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Poet Said... (it is with tears that I write this)


Bubblegum Specialist
The greatest honor I can do the man is to recognize him as the undisputed Cannabis Poet of Amsterdam. May he rest in peace secure in the knowledge that his work will benefit many and he will never be forgotten.

Anyone may post any of his work here and I shall begin with something he wrote called, "I'm Changing my ways" Part 1 and 2 from his book, "A world of smoke" by Lee Bridges. :(

Part 1

I'm changing my ways
I'm changing my ways
For it has become much
Too heavy always being
Uptight, feeling used
And abused without any
Peacefulness in sight

I'm changing my ways
I'm changing my ways
And I've begun to look
Up instead of downward
To the floor, for life
Is far better, indeed
Than it has ever been

Part 2

I'm changing my ways
I'm changing my ways
I'm striving for each
Day to be uplifting
Like all cool and laid
Back folk & everything
Will be beautiful so
Long as I have good
Health and good smoke

I'm changing my ways
Yes, yes, yes,yes
I'm changing my ways

By Lee Bridges

No one need ever die and Lee made it... BOG


Did Lee pass away?

He is looking down on us from that great greenhouse in the sky. Can you imagine what he is smoking right now?


Bubblegum Specialist
Well I heard that he was having a wonderful time with his sort of living wake party. Perhaps it was for the best that the decision wasn't made difficult as to how to handle everything. Sometimes good people just pass in their sleep you know.

There has been no official announcement but I may have had a message from my dead father that they are together. BOG




payaso has started a thread regarding Lee Bridges. It is a great place, much like this thread, that honors a great poet. Thanks BOG for starting this thread. Later-OH

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