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Legalization in Canada, how are things there?

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
my renewal forms had a box asking if i required start up materials. I checked no.
Still got my paperwork processed just fine.
78 plant legal and having my request to increase that processed right now.
I ended up going back to my pain specialist, tho it took me 7 months to get a call back and appointment. He's not the doctor i got my original license thru but he helped me right away regardless. Cost me 110.00 for administrative costs. Faxing, filing out forms ect. His secretary did it all, I just had to show and sign everything.
anyhow, applying to increase my plant counts ect, is gonna cost me some cash but whatever.... I got some plans and the government can go phuck themselves :D
Can't work with the little lying punk trudeau , but I can work with aboriginal business development and health canada :D


Active member
Are the good folks in Canada enjoying their gamma irradiated cannabis, with a chaser of pesticide?

How is the Health Canada cannabis now?
Howdy, Canada is introducing legislation to legalize cannabis in April 2017. It won't be an overnight process, heard it might take up to 2 years after the legislation is passed before new laws kick in... It will be legal by the time Trudeau's mandate is over unless early elections is called for. Bureaucracy is a slow process, it is far from being perfect because they are trying to accommodate people from both sides of the fence while getting the biggest possible piece of the cake. There is a committee responsible for suggesting to health canada how things should be done, I think the mmar licensed medical producers/ caregivers are also part of the suggested model for legalisation. It will be a fully regulated market and it will probably vary from province to province different city's and towns will have their own by-laws. Big licensed medical producers will start the show because they have the advantage of already being there and are trusted by health canada but I'm sure that there will be a place for small craft producers also as these are the real players in this game, we are the ones who have created and supplied the market so far, we offer a much higher quality finish product because we personally tend to the plants ourselves on a daily basis and this is the most important part of offering a high quality product.. Big black market producers growing crap weed, harvesting early to get more crops, not flushing and using pesticides and other toxic substances, steal the electricity that is used to grow who also tend to bring prices down with their inferior product will probably disappear within a few years after legalisation. I can see the laws changing quite a bit the first few years as it probably won't be perfect and people will challenge the unfair laws. The wheels are in motion, current players all dream of becoming legal tax paying producers hopefully this will be the case but I can see bad things coming from legalisation, seems like a lot of bs hearing what our neighbors down south have to say.. Trudeau claims he wants it legal to control it and get rid of criminals but there laws are the reason we are criminals, they'll change the law we will still be perceived as criminals while friends of the liberal government and corporations with big money will take over the market and be good law abiding business's. This is how things work, corruption greed and big money decides. It's hard not to get excited about law changes but at the same time it's easy to be pessimistic because bureaucracy is flawed and tends to over complicate simple things. Keep your head up stay smart and keep doing what you have been doing until you can't anymore, it's all about cutting in the profits of a big money business, so keep doing it tax free until then !

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Trudeau is a lying little snivelling piece of shit with a fucking hairdoo.
He is letting Bill Blair and the chiefs of police of canada rule over the future of recreational pot in canada. Police have no business being involved in the process other than to sit back and wait for the government to direct them on how to enforce the alledged new laws.

In the meantime, we have street drugs flowing like rivers into our most impoverished communities.... kinda reminds me of the days back when the cia was accused of feeding the ghettos cocaine. people dropping like flies from overdoses and living in squalor with completely unsupported mental health issues. With solutions slapping them in the face that they choose to ignore , instead it's flood millions into overdose training and counselling on how to interact with the mentally ill. LOL free naloxone for everyone and now they want the government to allow doctors to perscribe clean pharmaceutical drugs to these people so they can put the street dealers out of business.

