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So cold


Am so cold all the time. I am too damned skinny and have had cancer. Been getting colder all the time. I am basically at about 10 to 15 degrees colder than others. For example 85 degrees seems comfortable to me, but 75 feels like it is pretty cold to me.
When I get real cold , sometimes, the only way I can get warm is to go to the tub and get it real real hot. I do not smoke as much as I used to, but eat a lot of canna and mostly just smoke a little bit which always helps to make me feel warmer, but just for a very few moments.
My wife used to help me stay warm , but she is gone now and I feel so damned cold.
I once used to weigh around 190 pounds for many many years, right now about 125 pounds.
If any one has any neat insights on how to deal the temps I sure would like to feel a little warmer


Active member
I feel for you brother. I have neuropathy and can't see to keep my feet warm enough in the winter. How is your blood pressure? Blood sugar level?


Thank you for your response. I think my bp is relatively normal. The wife would check that for me a lot. I am not at all sure about sugar levels as I have had no blood work in a long time . I had a pretty crappy experience with a misdiagnosed cancer and got bounced back and forth between drs and attnys , and was supposed to be on oxy until the end . I got a bit put off by all that and bailed big time. I came out to CA and the warmth was wonderful for me. I was not quite so skinny then though.
I can sure relate to the feeling with the feet , that was were it all started for me also.


Active member
longjohns lol.. I deal with heat better than cold now myself.....sorry for your loss. no answers other than the obvious... my heater runs 24/7 here at this time year.. soon it will get up to 115 and ac runs nonstop..


Active member
Longjohns and wool sweaters, remember that cotton doesn´t really keep you warm but wool and silk do. I freeze a lot nowadays and the older I get the more I freeza -may Dad was the same. Take care.
Hi Garhart,

I'm sorry to hear about your issues with feeling cold. Here are several things I know off the top of my head which may be relevant.

1.)Cannabis itself reduces your body temperature. When I was in graduate school (where many researched the pharmacology of THC and other cannabinoids) they had a set of behavioral measures that resulted from giving THC, etc. They called it the cannabinoid tetrad test, meaning four effects- hypothermia (lower body temperature), hypolocomotion (reduced movement), analgesia (pain relief) and catalepsy. So it is a known effect of THC. Therefore to some extent, using cannabis will make you feel more cold. Perhaps using cannabis with higher amounts of CBD can help because it may block that side effect of THC.
2.)Hypothyroid- Not sure if you have checked this out, but this is a common symptom in hypothyroidism.
3.)Raynaud's syndrome- My father has this, supposedly it is a circulatory system disorder which mainly results in his extremities feeling cold (mostly hands and feet). I read yourself and another poster mentioning the issue in the hands and feet, so I would 100% google this. If you are curious, I may know of some dietary supplements and other things which could possibly help with Raynaud's.

I myself, regardless of consuming cannabis seem to get chilly in the winter and what helps me the best is getting a bit of aerobic exercise and then a hot shower. Basically being sedentary for long periods of time can also make ya chilly. Perhaps you could also try cayenne pepper or chili peppers in the form of supplements or in the diet. Of course that only gives you a temporary 'hot' feeling.


Active member
Let your kitties cuddle and keep you warm;
.....They are probably feeling a loss too.
Drink hot liquids and wrap up with a few layers of clothing.
....and never take off that T-shirt your wife washed last week.

Illness and coldness seem to go hand in hand. Motion creates warmth, as well.

And there is plenty of warmth in these threads to keep near you and know, you are not alone.:comfort: jpt


Kiss My Ring
My experience validates the thc affecting your circulatory system as Scientist wrote.

do you drink? alcohol affects the CNS also.

layers of clothes, hot liquids, exercise...get some sun brother.

sorry for your loss, that's the shits.


idk holmes, be careful with those heated mittens in the summertime, as the dose of desflurine increases the core temperature threshold for vascular constriction and shivering decreases. I find it interesting though how patients under 1mg desflurine anesthesia need to cool down to a core temperature before thermal regulatory defense mechanisms are initiated. 6www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBs65Wrq75w

-I might be stocking up on rks hoodies and cotton candy popsicles here in the springtime.


To madscientist 81
I appreciate the sort of things you are bringing up. I really don't know to be quite honest. I sure would be interested in reading more about Raynaud's syndrome- that sounds quite interesting. Thank you .
Hey Garhart,

I'm always happy to help people out in any way I can. I have attached a link below regarding causes of cold intolerance. Much of it repeats what I already listed but you may find it helpful.

To better understand and rule out any medical/physical issues, would you mind telling me a bit more. For example, what type of cancer did you have, how long ago, is it in remission, did you get chemo/radiation? Also, have you had any other symptoms aside from the cold intolerance? For example any issues with fatigue/energy levels etc. I'm assuming when you say smoke you mean just cannabis not tobacco.Any other substances prescription, otc or otherwise that you are taking?Do you get much physical activity or mostly sedentary?etc

I would recommend since you haven't had a blood test in a long time, to go ahead and get one done (would be a good idea regardless). You don't even have to go to a doc for this. I am tight on money and currently do not have insurance, so I order mine online, I'm given a printed receipt which I take to a Labcorp or Patient First type of place. They draw your blood, analyze it and then send you a copy of the results. Basically get a CBC, and test for thyroid levels and serum TSH. I believe the link I posted above lists all of this. I'm guessing you can easily get all that for under $100. Of course if you have insurance or other options you prefer there you go.

If the cold intolerance is your only symptom, or you don't feel like getting the blood tests done, naturally that is your choice. The main thing would be ruling out thyroid issues as a source. You can also take a look at this checklist to see if you have lots of symptoms of thyroid problems.


Having ruled out other issues, then you are looking into Raynaud's +/- various supplements or behavior changes to keep you feeling warmer.
Here is an article on Raynaud's


I am in the process of researching some things for my dad to help with his Raynaud's, since there are no well known or mainstream treatments. I can let you know of any helpful info I find if you would like. Hope all this info helps.:biggrin:


Hugging dogs and kitty cats warms me both on the inside and out. A dog is like a hot water bottle! Oh man i love my animals, they're the best
