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Anti surveillance thread

Space Toker

Active member
I live on a hill, and in a hilly region where other hills face mine. Sometimes I notice spotlights or headlights sitting there at night for prolonged periods and I don't know why. I can see at least a half mile down the road. There is my long drive going down a hill, then a road, then a left turn leading to another road and I can see a little beyond that intersection here in the boonies. There is this car, always at like 5:15 AM local time, it comes down the road I live on, past my drive, past that road that is the left turn for like at least 50-100 feet beyond, always turns around and goes down that other road that it could have gone down easily without turning around. Instead it turns around, drives back a little ways, stops, creeps forward a little, stops again, several more seconds before it finally goes down that road. On that other road, it stops for a few seconds whereever there is a clearing that provides a clear view between that road and my hill above. Now maybe they are just nosy commuters to some job, maybe they are just fascinated at the house on the hill with the lights on including christmas lights still, but of course I fear LEO spying. so before dismissing me as a paranoid freak, explain what logical or sensible reason someone would have to do this? This has been going on almost every day for months. Thanks


everytime you see the car, just stand out the front and watch it,

if theyre watching you, its gonna piss them off if you watch them.


Active member
yeah it could be a person living near there and maybe before work he goes out on the hill in the neighborhood (hill=nice view/visible perimeter/safe distance from other people n cars)...to enjoy a joint in the open :)

next time the cars passes your house try n see how many people are inside the car.

maybe get a cheap telescope or a cam with a 600mm lens and watch what they are doing when they are on the hill!

they could well be police so take the necessary measures n precautions n find out what they are up to and who they really are .

and I think it would be better if you took those xmas lights down..as much as I love them too , I do not think they are helping as they attract too much unwanted attention..


probaly some married dude getting some head from the young thing that lives just round the corner before he goes to work.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
rural paper or mail carrier?


Happening at the same time every very early morning, and doing the exact same route. Plus the odd turnaround you mention I've observed from many paper deliveries. Knock out everything you can on one side of the road, then turn and go back to different houses you just passed, because now they're on the 'right' side of the car for an easy toss.

MeanBean said:
Aim a laser pointer at the guys forehead, make sure he notices it...

That ranks right up there on my list of the stupidest shit ideas ever.

In every state in the union, and most countries, it is illegal to 'lase' someone. In my state, it's actually classified as aggravated assault, since you're threatening someone with what a reasonable person would conclude is a deadly weapon.

So yeah, let's lase the poor paper guy, so he can run screaming to the cops. Now, instead of one suspicious car, you get lots that are easy to recognize (flashing lights and sirens make 'em stand out a bit), and they're full of guys with guns that think you're armed and stupid.

If it IS a cop, even better! Now it's assault on LEO, and you're fucked eight ways from Sunday. Of course, they'll appreciate you making their job easier, since now they don't need to gather evidence for a warrant, they can just kick in your door right now!

Relevant Quote said:
Never hold in your farts. They travel up your spine to your brain and cause shitty ideas.


A well camouflaged spike strip would be handy.

Just sit in your car till they roll through. Then fire up your engine and follow them for a bit. Feel em out.
A well camouflaged spike strip would be handy.

Just sit in your car till they roll through. Then fire up your engine and follow them for a bit. Feel em out.

When I was a kid there was someone who would always cut through the corner of our yard(we lived at a three way intersection) and my dad took some old wood strips, put nails through them, and would laid them through the corner of our yard every night and pick them up in the morning. About a week later, we had tire tracks through our yard again, right over the nail strips, and that shit NEVER happened again. HAHAHA.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Maybe somebody has a designated toking route before work?
exactly what I was thinking, a regular safe and secluded spot to burn one,

and wtf, as long as you know where they'll stop you might just
as well get there ahead of time and turn the tables on them, you
do the spying if that's what you think they'rre doing to you.......


Space Toker

Active member
everytime you see the car, just stand out the front and watch it,

if theyre watching you, its gonna piss them off if you watch them.

I do and it seems to. If I notice a car sitting with its headlights on, and I ignore it and come back 5 minutes later, it is still there. I stare out the window at the same car and it notices me and creeps away. That car doing the odd behavior seems to want to sit and watch, when they notice me they reluctantly creep off as well. Maybe it is some nosy SOB wondering about what goes on at the house on the hill. Maybe it is more sinister. I want to find out. I've also noticed when I posted similar threads about similar subjects in the past, the behavior I was mentioning stops at least for a while. So maybe this will help others to look out for funny activity and notice potential problems before they become problems.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
they aint lookin at you. I mean unless you're like 30 bulbs i would not worry about it. If you are not on a large scale don't stress. If you are large. Take a trip lookin the car. See who's lookin. Not a problem to drive up and say that there has been alot of breakins lately and you're just a concerned neighbour for your neighbourhood. Threatin to call the cops that will ride of them.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I still think you're over-reacting, but if it's bothering you that much, go talk to them. Get in your car, and drive up to them. Tell them you've seen them regularly, and there have been some break-ins, so folks are antsy.

If they're cops, you'll know. It's not, because cops don't work like that, but if by some cosmic rift it is cops, you'll know. If it's anything nefarious, it's most likely guys cruisin' for cars warming up in the driveway, something to that effect.

Either way, it'll put them on notice that they're being watched and they'll go away.

I'm still laying odds you'll just freak out the newspaper guy, though :D