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Check this shit out I've been living under a rock so this anon movement is so new to me.....News should show this shit as oppose to the fucking dribble that spews out their mouths...and now for the weatherhttp://youtube/9TG4RTwctlw


So what you guys think?

(i wish my posting skills were elite enough to just post the video in this post so yall could view it without clicking a link)

headband 707

Plant whisperer
LOL the news is real fluf .. I have not heard anything about this nuclear meltdown since it happened but I have heard plenty about the Royal's visits or the flooding around the country lol lots of weather not lots of real news. We are fed fluf lol lol.. I heard they told google to stop their live news fed lol... aww the less we know... Looks like that Wikileaks really did start the revolution around the world .. Good for that Brad Manning which they now have locked up in a army prison. Let the kid go you pricks!!!!Thanks to him he changed the world!.peace out headband707
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Crotchety Cabaholic
Bradley Manning can rot in Leavenworth until he's hung by the tallest yardarm.
Being a pussy is no excuse for stealing state secrets.


Wiki was 75% fluff unless you like to gossip with the diplomats. Some snitches might of gotten killed but like your hero solder boy they were just snitches. It is enlightening how in the 1940s someone warned us about ourselves and our greed that we cherish today. Most people today are slaves to a damn telephone and a few providers. We hang onto every word written by many working for a few media conglomerates. They print high drama and it causes hysterics then we are at war or building more prisons. We need a new plague to wipe out most humans and let us start over.
odd german accent charlie.

anyway, no doubt 'Dolf was the greatest orator in recorded history. the germans loved him and most of any alive still do.

anyway, did he steal that speech from Thomas Jefferson??haha!

now is the time. our elected officials do nothing but bow down before the almighty dollar. the time has come to pick up arms and not to kill our senators but kill the ones who are lining their pockets: the CEOs of BP, Goldman Sachs, Chase, BofA, etc etc etc. Kill them all, let God sort them out. anybody out their thinking of suicide? take out one of them and be a hero.

freedom of speech? talk of the violent overthrow of the u.s. govt and see how long you stay out of a federal penn!!!! if i speak of killing a CEO then that is not a "crime". Amerika is spelled with a K in my book.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
The truth shall set them free lol .. You go Brad and free the BOY!!! for telling the truth! Not sure about Brad's info being fluf lol.. You did see the Frontline story about it right ?
When you know that a country is so corrupt they are screwing the world it's important everyone see's the "TRUTH". If your doing the right thing then you got NOTHING to worry about right ?LOL peace out Headband707..

Bra the world needs changing with all these slimmy assholes the USA/Canada has got themselves in bed with around the world have you seen those guys?..

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