Ya'all see what's happening here right? The powers that be are so money starved and power hungry, that even they are now ready to stoop to the levells of killing the black market so that money flows to them instead of the people. it's not about medicine , it's not about your choice to smoke weed, it's not about curing the mentally ill or severely addicted.... it's just another cash cow that until now, was morally and legally not availlable to these life sucking schmucks.

ya, that's the situation in canada.
Lol, I think you're right it's a grim view of our system but it's a very accurate view of how things work arround here but not only in canada but most other "free countries" the poor get poorer and fucked by this capitalism system that we are forced to live with. I think the elite big money players that overlook presidents and ministers have taken their plan for total domination a few steps further. The have raised grocery prices to an all time high, if your middle to lower class the system is arranged to keep you there, you get your pay wich has barely increased in the last 17 years while all other costs of life have increased threefold if not more, you get food for you and your family, you pay rent/mortgage and pay for utilities, a piece of shit car and there's nothing left. It's impossible for many of us to get out of poverty. Throw in some alcool and some hard drugs to fuck there lives even further.. Big corporations/ elite puppeteer have figured out how to increase their profits and minimise there expenses with them making record profits. Something like 4-5 corporations own 90% of food/grocery companies, we are nothing more than cash cows to them, they don't want things to change. They have been planning this for a while and keep tightening the screw on our finances and rights, the rich and elite want one world,one country and thats what it's going to come to.If they do not comply or play by the rules you are locked up, trown in the loony bin or publicly humiliated for being different and marginal. How many hundred billions are spent on defense, police ,army's war machine and homeland security? Enough to help out 3rd world countries have food, drinking water and medicine I'm almost certain about that, wouldn't equality create a more mellow vibe for the entire planet, less violence, less fighting. The planet is already overpopulated and basic resources are steadily diminishing, why would we want to cure aids and cancer? It's the other way arround, they have started finding clever ways to systematically get rid of what they consider useless poor people from countries nobody gives a shit about, genocides, secret covert wars and even gmo vaccines to take out entire populations, if we don't wake up soon we might as well give them all our basic freedoms and rights, they have been manufacturing consent since world war ll some would say they have been doing this since the beginning of time through secret societies which are usually controlled by the richest and most influential, the elites as we have come to know them, each and every country has them, they lurk in political background and pull the strings, they have created a semi transparent system that is designed to use us and make us there slaves, they have implemented a very elaborate system that they do not need to watch over us they gave the ball a push in the direction they wanted. We have been mislead since childhood both from our parents before us and the conformity factory's we call schools. This is so elaborate that most of us spend our entire lives living this illusion without ever realising it.They have created an autonomous slavery system that gives us a certain feel of freedom, it's nothing but an illusion, money does not really exist, its the carrot on the stick designed to make us there donkeys. How much longer do you think such a system can continue before we have bled this planet dry? Sorry to have such a pessimistic view but my own independent thinking and personal observations after living on this great planet for 35 yrs have made me come to my own idea's, psychedelics, pot, the internet, free thinking and a higher sense of perception has led many of us to wake up from this weird life situation you are handed as a young adult. The tv and some internet media are obviously fake and controlled kind of weird some people will never realize that, just too obvious, alot of the history we are taught is fake or has been manipulated and changed. They print the paper and we spend our lives chasing it and trading our souls in exchange. I have worked at the private ultra luxurious domain of one of Canada's elite puppeteer, his name is Robert Gratton, he's partners with the Desmarais family, some would say they are the ones pulling the Liberal party's strings for the past 50 years.. Desmarais/ Gratton are the owners of a little empire known as Power Corporation, name say's it all... They own and control everything from tv stations, 3/4 of the newspapers in Qc, bus companies and last but not least the liberal party which is arguably the biggest political force in Canada. This is how it's done, look it up if you have time look at henry bourassa, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin and several that were there before that they have been Canada's leading men and every single one of them has been led by the 2 names I have stated above it's been speculated and