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Translation needed for Honduran Weed Law


Boreal Curing
I'm heading to Roatan in a bit for some diving and want to source some landrace seeds for my collection, and mail them home to Canada where seeds have been totally legal for ages. I can probably even have them in my carry on since it's a direct flight to montreal.

I can read some spanish but the nuances are lost to me. I do know that if I am found with seeds, they'll just fine me and throw me out of that beautiful country :(. But theirs is the first Sativa that didn't induce anxiety and paranoia in me. In fact it was a beautiful high, as opposed to a hard stone, and worked way better for pain than the Indica I usually smoke.

Could a brother or sister translate this for me?

Artículo 26.
La persona que sea sorprendida en posesión de cigarrillos de marihuana o su equivalente en hoja seca o pasta básica o de cualquier otra droga que produzca dependencia, en una cantidad mínima, tal que, de acuerdo con el dictamen del Departamento Médico Legal del Poder Judicial o de un médico empleado por el Estado, a falta de aquél, sea considerado para su consumo personal inmediato, se le aplicarán las siguientes medidas de seguridad:

a) Por la primera vez, internamiento hasta por 30 días y multa de quinientos a un mil lempiras;

b) Por la segunda vez, internamiento de 30 a 90 días y multa de mil a cinco mil lempiras; y,

c) Si se tratare de un fármaco dependiente o drogadicto, será internado en un centro de rehabilitación para su tratamiento hasta lograr su resocialización; esta medida se aplicará aún tratándose de la primera vez. La misma medida se le impondrá a quien sin ser fármaco dependiente, reincide por tercera vez y multa de cinco mil a diez mil lempiras.

En los casos en que la posesión o tenencia exceda de la cantidad mínima considerada para consumo personal inmediato, se entenderá como violación al Artículo 18 de esta Ley.

--- Document Source ---


Muchos Gracias Amigos

PS. Finally, a distillate I can drink. lol

Guifity. Decarbed and fresh weed plus some other unknown herbs in Rum. Warning: If you do more than 4 shots, you'll blackout and pass rainbows in your urine for a couple days.


Well-known member
My Spanish is bad but I can flesh it out. Checked it on google translate just to be certain of the tricky words. The confusing part I think you're asking about is the bit about the 'Legal Medical Department of the Judiciary' or State Doctor. They do not have 'medical marijuana' in Honduras but if you can prove you have an existing medical condition requiring marijuana you can get off the hook.
I'd guess it's a moot point because it sounds like you could talk or bribe your way out of any trouble. Cannabis laws aren't often enforced and usually the cops want a bribe.
Even if you were prosecuted the laws are similar to weak misdemeanor laws in the state. I'm sure you've already figured this out but first offense is a fine of $25-50 equivalent in Honduran bucks. With up to 30 days in jail, I'm guessing the jail time is at the discretion of the officers. Maybe a few hours in jail to get a few more dollars out of you. Doubt you'd want to hang around long enough to prove your medical condition to the courts and police. An idea might be to bring along your medical marijuana prescription from the states?
Doesn't mention seeds just leaves, 'dry paste', and joints but I'm sure it's all covered. I'd talk to someone that's been there or the locals but the police probably wouldn't notice or care about seeds.
It says if you are an addict they can toss you in treatment for brainwashing. That doesn't sound like a fun vacation but I'd guess it's for native Hondurans.
The Latin Americans I've met love cannabis, have a lot of respect for the plant even if they aren't smokers. They aren't fond of violent drug traffickers but they don't see using or growing as a bad thing like many Americans and Europeans. With the different attitudes I'd think personal amounts are okay as long as you use common sense. I'd be more worried about the violent gangs which have been a problem in Honduras.


Boreal Curing
That's right. The medical part. The Decree definition for Marijuana also specifies seeds. I've been there several times and love it. But I've been told by several friends there to stay away from the mainland, which I do.

As for bribes? I call them road tolls. They ask for 120 on the spot, I hand them $60. They always say the same thing "Vamonos". I don't mind paying them because it rarely happens. They have to eat too right?

In Ecuador if you put on a Russian accent and say "Nyet. Ruskie." they'll shit and let you go. But I haven't tried that one in Honduras yet. lol


Man what an adventure!!!
Find that guy who is about 80,high up in the hills..Im sure they are around that region..There is talk of old school teeva's from Sothern Mexico to South America.I would love to be able to search out those and some from thialand as well..

I know its been done already because i recall seeing a thread from OG days.Forget who did that though..Good luck,though I would prolly go about the simple transport of seeds as its illegal. I WOULD NOT even chance it..Get you a 35 mil camera and film.Get a roll of film and pop that cap.Pull out film,Put seeds in.With cotton to keep from rattle..Glue cap back on..Put camera in bag and rest easy..Yea.Its only A pay off/bribe,but why even bother with the stress?..I know THIS works,,lol..Best way I know of to transport a simple seed from country to country..ha,ha..I done saw too many of them shows!!
No matter what you go with..Man,I sure ENVEY you!! Wished I had the chance!!
Good Luck!!! <ws>


Well-known member
It says their is a minimal quantity thats legal for personal use but doesn't specify the quantity or substance. Nothing about seeds jail time for big amounts of consumable product


Boreal Curing
Man what an adventure!!!
No matter what you go with..Man,I sure ENVEY you!! Wished I had the chance!!
Good Luck!!!

You don't know it, but you do have the chance.

Are you waiting to turn 60 to do it? Why are you waiting dude? Feck. The only thing you really own is YOUR LIFE! Do something with it. I only started really traveling the last 6 years. I'm 60 now and wish I had done it in my 20s. It costs peanuts. You don't need to stay in a 5 star. Roatan is a 1-2 hour flight from Florida. 4 Hours from Montreal. You could stay on the beach in West End for a week for about $700. Less even. Get to know a bartender at the beach bar and ask him to score for you. Tip him well (pay double even). Or jump in a cab and ask your driver to show you a cool grow op! Tell him you'll give him an extra $40.

Last time I went to Honduras I forgot to check my pockets. I had a pack of CropKing seeds on me that I didn't know were there. I only found them once I was unpacking back home. Weed costs $20 an ounce. A pound is $100. Be discreet when you smoke, and you're golden.

Whatever you do, don't be a fool and don't ever ever think about bringing some back. Don't risk it or you WILL spend the next 20 years in a honduran prison stringing your soap on a rope. If you have some left, discreetly give it to your bartender when you shake his hand to say goodbye, or outright abandon it.


Boreal Curing
It says their is a minimal quantity that's legal for personal use but doesn't specify the quantity or substance. Nothing about seeds jail time for big amounts of consumable product

Thanks. A couple tiny seeds I think will be cool. They do have a very cool Dwarf, so I plan on bring those seeds home too.

Total? No more than 6 maybe 10 seeds. I'll clone the shit out of them here. With a little luck, I'll get a male from each. If not, I'll force feed them Colloidal Silver so I can stock up on seeds. I could also just stress the fuck out of one and force a hermi.

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