "tola" is now only 10 grams, and I'll bet they want more then $3.50 for it.
Good luck,

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