proven and Google it you'll see I'm right. I worked twice on this mans private domain, he owns many propreties but I think this one is his biggest, he owns places all over Canada, he has a place in Colorado and in Florida and also quite the sky lodge in the Alps I hear. This guy own 4 square kilometers on the side of lake Memphremagog, lets just say a single acre no property will fetch 1/2 a million $ on this lake, so how many acres can you fit in 4 km2 ? Lol he has over 10 km of paved roads all over this domain, he has 5 permanent houses there 1-2 million $ /house, for him and his family for when they come visit. His boat house contains a miny yacht, the boathouse itself is bigger then most of your houses, worth at least half a million $. His daughter got married to our former prime minister Jean Chretien's son in 2007, they chose to get married on her father's private domain, for the marriage tbe father decided to convert 5 acres of his property into a roman era recreation of a huge glassed in temple all made out of marble/stone with a series of stairs to get up to the temple, at the bottom was more elaborate stone work and paved rock with this incredible stone fountain as a centre piece the company I was working for at the time was hired to help build the fountain according to specs along with the masons and stone workers I could not even put a price on this entire project, the fountain alone ended up costing something stupid like 200 000$ we had to restart it halfway through because mr gratton was not sastisfied the design was too plain for his taste we left the job site for 2 weeks while he had his personal architect redesign the fountain and the previous one was demolished and practically everything except the pump was thrown out. I remind you that this was only for his daughters marriage, I heard from my former employer that it was all demolished two years later for another project of his. His entire domain is like a sims game to this guy, unlimited recourses I tell you f***ing crazy ass unimaginable wealth and recourses, we built 6 big ponds there he enjoys water gardens, we created 6 completely artificial ponds that are all connected to one another with little rivers, we spent a summer just bulldozing and excavating and shaping the land into a steady downwards slope, we had 75 000$ of landscaping rocks at our disposal and a small excavation company supplied to help us do the work he had us re start several of the things he was not happy with not even concerned about cost. We ended up installing a 50 000$ pump the size of a small car garage in the lake itself which is totally illegal thats why we had to do it at night.. The lake was about a km downwards from the ponds so we had to build a retaining reservoir of 40 000 gallons with another pump that fed the ponds and little waterfalls. Each ponds was made from comlacted clay no pond liners only liners used were in between the ponds for the rivers. Total project for the build was close to 1 million with all the aquatic plants and landscaping arround the ponds. He hire's seasonal workers to maintain all of this, he has 12 guy's mowing the lawns all summer long, 2different types of grass 2 different types of mowers don't want those grasses mixing now do we.. His entire proprety is like a golf green, with automatic irrigation everywhere, 2-3 irrigation specialist work there full summer. Then theres the cute flower and garden girls we called them, wich is about 10 girls all summer to rake leaves water flower beds everywhere and pulling weeds. He has stables with horses probably worth more than you and me. He's got construction and excavation guys all over the place buildingand demolishing whatever idea he has, built a japenese style temple / gazebo by the ponds cost 300 000$ all hand crafted with best materials and carpenters available. Built a storage facility and lunch area for the employees and the golf carts and tractors and atvs looks like one of those medieval castle town where you cross the gate and it's like a big square fortress with the middle is big open outside area this thing is ten times size of my house and i have 3500 sq foot house fing crazy. This building and demolishing has been going on for past 18 year, residents of the small municipality have petitioned and complained for years about noise and constant dump trucks and dust without success. The guy has a helicopter landing pad and hes known to leave by helicopter with his personal pilot. It's beyond movie star rich, you can't possibly imagine what I'm describing without seeing it. Not just big mansion with flashy luxyry car collection, unlimited wealth, resources and most importantly power, maybe the head of a large cocaine cartel could match this... And this is just one elitist, the resources they have is probably enough to end world famine. Sick fucking world we're these people use us to obtain what they have. They sell the souls of their brother's and sisters. This is the crew pulling Trudeau's strings, if you don't believe my story check out Robert Gratton/ Paul Demarais Georgeville Quebec on google. If they have told him to legalize you bet your ass they plan to make some sort of profit from us otherwise they wouldn't bother with a costly legislation just to accommodate our rights. All right I'm ok got a bit of a nose bleed from over thinking, I'll just take off my tinfoil faraday helmet and go take a nap.


