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[250w HPS + 40w CFL] {DWC LST} ~ICE & Chrystal~ (Stealth Dresser)


Occasional User
I'd like to grab a seat too :wave: :lurk:

I'll take this opportunity to say thanks for all the great work in the link-o-rama too man. Can't tell ya how many times I've referenced it.

Good luck with this grow...I have no doubt it will be a good one.



Pass That S**t!
BonsaiGrower- Thanks for the props man, I'm glad its helping everyone out. :joint: I'll be sure to keep that baby updated; just make sure you keep giving me them links. :D Hope to see you around! :wave: (Nice grow, btw)

Han'- Damn! A pack of seeds from the tree youre describing would cost $200000! :yoinks: Lol i too wish it was real man...Maybe in the future when evolution is in its advanced stage, lol. Yea youre right, growing it is definatley worth it. :D If i want to fast foward things, then i might as well just go to a dealer. :whip: Thanks for stopping by. :wave:

Bounty- Awesome man! Great to see ya here. Goodluck with that SD-IBL grow. Thanks for stopping by! :wave:

I'll post new updates early tommorow, till then....Take care! :wave:
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Pass That S**t!
Ambient Conditions
Internal Temp: 75 F, External Temp: 71 F,
Res Temp: :confused:, Humidity: 41%,
Light Cycle Hours (on/off): 24/0

DAY 7 (Transplant)
81 :canabis: DAYS REMAINING
pH: 5.92, PPM: 430 @ .5 conversion
Chrystal STATUS
DAY 7 (Transplant)
84 :canabis: DAYS REMAINING
pH: 5.73, PPM: 417 @ .5 conversion

Today is the last day of the "transplant phase", which means the REAL fun will begin starting tommorow. Tommorow i'll raise the ppm to over 500 and eventually to 1000ppm (once they get big enough). I'll also start supplementing them with some floralicious grow, h202, hydroguard, epsom salts and rare earth.

I already started the LSTing of the ICE seedlings (Chrystals will get LST'd in a few days), they were a bit lankey so i just jumped right too it. I also gave all the seedlings an early FIM, in order to slow verticle growth and increase branching.

I just wanna say that liquified seaweed (kelp) DEFINATLEY increases root mass. I mean if you look at the root pics from my last grow diary in the same time frame, you'll see that the roots in this grow are MUCH more abundant. Thats because i didnt use any kelp in the last grow. In this grow however, i just added 5ml of maxicrop to every gallon and Viola! Rich beautiful roots in just 7 days! So i highly recommend the use of kelp during veg, you'll just love the results. :yes:


Single Chrystal Seedling:

Double Chrystal Seedlings:

:jerkit: Chrystal ROOT PORN :jerkit:

Ice Seedlings Beggining their Training:

:jerkit: ICE ROOT PORN :jerkit:

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Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Hey Pontiac!! Just read through your thread, and so far Im very impressed. Looks like u got ur shit pretty dialed in dude. Im gonna be pullin up a seat for this one...Peace. :dueling:



Registered Medical Patient
I grew ICE for my first grow ever...Had to tie the colas down so they would stay under the lites. forearm-sized colas of super frosty goodness. too bad I made a noob mistake and dried it all in a dehydrater!!DOH!!!Later...........


Pass That S**t!
Damn thanks for the heads up Zues; I better double train the ice then lol. :D Even tho you put the bud in a dehydrater, you still got the effect right? If so, then what was the effects from smoking the Ice like? Was it a stoney couchlock effect? or was it a jumpy high effect? :joint:

Anyway thanks for stopping by man :yes: and thanks for the props. :wave:
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Nice roots man :yes:

Looks like you got your methods all worked out. I bet you those babies veg out fast in that setup.

Here we go... :lurk:


Registered Medical Patient
If I remember correctly, it DID get me high, but it tasted like shiite!!!I took em down a little early, but the high was a nice heady, body high. I really wish I knew better back then, that ICE wouldve been some killer shit!!! They grow super fast too with lots of branching, just a heads up!!!

