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I hate the US healthcare system


Active member
The majority of people that benefitted from Obamacare came from the fact that many states(not mine though)greatly increased the Medicaid rolls so people that are basically poor could have health care,and that's cool.The problem became that so many working middle class folk got screwed out of their normal doctors and healthcare systems.When I had to stop working and tried to buy Obamacare I couldn't believe just how unaffordable it really was!I mean if you were able to afford the premiums which were ridiculously high,the deductables made the whole scene totally insane.I couldn't come close to making it work for me and I'm sure for millions of others.The Nordic countries are probably the best example of a gov't healthcare system that actually works.Unfortunately the average American over years of "brainwashing" seems to feel that a gov't run system somehow infringes on their freedom to choose.Baldy gov't Scott is so intent on creating jobs that he's neglected to keep the average Floridian healthy enough to fill them.The first thing I did a few years back when I had to give up my job was to attempt to apply for Medicaid.I was told they are no longer accepting people for the "rolls" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.To me it meant Medicaid doesn't exist in Florida anymore.And if I could classify myself I've always been more of a Libertarian that leans slightly right on most major issues.Not this one though.Too bad the Dems. had to screw Bernie


Active member
Yes, we Americans are brainwashed. It's easy to control a populace when our school systems let us down as they're 'designed' to do. IOW, we're 'ignernt' and 'stoopit'. Combine that with greed and selfishness of the 'one percent' ruling class and the result is disastrous.

I would have voted for Bernie too. The effing Dem party is just as corrupt and greedy as the effing Rep party. I voted straight Libertarian!!

SCREW this lousy two-party cluster-ffff!!