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Active member
It is all about crony capitalism here. Licensed producers with hedge fund financing and exchange listings. None of this has anything to do with social justice or healthcare.The public can see through this charade and it is all getting very annoying. The Trudeau government is treating cannabis legalisation as if it was a supply problem. That mentality is common among war on drugs types. Cannabis will continue to be seen being treated as a law enforcement issue under the new legislation. People haven't had trouble getting cannabis anywhere in Canada for decades. What the government is doing is turning into a hot mess. The informal market is well entrenched in Canada whether is be though dispensaries, friends or online sales and mom and pop shops. People are still being prosecuted in court rooms today as we speak. It might take decades to eliminate the informal market which is already well established and the only way to possibly eliminate the informal market will be resorting to repressive laws and regulations which defeat the intended purposes of legalisation.


Well-known member
SAJLMFAO Smoking a joint (in public) laughing my fucking ass off.

Just keep telling your self that hiding in the dark and fearing arrest is the way to go.

Yup the Government gets ten percent of the four plants you are allowed to grow. ;)

Enjoying life while Chicken Little of the world cower in fear at any little change, never mind cannabis legalization. And criminals loose their cash cow.

Lost in a SOG

You guys are on it!

Fuck all these corporate/crown inns of temple subservient career politicians spread throughout the empire officiating and taxing us to death.

It would be awesome if Canada was given back to the natives. Canadians are so level headed and chill you could make it work. That would stick in Amouricas craw and its faux "democratic" system so badly!

Fuckem first because they will fuck you.


Active member
Only an LP will be able to sell the product to the public. No craft or home grows allowed. Considering the ongoing lawsuits about contaminated product by patients and the amount of recalls as well as a lack in quality products, it seems absurd that this model would prove successful.

Canada is creating a model for Cannabis sales on an international basis. Jamaica, Mexico and other delegates from the UN urged Canada to think clearly about the strictness of regulations due to the fact they will in return affect the lives of those in their countries.

Once again it needs to be stated STRICTLY CONTROL AND REGULATE is the goal of The Cannabis Act.

Rocky Mtn Squid

U.S. reportedly issuing lifetime travel bans for anyone remotely connected to Weed

U.S. reportedly issuing lifetime travel bans for anyone remotely connected to Weed

U.S. reportedly issuing lifetime travel bans for anyone even remotely connected to Canada's legal cannabis industry
Canada's cannabis industry is quickly going corporate, but U.S. border agents are reportedly issuing travel bans to anyone involved, regardless of whether they're wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt, a lab coat, or a suit


Imagine it's six months from now and you've developed a brilliant blend of fertilized soil that's proven especially beneficial to the growth of cannabis plants.
It's January 2019 and cannabis is fully legal in Canada. You've obtained every permit required to develop, market, and sell your invention. Everything is above board.

You know that marijuana remains very much illegal in the United States. It's a Schedule I drug, in fact, which classifies it alongside heroin and cocaine with a determination it has "no medical value" and therefore no legal application of any sort.

But you don't consume cannabis yourself. And neither you nor any of your company's employees actually touch a cannabis plant when conducting your daily business. You're not a pothead. You're an edaphologist. A scientist. You simply sell soil to companies who employ people who happen to grow marijuana.

So why would you worry you ever might have a problem at Canada's border with the United States?

Because U.S. authorities could consider that nutritious blend of dirt that you developed close enough to the cannabis industry that they ban you from travelling to the United States for the rest of your life.

That's the scenario described in a frightening report out this week (July 5) in Star Metro Vancouver.

"In addition to those who have used marijuana, Canadians who are involved with the cannabis economy have been labelled 'inadmissible because they are considered to be living off the profits of the drug trade," reads an article by Star Metro Vancouver staff reporter Perrin Grauer. "Once banned for life, they must seek legal waivers from an immigration lawyer—good for between one and five years—for the rest of their lives when they wish to cross the border."

Grauer's article recounts a recent trip that Jay Evans, CEO of Keirton Inc., tried to make to the United States with two colleagues. The group was heading to a meeting where they hoped to convince American counterparts to collaborate on a machine for cannabis production.

“We had not yet designed the product, we had not yet marketed the product, and we’d not yet sold the product,” Evans told Star Metro Vancouver.

