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Metal halide vs HPS for flowering?


I'm also a first 4 weeks under MH, second 4 weeks under sodium grower. I've run pure halide start to finish and pure sodium start to finish and there is a small difference but like everyone has already said, not really a yeild difference. Currently, the halide for the first 4 weeks really controls the stretch and plant growth but the 400w sodium is my all time favorite bulb for flowering so I use it for the last 4 weeks. Something about the 400 sodium just gets the buds super sticky. The halide tends to make them a little more 'frosty' but the sodium makes them sticky, bigger trichs, more oily plant. If I had to choose one or the other, it would be sodium.


i seam to miss someone mentioning that HPS bulbs put out more lumins. i have a 1000wMH that gives 80000lums and when i put in ym 960w conversion bulb it gives me 125000 lumins, a good 45000 more. . . . my plants show grater growth because of the increase in lumins, . . . .


OG Refugee
^^But plants don't use lumens...lumens are a way for humans to identify the amount of light. Plants "see" PAR watts - and a certain MH bulb called the Agrosun Gold produces more PAR watts than most HPS lights :wink:


lumins is a name of a measurement for visabel light. the plant knows when it sees more light, right?? par, lumins watts. it dont matter more is more and less is less. im wondering why in my life YOUR the only one who has mentioned par wattage... i had to google it up myself.... so it looks like it has to do with wavelengths. my hortilux bulb has thoes wavelengths. it has to brand and quality, like usual...im laffing that none of my light packages has a par rating though...


Active member
Sounds like you're confused. "Lumens", and visible to human eyes, not plants. Unless your cultivar photosynthesizes through a pair of human eyes: "The lumen can be thought of casually as a measure of the total "amount" of visible light emitted." Visible to humans.

The PAR has to do with the wavelengths... yes... wavelengths usable for photosynthesis! What exactly does PAR stand for, anyways? Photosynthetically active, or alternatively available, radiation!


ahhh so par is that chart on the back of the boxes that show wavlengths... ?? the one on my hortilux bulb shows alot of blue for a hps....well nice to know that thing has a name!!!!


that also means that my 1000w mh is producing less usable energy to my plants as my 1000w hps??


excellent thread...and ahhhh, dan K, you have the best name on the boards.....lol


Little has been mentioned about agro bulbs... I have seen good thigns come from these expensive bulbs...


Active member
an old, but nonetheless interesting thread .

what i have gathered from this is that either bulb will produce a similar quantity and quality of buds. what i am thinking is that metal halide, used all the way through veg. AND flower will lessen stretch and thus might prove beneficial to those of us who are growing lanky sativa dominant plants. am i correct, or out to lunch here ?


If you have the option use the MH for veg and the HPS for flower. this will give you the best results.. but you can use eather all the way through..

Fat Tone

I would like to being this thread back since I know a few people on here are using blue spectrum 600 watters for flowering.


What I like for a small set up is run 1 400 watt Mh and 1 400 watt HPS . That way you get the best of both and none of the neg. Try it you will like what you see.


Active member
i would never grow with MH only through flowering just because i know what the plant prefers spectrum wise for each stage, i know it can be done, but HPS arent made for flowering for nothing.

i have to agree with roger, i ended up just using CFL's with my HPS, since im too cheap to buy a metal halide, works good, you can notice them both doing what their supposed to.

nowadays though there are different types of bulbs that provide so many different spectrums, now they have full spectrum HPS bulbs that im sure provide along the same lines of MH light, so thats a factor to look at also.

Space Ghost

at this stage of technology i say why not use both.

I highly agree