- Zeus


Pass That S**t!
TML- Thanks man! :wave: I owe it all to maxicrop and my other seaweed (kelp) based nutes. Kelp is the shit man, it literally increases root mass by atleast 100%. :yes:
Damn i'm pretty sure im gonna get an explosion of growth within the next few days, just like the ak48's from the last grow. This means i'm gonna have to hone up my LST knowledge asap; Got any advice for a good LST TML? :chin:

Zues- Yea man i'm already getting a taste of ICE's super fast growth. Theyre growing MUCH faster than my chrystals and my previous AKs. :yoinks: I can already tell that LSTing them will be a biatch.
Wow :yoinks: Ice must really be dank if you got high from premature dehydrated bud. Sounds like i'll enjoy it alot from the way you described the effects. thanks for stopping by! :wave:

Well any way, i was wondering if you guys can help me out; one of my main goals is to find this particular high. I remember when i was younger i smoked this super dank weed that put me into a 1000% couchlock. When i closed my eyes i would see little rainbow dots moving all around; Kinda like a computers screen saver. My entire body was tingly, my mood was very calm, and all my friends had similar experiences. It was probably the most pleasurable high of my life. I've been smoking different weeds over the years, but none of them fit the description. Do you guys know of a strain that fits this description??
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Active member
hey pontaic I just finished a grow of femaleseeds ICE which is skunk x whitewhidow - I am not sure if it is the same as the nirvina ICE but if it is - this stuff sure is couchy - taste is weird - strong but leafy buds - I'll go take some pictures....


edit - here they are after a 2 week cure - smell is really funky

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Pass That S**t!
:D Awesome man thanks! :D I hope my ice will be couchy! :joint: I'm getting tired of heart-pounding; jumpy weed. thanks again SB! :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
u know dude, if u let that ICE go till u see 20% or 30% amber trichs, it'll def. have a hard couchlock effect. I didnt take mine down premature, just too early for the strain. I got antsy, and took em when the trichs were mostly cloudy and clear. Like I said, if I had known then...let em go as long as they need and I guarantee a good couchlock. I did have some later buds that put me out good. and some killer ISO oil!!!! Peace.

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Didn't know the genetic line behind ICE.

Skunk X WW isn't that the same as Great White Shark? :chin:
GWS is described as Brazilian Super Skunk X South Indian White Widow...but probably similar eh?

From Sugarbear' stash...it looks like you're in for a tasty grow Pontiac :yummy:

LST is pretty simplistic. Only real good advice I can give is to use something that can expand a bit to tie with. I find candlewick works for me...or a thicker thread.
I've learned small twines can cut stems, or even get grown over by the stem.
They are harder to untie too...which I've caused damage just trying to untie. Bigger threads easily tie and untie, and allow a little give room :yes:
I'm sure you'll do a bang up job :smile:
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Pass That S**t!
Zues- My bad, i didnt mean to say premature, lol. Hmm, i plan on letting them flower for 63 days, how many days did you let your ice flower for? Thanks again for stopping by bro :wave:

TML- Lol, thats an awesome coincedance, thanks for bringing that up. :yes: If i like ice alot, then i'm definatley getting GWS. :D Ive noticed that the price for gws is just right too. Remind me to get a pack after im done with this grow.
Thanks for the lst advice, i remember how hard it was using smaller threads; i cant believe i'm using small threads right now. :eek: I do recall packn2puff recommending 22-18 awg wire. Thanks for the advice tml! :wave:
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Active member
Yeah going great Pontiac, I'm learning a lot from this. But it's gonna be a while untill i go hydro, I like it simple; put it in dirt with a light and some water a nute here and there lol perfect.
i'm sure there are strains that are better suited for hydro and others for dirt just like inside and outside?! is that right? can anyone name some??




Pass That S**t!
Han'- Fine, i'll do a small update :D, Just give me a few.

Anyway hydro isnt as hard as it looks, just be sure to keep the pmm @ the correct level for the current phase, keep the pH between 5.1 and 6, and you'll do just fine.