Regardless, they'd caught the interest of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

"During routine questioning, one of the three men mentioned their design would eventually be used in the Canadian cannabis industry, and they were immediately taken into the secondary inspection facility for further scrutiny," Star Metro Vancouver reports.

"Keirton is not involved with the production, distribution or sale of cannabis. But because its equipment is explicitly intended to be used by people who are, Evans and his colleagues were told after a six-hour interview they were 'drug traffickers' according to U.S. federal law," the article continues.

All three men were issues lifetime bans that forbid them from entering the United States of America.

But haven't a number of U.S. states legalized cannabis? Aren't there booming markets for the drug in the U.S. itself?

Yes, a number of states have legalized recreational cannabis and more than 30 have legalized medicinal cannabis.

But the production, distribution, and simple possession of cannabis—whether recreational or medicinal—remains completely illegal at the federal level of the U.S. government. And the United States' borders fall under federal jurisdiction. This means that for the foreseeable future, it sounds like any resident of Vancouver even remotely connected to Canada's totally legal cannabis industry is going to have something to worry about if they attempt to drive down to Seattle for a weekend.

How many Canadians could be affected?

In 2017, Statistics Canada estimated that nearly five million Canadians spent roughly $5.7 billion on cannabis.

A recent analysis by Bloomberg found that there are 84 public companies in Canada traded on stock exchanges that are related to cannabis. They're worth an estimated $48.64 billion.

According to a June 2018 report by Forbes, it's estimates that Canada will create 150,000 jobs when cannabis legalization takes effect on October 17, 2018.

Since most provinces and territories (including B.C.) have decided to sell recreational marijuana via stores and online outlets owned by provincial authorities, many Canadians at risk of U.S. travel bans will be employees of a provincial government.

Source: https://www.straight.com/cannabis/1101001/us-reportedly-issuing-lifetime-travel-bans-anyone-even-remotely-connected-canadas



Jonny Lan

Well-known member
Living in Canada and praying for the culture and community here. all might be lost soon to cannabis "industry"


Active member

JJ McCullough is a nutbar Western Canadian author who despises all things Liberal in general -- and Trudeau in particular. JJ McCullough would declare Trudeau an abject failure if he stabilized all Global climate change, Cured All Cancer, single-handedly developed cold-fusion, AND engineered a working warp drive.

Fuck JJ McCullough. Fuck that guy, entirely. I have no idea why the WashPo uses him as a stringer -- but he's a fucking idiot.


Active member
Only an LP will be able to sell the product to the public. No craft or home grows allowed. Considering the ongoing lawsuits about contaminated product by patients and the amount of recalls as well as a lack in quality products, it seems absurd that this model would prove successful.

This is misinformation. LPs are licensed federally to sell directly to medical patients under the ACMPR. Recreational is handled differently and is on a province by province basis.

Some LPs are expected to be licensed for sale of Rec weed in Alberta and Manitoba. Whether that will prove to be the case in Ontario is not yet known but is expected news next week. Put simply: Ontario is where the money is. At 14.4 million people, if Ontario was a US state? It would be the fifth largest (Only Cali, Texas, Florida and NY State are bigger than Ontario). So that's major dollars on the table and it is expected in this new plot-twist that all private industry will be able to own and operate retail pot (that they must buy from the Province of Ontario's LCBO division acting as sole distributor). I expect the LPs will be heavily investing in owning/operating retail stores. This is welcomed -- extremely welcomed -- news. The details on this new development are expected to be released on Tuesday, July 31, 2018.

The LPs have massive capital at their disposal. It's in the billions of dollars. They have been pouring it all in to get ready for recreational sales. Medical has always merely just been a smokescreen for the LPs so that they can gear up for recreational weed. The strains they will be able to offer for sale in October 2018 have expanded from those they were allowed to grow for medical use by literally about 1,000 times the strains previously permitted, so we have no idea what they will be selling in October. If you can buy a seed or a clone somewhere, anywhere in the world? It can be sold in Canada as rec weed on October 17, 2018. (Note: That was not the law under the ACMPR, which restricted the available strains for a number of ostensible reasons, all of which were requested by the LPs themselves as a form of IP protection for the strains they were attempting to exclusively license for rec purposes. Anyway - all of that cloak 'n dagger strain restriction stuff is gone now, as is all IP protection for strains developed prior to October 2018).

