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My Doc Report


now at peace
I put off seeing my doc cause I hate bad news but this morning we sat down and checked all the labs and I'm doing great.

Depsite having HCV from birth my liver panel is normal.
My lipid panel (cholesterol, LDL, etc.) is entirely normal and blood pressure great for an old guy (130/78).

The doc just grinned about my cookie regime for the treatment of myofacial pain and agreed it sure beat surgery, narcotics, or steroids. He told me so long as I felt cannabis was controlling my pain he was dropping the Celebrex because of it's possible side effects to kidney and liver.

So great news except we have to do one more test since my kidney's are showing some problems. This is not unusual in diabetes. My Type 1 is pretty brittle and we're fighting to get my sugars down.

This sure was a different doctors visit than the ones I'm used to. Cannabis sure has helped big time.

Dr. jay


Well, now that Mr. Ashcroft is in the hospitial, I wonder if he is thinking about MJ? Nahh, hes too delerious from all the spank they have him on now.

Keep us updated Doc. God Bless.

As always Doc, the Lord is on our side! One day, we shall follow our leader into paradise, a paradise where sickness and harm is unknown. Thats my place......


now at peace
On February 1, 1997 I too passed a gall stone into my pancreas. I was taken by ambulance in hypovolemic shock. During the ride to the trauma unit I lost pulse and blood pressure.

It is difficult to exaggerate the pain and illness associated with severe pancreatitis. I was heavily medicated for the next three years and continued to be gravely ill with pseudocysts, ascites, and diabetes. My weight went from 180 pounds to 115.

After surgery etc. I was given a terminal diagnosis and basically went home to my mother's to make last arrangements (hard to do with a couple of Fentanyl patches).

I continued to decline and languish until I began smoking cannabis. It helped my appetite, quelled nausea, and eventually enabled me to stop all narcotics.

This gall bladder pancreatitis nearly killed me and created a life long disability. Still, cannabis helped save my life and enables me to function far above what any thought possible just three years ago.

As much as I detest the actions of John Ashcroft, I'm sorry to hear he has this problem unless by some cosmic miracle he comes to cannabis as I did.

Dr. Jay


Dr.Jay- I am glad to hear you are doing good. I wish you the best of luck with everything. Keep up the great grows. I'm really glad to hear that you don't need the narcotics/opiates. Those are bad news. I'm kinda stuck in the pain-killer rut at the moment. Getting off of them is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I'm still trying to get off them.

Well, Best wishes to you. Let me know how the up-coming test goes.



now at peace
Dear TN,

Ya know I'm pretty happy about not needing narcotics but it's my wife and family that are really thrilled. It's NOT the narcotics fault. I mean I needed them and may need them again in the future.

The problem was that I was so depressed. When I started drinking hard booze with the narcotics it was a very sad sight. On an average lousy day I took:

60 mg methadone
300-400 ml of cognac

While I can drink a bit today it's a lot less. I can maybe dog down three shots of good single barrel or a couple of glasses of wine. Without the narcotics and sedatives on board it's a whole different deal.

Actually, these past three years, cannabis has seriously interfered with my drinking :) If I smoke a bowl or a 2 gram fatty of Lifesaver or Train Wreck then even a single glass of wine or a shot is the max I can do without "spinners". I hate spinners. The marked reduction of alcohol certainly has helped my hepatitis.

Still, there IS a role for opiate drugs in the treatment of chronic pain in most patients. The neat thing about cannabis is that even if you still need those meds you'll get by on a whole lot less.

I sure don't want fellow patients to think I'm down on them because they use narcotics. I still remember that pain and the fear of that pain very vividly. I wouldn't wish it on anyone even that assh**e Ashcroft.

I still haven't done the 24 hours pee test. The last time I did they said I had virtually NO corticosteroids (they were wrong) and they slapped me with testoterone skin patches. I don't have Kushings disease it's that the narcotics had extinguised my production of cortisol. Oh well, I'll take the darn test :)

Dr. jay