If you wanna beggin hydro, then stick with chemical nutes for the first few hydro grows, and not organic/orgainic based nutes. Organics dont dissolve immediatly, so it'll be difficult to keep pH and TDS under control. :wallbash: You should jump into organic hydro after you get a bit more experienced. Theres a bit more things a hydro begginer should know, but i think that covers most of it.

Yea there are some strains that just loooovves hydro. SeriousSeeds's chronic is one of the BEST hydro strains; its also pretty good for soil too. I know theres alot more out there, but i forget. Thanks for stopping by! :wave:

MLB- Thanks for the comment! Hope to see you around. :wave:
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Pass That S**t!
Ambient Conditions
Internal Temp: 79 F, External Temp: 73 F,
Res Temp: :confused:, Humidity: 53%,
Light Cycle Hours (on/off): 18/6

DAY 11 (Vegetative DAY 4)
77 :canabis: DAYS REMAINING
pH: 5.38, PPM: 550 @ .5 conversion
Chrystal STATUS
DAY 11 (Vegetative DAY 4)
80 :canabis: DAYS REMAINING
pH: 5.31, PPM: 535 @ .5 conversion

Ok heres just a small update. (update is about yesturday, today is really day 12)

I'm very happy with the fact that the chrystals are VERY sativa and the Ice are VERY indica. Now i dont have to get tired of getting the same effect everytime; I can get an indica effect for while and then switch over to a sativa effect. I cant wait!!! :D :joint:

Well anyway I did a res change and raised the ppm to well over 500; they look like they can handle it. I also supplemented them with some floralicious grow, rare earth, hydroguard, h202 and Epsom a while back; they seem to be loving it alot. Their growth exploded after i added those supplements.

I FIM'd them a while back too, but it didnt work out that well. Only one of the chrystals grew more tops, the others just kept growing. So today i topped off the ones that didnt FIM that well.

Well here are some pics:

Chrystal- Very Sativa

ICE- Very Indica

ALL (i added a little fan for better circulation)
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Pass That S**t!
Ambient Conditions
Internal Temp: 80 F, External Temp: 75 F,
Res Temp: :confused:, Humidity: 49%,
Light Cycle Hours (on/off): 18/6

DAY 17 (Vegetative DAY 10)
71 :canabis: DAYS REMAINING
pH: 5.59, PPM: 634 @ .5 conversion
Chrystal STATUS
DAY 17 (Vegetative DAY 10)
74 :canabis: DAYS REMAINING
pH: 5.45, PPM: 601 @ .5 conversion

:jump: Happy 420 Everyone!! :headbange

Well i went away for two days and came back surprised to see that the ph has risen to over 7 and the tds went over 700 (from under 550)! :yoinks:

I shouldve listen to my own advice and used caution when adding organic nutes/supplements. As we all know, organic nutes dont dissolve immediatley like chemical nutes, but instead the organic nutrients slowly release over time.

I actually expected a rise of 50 ppm and the ph to stay under 6, but this just blew me away. However, all the plants except one ice did not recieve any damage from this staggering rise. The single ice recieved some nasty burns (pic below), but has been doing alot better ever sinse i've kept a closer eye at the ph and tds.

So my advice to you is please keep an eye out for the ph and tds when using organics, especially with organic hydro.

Well anyway, that was a few days back. Today however, theyre looking very very nice. The new growth shows absolutley no evidence of ph and/or tds burns. (I lowered the ph and tds)

In about a week and a half, i'll do something i never did before, and thats reduce the light cycle to slightly under 18 hours a day in order to promote pre-flower growth. The plants will be under a 16/8 light cycle rather than an 18/6 light cycle. This will speed up pre-flower growth for early sex determination and prepare them for 12/12. Hopefully this new light cycle isnt a hermie maker.

Well anyway take care and have a nice 420! Btw, what weed did you all toke on for this special day?

All Chrystal-

All ICE-

ICE alkaline burn-

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