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Rec market bad for medical?


Active member
I had a thought. The medical marijuana system that was in place took a long time to develop. Doctors in medical marijuana wrote prescriptions, and there was a whole process to get a card and then go to a dispensary. All while being federally illegal. And doctors have yet to recognize cannabis officially as any kind of group that I am aware of. Meaning federally, the DEA still has it listed as a narcotic.

Doctors and pharma prescribe pills, synthesized chemicals and genetically engineered medicines like insulin. They do not "prescribe plants," or really talk about what food to eat with people at all. That is what at one time would be placed in the category of naturopath or healer, distanced and some might use the term quack. Doctors as a group have also not made any statement recognizing that cereal or white bread and a lot of what is at every grocery store and restaurant is or can be the root cause of all health concern. Like candy and cavities and dentists same thing. What occurred either by mistake or planned turned into a cover up. As far as admitting what causes obesity, diabetes, allergies etc.

Recreational herb brought in some changes. Bear with me, the point of view of the naturopath or someone who likes to shop at the farmer's market if they can afford it. There is no place for that here. I don't know what is being too blunt with a certain audience, but we all know partying all the time drinking drugs can shorten one's life. For me, I don't know about everyone, I can kind of place this plant at the center of my routine if you will, meaning I have just about given up "vices" or "drugs." I don't mean because I smoke weed all day and sit here and not get a job. That would be the "conservative" view or the way for someone to laugh it off. No, I mean that once again I have turned my life around, for the better and in a real tangible way to myself and those around me. Rather than because of, I will say with cannabis. So to someone on the other end of the spectrum, philosophically or financially or otherwise, this means $0 pot of which I am the producer displaces medicine entirely.

The FDA and the medical establishment have sidestepped one issue, more than one issue, altogether. How many of the massive licensed grows are done in all rockwool cubes? That term can be expanded to include small containers with salt fertilizer drip. I don't intend to focus on any one particular brand although it may well be a monopoly. In other words how much product as % and of market cost value cap and so on, is of the hps + rockwool + maxibloom variety? Complete emphasis on new genetics, grown with the cheapest easiest consumables available every time. Ok fine, my position on this message board isn't to say that stuff should be completely banned/illegal to use. In fact I am being far too friendly here - completely obvious this is all promoted and sponsored together as a collaborative effort.

This topic might deserve some time because education might help some of the audience and users. The reason for the low cost, is because of what is generated from crude oil and what comes out of it and is sold. Crude oil however has disastrous consequences worldwide. The dollar unit value on that piece of inert spun fiberglass wrapped in plastic is set according to a company or stock traded corporation tied to crude oil. Salt fertilizer, the bucket you get to go with the rockwool, is also made from crude oil. The cost of which you don't actually see, especially if you just fork over the cash without paying close attention. Drilling, fracking, waste runoff not just from you but from the manufacturing plants. And then, since this is fairly is the gray area for political, your views or specific knowledge on wars for oil. Can we promote no oil? How does this kind of discussion fit in with the - "oh just cheapest powder every time they are all the same, but the name of the strain let me tell you, it just came out this week."

What ever happened to the first case? I'm not so rash as to say that may have been used as an excuse, what I am referring to is the person suffering from pain or some other illness. Someone who is not doing well from disease and they find relief from the plant for its medicinal properties. Now it's more likely they want a plant which has been cared for, not sprayed with chemicals. And if one side has gmo cookies with grodan and maxibloom as the absolute thing to be, then where does that put soil.

If I were to make a list of beneficial things for plants, as in what can be done during the season to help, it would be an entirely different list at this point. Some classic gardeners/farmers might call it snake oil. If 100% snake oil produces massive plants, once again where exactly does that put [salts, rockwool, systemic pesticides]?

Without medical approval, or with this maligned form, the same thing passes on the shelves. In other words ignore, side step the medical health issue. So are allergy sufferers supposed to be laughed at? I don't fully understand.

I'd like to see a sticker for which kind of soil was used. More like the Growing Outdoors forum here, and less like the combine harvested hemp and Licensed Producers. A sticker for "family/employee owned," size of farm, "carbon neutral." Carbon neutral is the big one ok it goes back to crude oil and health risk. Don't hotbox the planet with diesel exhaust, as in ruin it for and kill the rest of us, just so you can smoke a joint. This is less of a joke and more serious than it sounds.

How would people feel about carbon neutral, no salts as a designation for cannabis? What about if the product comes out less expensive? If anyone is wondering, in layman's terms that would mean that the current lab test has set the bar incredibly and unacceptably low. The one number, thc %, is the wrong target, although it might be best to focus on the medical part first.
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Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Good points, thanks for taking the time to post this. I can't address all of them but I think lots of us can agree that 'organic' practices are cheaper and less work than salts and rockwool. That means those methods will prevail in the future.

Also, I think outdoor growing will prevail over indoor in most areas. Shipping will be less important as prices drop and good product is available locally. Fancy packaging that costs and weighs more than the product will disappear too.

I already know a local grower/vendor who will sell you flower on the stem intact (for better storage) and give you a refund for the weight of any parts you don't consume on return. His quality is MUCH better than any I've seen in a dispensary but you have to bring your own mason jar. Prices? Considerably lower than a dispensary.

I think the real threat to big canna is backyard growing. What will they do when there's a top quality five pounder at the end of every cul de sac?

Another thing to remember about recreational VS medical is that recreational is also preventive medicine.

I think the medical profession is woefully behind the times when it comes to cannabis. They've stayed out of the game too long and the bus left the station already. Citizen science has bypassed every other source at this point.

There's my 2c.

St. Phatty

Active member
How would people feel about carbon neutral, no salts as a designation for cannabis? What about if the product comes out less expensive? If anyone is wondering, in layman's terms that would mean that the current lab test has set the bar incredibly and unacceptably low. The one number, thc %, is the wrong target, although it might be best to focus on the medical part first.

Cannabis stops being carbon neutral the minute someone drives to a grow supply to buy manure - even if they drive in a Tesla.

As far as salts, they're a part of nature. Nitrate salts are how many plants obtain a good part of their nutrients.

Not that being aware of CO2 & NPK sources like rock phosphate etc. is bad, it's good (to be aware of those things.)

The market before Prop 215 was part recreational & part medical.

The medical part was people like me that discovered that pot worked better for heartburn than Zantac or Tagamet. For me that was in the 80's.

Growers' & customers' obsession with quality for themselves & their customers, has always been a part of the industry. But not the only part, sure some rec dispensaries sell 18 month old kif'ed buds.


Active member
Each person has their own view/experiences. I am one person saying at the very least that I do not completely trust medical testing companies. How would you ask a lawyer or doctor if Zantac is better than pot. Imagine what they would say. I bring up the testing, because I want to see or know or understand whether the chroma/spec machines can be calibrated for a list of known toxic carcinogenic chemicals. Perhaps more importantly, calibrated for not only terpenes but vitamins, minerals, beta-carotene and so on. Comparing inert media and maxibloom with soil. I feel the real double blind or unbiased test is near impossible to carry out. Something about each group/party/player having nearly everything at stake. Meaning who will allow, let alone believe, such a test? The machines are there but I am not assuming it has been done. You could just post on this message board five graphs or smoke signals from samples run through the machine. Grouped by how they were grown. But you would need to show all of the raw individual graphs from the beginning the entire graph, for all of the samples, with all of the parameters set the same all run the same way etc. To have at least one public assessment of chemicals, or toxins, or any compound good bad otherwise. This doesn't always work because any graph can be faked or manipulated, but at the same time it is possible to test evenly.