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77-year-old sentenced to 10 years for growing marijuana


Active member
Next week we will see that judge retire and move to AZ. to cash in on the Great Green Rush!
And he will say he is doin nothing wrong because it is legal here in AZ.
This is the sort of stuff that needs to stop.

One judge arresting people for growing cannabis and throwing the rest of that guys life away.
Meanwhile his brother the retired judge in AZ. is involved in growing and selling cannabis waiting to spend the rest of his life in paradise.

That is a real crime if you ask me. Any judge that sent even one person to prison for growing cannabis should never be allowed to profit from the very action the judge inprisoned another for doing.
Just plain wrong any way you slice it.

Rant over sorry


ICMag Donor
Yes this sucks and even i am getting at least 4 years probation being bound in a wheelchair in texas with a 4 oz to 5 pound charge of vegging plants and a previous under 2 oz possession of marijuana charge. Only jury nullification can save me and its contempt of court to tell the jury they have that option

Not sure of the minute details but if you can toss "any shadow of doubt" about your case, to the jury, your case should be nullified. But this can be a difficult thing to do when a judge suppresses evidence.

Best of luck with your case.


ICMag Donor
Police, Lawyers, Judges, Politicians...
ALL employed for one purpose:


Taxes come in many forms:
Actual taxing people, fines & fees (for whatever reason) & the invisible tax... Inflation.


Active member
Reality is federal trafficking sentencing is highly structured

be aware of potential consequences and act accordingly its always there

And Jeff Sessions might go after med states once congressional protections to not use govt funds to investigate med marijuana expire in december

1-49 plants = up to five years

49-99 plants = up to 20 years

100-999 plants = mandatory five years and up to forty years

1000+ plants = mandatory ten years and up to life


The best option is repeal the law in a way that everyone convicted is released right away

Even if its changed to schedule III it would reduce sentences and release a lot of people


Well-known member
When Sessions was the attorney general or federal attorney in Alabama he suggested the death penalty for 3 strike drug offenders in the state. It never gained any traction thank god but think about that.

That case for the elderly man in Missouri is a shame.


Well-known member
Let's be honest here, the guys with guns who challenged the system a while back were damn well connected behind the scenes.
Some powerful forces with side interests that were being pushed for other agendas.
I have always believed this place runs off of " the old boys network" if one is connected, one can get away with almost anything- as if it were nothing unusual.
If one is not connected or accepted, then things can and do still get nasty, really fucking nasty as hell, and everyone pretends it is unusual, or does not often happen.
Shit man, for the " regular unconnected people" , you know damn good and well, this kind of thing happens often, and no one ever even hears about it.
Our system is all too often a tribute to deck stacking by and for well connected locals. AKA old boys network.
Never a problem finding loophole when "they" need one.


ICMag Donor
fact is the "state" doesn't give a fk about anyone but the state .Whether you are here, in a country like Vietnam or china, the state is the same.

The only reason we have not gone all the way down the tubes is a little thing called the Constitution which, being lawyers most of them, obfuscate and bastardize what is perhaps the worlds greatest document representing freedom in world history. Unfortunately it is also a legal document subject to interpretation by these same dirtbags that some of us, who usually get paid to go overseas to murder "our enemies" call our "leaders"..........:tiphat: