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Compost tea? Brewing tea?

Can someone explain this concept? I understand that goal is get boost your plants home with beneficials.

Do I actually have to brew it? And in what sense?

I’ve seen a lot threads about recipes. Is there one that everyone swears by?

I currently have a 30 gallon reservoir w an air stone and RO water. I use pro mix soil with ten gallon pots.


Brewing is aerating compost for usually a 24 hr period with other nutrient sources (like alfalfa for triacontanol and other things; kelp for micros, hormones, etc; oyster shell for calcium...etc...) and generally a sugar/ carb source for beneficial fungi and bacteria. It seems you already have all the gear. There are many, many recipes. Im still tinkering with mine so I would just look one up by searching on here and trying it, its the best way to go IMHO. You can use just compost teas and get the best results. Good luck!