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Say Hello To CISPA, Goodbye Privacy


Lover of Life
This is an important issue for everyone who uses electronic devices. Your privacy is in danger. This bill is yet another attempt to forego privacy regulations and impose even more surveillance over the Internet and all communications.

And the truth is, this kind of activity has already been ongoing for years by the very companies pushing this bill. This is to provide them the legal cover for all the info they've already handed over to the government without any legal process at all. - Skip

CISPA, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (PDF) (aka H.R. 3523), is up for a vote in two weeks. Unlike its failed cousins, it has the support of companies such as AT&T, Facebook, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Symantec, Verizon, and many more. A full list of all 28 corporate supporters is here.

...CISPA's primary function is to remove legal barriers that might keep Internet companies from giving all your communication and information to the government. It allows "cyber entities" (such as Internet service providers, social networks like Facebook and cell phone companies like AT&T) to circumvent Internet privacy laws when they're pressured by Homeland Security to hand over or shut down -- well, almost anything of yours online that the government wants, no warrant needed.

Here is the link to the petition https://action.eff.org/o/9042/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=8444
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I think the internet could be the most vital part of human evolution. I believe they want to kill it because it scares them. The free flow of information from one corner of the globe to the other is too much for them to handle.

This will be a serious blow to the human society. Absorb all you can today because one day it might not be there. Knowledge is power.


Yup. They do this shit all the time. We tell them to stop a shitty bill and they stop it. Then the congress people introduce another bill just like it. This is how the sold out bastards do it. They keep on using their bought out cronies to reintroduce another bill if this one doesn't work. They bank on your apathy. This type of bill will just keep on coming. They might lose one or ten of them but at some point they will sneak one of they thru. If they can't get it thru that way they will attach it as a rider to another bill. Until we get rid super packs and the money that they put into elected candidates, we won't get candidates who will work for the people.


Active member
Bastards! You Bastards! Why have you forsaken me!!!

Sorry...listening to a little Machine Head this morning


Lammen Gorthaur
That is what happens when you vote for more government; the government that is large enough to give you everything you want is also large enough to take everything you have.

Liberty is always the first casualty in a war on tyranny.


Active member
This is their "War on Drugs" for Information, which lets them violate everyone's rights with the excuse of getting the few so-called "bad guys." Well, it's not going to fucking work. What will end up happening is things will get worse and worse, until finally people have had enough, then these sons of bitches will end up beaten, bloodied by thugs, then thrown up against a wall and shot. History has shown it time and time again. They will hang onto their tired and failed system until long past the time when it's too fucking late to change course and save their own asses. It's fucking sad.


Active member
My great grandma was a Jehovah's Witness. I just found out she was the descendent of Deacon John Frost, and Rev John Miller of England, which makes sense given her sense of justice and fairness. She was a good lady. I hated the JW bullshit though, going to the Kingdom Hall and around neighborhoods to harass people. I remember she used to talk about this "wicked system" we live in and how it was all gonna be destroyed. I said what about churches, and all those religious people? All going to be destroyed for their wickedness, lies, and deceit, she said. I was a kid who loved computers and games and television but she wasn't about any of that; just had an old school TV with dials and rabbit ears to watch a few different shows. Said most TV shows were full of evil and we shouldn't expose ourselves to it. I could not understand what she meant, I just thought she was a crazy old lady and rolled my eyes at all this. But you know what....she was fucking right, and wise as hell.


Andinismo Hierbatero
no way to stop the internet, will not happen, worry not.

they can take this internet down all they want, we already have internet 2 technology since the late 90s.

they will have to strip away all electrical networks to stop it.


Active member
i dont think they are trying to stop it,they are trying to regulate its content,data mine/spy,increase the clientells(political financer of a political office) profits through leagle proceedings(court/taxes),and at the same time filling the prison system to tax us further.
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Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
just like healthcare, they wont stop till it passes. Even it takes multiple terms and several presidents.


Active member
Im at fucking wits end. When are we as a people going to stand up and stop this tyranny? There needs to be a revolution, it is clear that our government has betrayed us. How the fuck do you start a revolution? I need an army willing to fight and die to take these people out of control and restore the rule of law back to the land.

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it." - Abraham Lincoln

"We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years." - Ben Franklin

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson

How can we stand for this? How can we allow a president to lie to the entire country, turnover and allow him to drive us into the dirt? What part of Commander and Chief did we take for granted?

I took an oath to protect this country from any enemy foreign or domestic. I need an army.......this breaks me heart.

I wish the best to my neighbor, I fear we will not be able to weather this storm. RIP America. RIP :cry:

04-08 USAF veteran.


In lighter news, a small victory for the internet. The US Judge handling the megaupload case has said the case may get thrown out and never make it to trial. The judge is standing up to the FBI and telling them they dont have the jurisdiction to go to another country, arrest people and haul them back to the US for trial. Altho if this is the case Marc Emory should have gotten off. I bet the Judge likes to DL porn and he has lost his will to pop a chub without fresh porn.

Just think all those millions of dollars to bring down megaupload wasted, and uncle sam says he's going broke. No shortage of $$ to police the plant tho.


Active member
Canada's already talking about going digital chip no cash.
A trial balloon to see if it will fly...

Crash the financial system and introduce a (ahem) 'Temporary Emergency Debit System' no cash structure where every tiny transaction is recorded and all other trade is illegal.

Welcome to INGSOC and the digital Stalin regime.
Orwell figured 1984 but he didn't account for GOVT. inefficiency...
Took 'em 30 more years to get things going.
Goodbye cash, goodbye internet freedom. Hello instant taxation and confiscation of assets for 'persons of interest'.

Go long on Gulag INC. It's a winner.

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