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War on homegrows, Colorado reduces marijuana growing limits on residential properties


Active member
Well folks I had warned you all this was going to happen back in 2014.
The war on home growing continues to push harder and harder and will soon be completeley eliminated

“Stopping diversion to the black or gray market is a significant benefit of the bill,” Becker told The Colorado Statesman.
“We hope the bill can stop cartels, or really anyone who thinks they have an opportunity to discreetly grow in homes in Colorado.”

“Police deserve to know where these growing operations are as they masquerade themselves into these family neighborhoods,”

They are saying homegrowing is serving the black market..WTF!

In a rare show of bipartisanship, both the Colorado House and the Colorado Senate unanimously approved a bill that reduces the residential medical marijuana growing limit from 99 plants per household to 12 plants per household.

If patients and caregivers register with the state, they would be allowed to grow up to 24 plants due to an exemption to the 12-plant limit.

Leaders believe that reducing the residential growing limit to 12 plants can help law enforcement agencies better deter black market growers, investigate massive, illegal operations and protect neighborhoods from potential public safety hazards and decreased property values.

Supporters contend that reducing the residential growing limit can deter and detract these illegal organizations from continuing to operate in the state.

Colorado’s tracking system is aimed at accounting for every eighth-ounce of marijuana produced in the state to ensure it isn’t diverted to the black market.

Violating this law would subject a person to a $1,000 fine for the first offense. Subsequent offenses would carry a misdemeanor penalty for an unregistered home-grow between 13 and 24 plants. Second or subsequent offenses for more than 24 plants would be a felony.

Once signed into law, it will be implemented at the beginning of 2018.

So isn't legalization a real peach?
Ex-DEA is running big Cannabis operations without worry, probably elimnating the competition by calling in favors from the DEA!
Big Cannabiz can grow all they want without worry but 1 plant over on a home grow is a felony... That is FU#KED UP!
I still say vote no to legalization before it is too late!

Read more below
Vote No to to legalization before it is too late, or is it already?



ICMag Donor
12 huge plants are easier to see, from the air, than 100 small ones.

BM growers will continue doing what they're doing but with significantly larger stumps.


Well-known member
Knew the deck was rigged when I sat down, but there was no other game.
Gotta hand it to Shaggy, he knows where he lives.
He has called it right all down the line.


Well-known member
lol man yea vote no....if you even have the choice to vote in the first place. Then tell everyone you know that smokes weed that you would rather have them go to jail for amounts that could be legal if you vote yes

St. Phatty

Active member
Cannabis growers spent 50 years developing their stealth growing skills.

Given that their are millions of them, with 1 to 40+ years experience - how many hours is that ? BILLIONS of hours of stealth grow experience.

"THEY" are going to try and put THAT back in the box ?

BwaHaHa BwaHaHa


Active member
many say TOR is compromised a long time...
and maybe the day comes when they make new law and are able to use their data against bla...

in holland they busted many good people and said thats organzied crime while making space for the real org crime again.....
its such a brainwash thing ..

you sitll can get near lifetime for 3 times get caught with weed in usa..
over here a junkie get longer sentence for theft than some heavy pusher...streetdealers are out next day working..

St. Phatty

Active member
Harvey Weinstein rapes 35 women and walks around free for 35 years.

One black man is found with Cannabis and is stuck with a life-ruining felony on his record.

Yes, American "justice" is really a level playing field /sarc


Well-known member
It's clear the War on Drugs is entering a new phase. It's going to be law enforcement and state governments against the poor. Or anyone anarchistic and foolish enough to not want to dance to their tune. Uh not really a new phase..

St. Phatty

Active member
Looking forward to the day when Cannabis is more legal than raw milk.

Cuz the USDA goon squads are still kicking down doors over raw milk.

Also, looking forward to the day when Cannabis is more legal than 3 Berry Yogurt.

Don't know that any doors have been kicked in, in the US, over 3 Berry Yogurt.


Active member
thats why cbd crew have such huge mono fields...fields big like...i only kno from vacation in east-block before 89....

shittiest conventional acriculture...at least it looks like that
MrNice and CBDcrew Colorado Hemp Grow


look at that dense oversaturated soil....no life between plants....bet they spray chems too...


Active member
but anyways...better our whitewidow bodybuilder is doing this than the usual evil corps...

EDIT wait until evil corp is buying cbd crew for 250 millions in 8 years...or so like that..