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'New to CocO! HeLP-PLeaSE!


Active member
Hey People,

My mate has just made an impulse buy and gone n got himself a new Wilma Rig with Hydroton, Canna Coco+ (Bag of) & Canna Coco nutes to match.
Can any you top/nice' coco growers out there help him out.
Do's-Dont's will's wont's etc.
If any one can help please give us some feedback as i'm pretty cluless when it comes to coco!! We would be very gratefull-Nice-one!

Thanks in advance for your time...Peace'.....Scroger'

(If anyone has used the Canna Coco+, some tips would be Great-cheers'
(Ps- if i posted in the wrong place then please excuse me!)


Read the stickys...they are full of good info. Theres even one titled " Good coco grow guide, anyone?... anyone?" That has some good info too.