My guess though is that it will be pretty damned good weed for Agribusiness. Top shelf connoisseur weed? Not from the warehouse grows, no. But licensed micro growers ARE allowed to participate in the market. They can sell to an LP, who can in turn sell to a distributor (the provincial Government in every case in Canada, regardless of the province). So craft cannabis will come in via that route. I expected the top shelf weed there to be as good as any other AAAAA, though expensive as hell.

There were a couple of product recalls for mould contamination among the tens of thousands of lots that were tested by government labs over the course of medical cannabis sales. This is a recall rate that is miniscule. We typically see higher recall rates in the food and beverage sector than has been the case with medical cannabis. Math is sometimes hard -- but that's not an excuse to not actually do it and get it right. So you are just wrong about what you said about "massive recalls" -- and not just a little bit wrong, ok?

As for your comments that there is no home growing, that's just wrong. The Cannabis Act permits 4 plants per residential dwelling, inside or out. There is no plant height restriction and no restriction on the amount of weed you can harvest or keep at your home. None. ZERO weight restrictions.

Two provinces, Quebec and Manitoba, have purported to enact legislation that bans home growing. This legislation attempts to take away what the Federal government has given under the Cannabis Act's amendments to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). Provincial acts which attempt to amend the CDSA are not constitutional and will be struck down when challenged as they offend the paramountcy rule of interpreting Canada's constitution. Unlike the United States, Canada has only one criminal law. Not 12, not 3, just one. And the only government which has jurisdiction over crime is the Federal government.

All that was decided in the late 19th century in relation to the prohibition of alcohol, by the way. The law surrounding it is 125 years old. Every lawyer in the land knows that legislation cannot survive a challenge. It's why the Prohibitionists unsuccessfully tried to amend the Cannabis Act in the Senate to permit the provinces to ban home growing. Without that amendment, everybody knew Quebec and Manitoba's legislation would be struck down. Trudeau stuck to his guns and the hostile amendment to the Cannabis Act was not permitted.

So those prohibitionist laws will be struck down by the courts on first contact. That has not happened yet as the laws are not yet in effect until October 2018. But they will be struck by the courts of Quebec and Manitoba, as surely as day follows night.

As far as being able to grow four plants, outside, without any height or weight restrictions? I don't about you -- but outside? That's somewhere between a shit ton and a fuck load of weed if you can manage to bring it in to harvest without mildew, mould, bud rot, or frost killing your harvest. I have no problems with a 4 plant personal limit. It's certainly not great for breeding, but for a personal grow of rec weed? It's fine. (Note: Plant limits for medical patients are calculated differently and are not governed by the Cannabis Act. Med patients can grow more than four).

As for possession limits outside the home? Walking around outside your home or in your car? You can carry 30 grams (a little more than an ounce). That's fine by me.

You can also give away your weed, 30 grams at a time. For those who grow outside and find themselves in November with way too much dried weed? My guess is that Xmas 2019 will be a record year for opening up ounces of weed under the tree, gifted by a friend or relative for Xmas.


Active member
The Trudeau government was totally dismissive of arguments about social justice, health care and the rights of indigenous peoples. It is all about investor driven profits and crony capitalism. Not a very good model. The government wasted countless hours of time and attention on legalisation when a much simpler model of decriminalisation would have worked. The government never considered decriminalisation or not for profit cooperatives for recreational or medical users. Albert Einstein once said always choose the most elegant solution. Everything is looking horribly clumsy and there are going to be many people still winding up on the wrong side of the fence and getting prosecuted and facing criminal records. That defeats the intended benefits of legalisation. NASDAQ listed pot companies? Wall Street is full of people with bent moral compasses.


Well-known member
Enjoying the rush of doing something for the first time. Laughing while extremists both narcs and hippies claim its the end of the world as they know it.

SAJLMFAO Smoking a joint laughing my fucking ass off.