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What mediums do breeders use???


I heard that bog uses Wal mart soil, is this true??? I just ordered some of Rez's sour d and a couple g03 selections, if anybody knows what kind of mediums they use that would be appreciated. It's good to know info like this can be tracked down so quickly...I pay a lot for seeds and personally, i want totally piss free pot!! I heard that soma uses organics but what kind.....Urea has to be on the lower end of the organic food chain when it comes to nutrients but in many cases for its nitro purpose's it's used?
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Active member
ACCStudent, Good idea!

Jimmynitz, Good Question. That's what most of the rest of this thread will be all about.

Mooneymonkey, I think you are understanding my point. Your PH in soil should be maintained between 6.0 and 6.6. Cannabis is an acid loving plant and in this range nutrient uptake is optimized. I really see no reason to feed in the seedling stage but I do use the feeding wal-mart soil so I do feed them some. A few osmocote balls won't hurt as long as they aren't touching the seedling itself. With seedlings PH and moisture level are the most critical needs.

OK, let's get started. Since my method is the simplest many people assume that there must be better methods. If I believed that I would change my method. My method is cheap to use and easy to learn. That's why I promote my BOG Method for new growers. Learn your Basics and maintain the beginners mind which is open to learning. I still learn things you know.

So I recommend starting in small pots but why? Many growers say, "why not just Plant the seed in a 5 gallon bucket"?

IMHO a seedling doesn't grow much until it has rooted its pot. Often my strains like to root first and do you know how long it takes for a tiny plant to grow roots in a big pot? Too long. I think growth rates are enhanced by doing 2 transplants. I generally start in a 32 oz pots but 16 oz cups will do.

Take care to mix more perlite in the bottom 1/3 of the small pots for drainage and aeration. The bottom third of the cup or pot should be 50/50 perlite and soil. The upper 2/3 can be just potting soil with a little perlite or none. Don't overwater! I can't emphasize enough that people always tend to overwater seedlings. Wait until the surface looks dry and the pot feels light but don't allow wilting from getting too dry. Maintaining the proper moisture level is crucial to preventing stalling and stunting in early growth.

Let me show you some youngsters happy under a 4 ft floro at about 7 days old. This sort of light costs under 20 dollars including the tubes I recommend if on a budget. If you have the money get the power twists but they are 20 bucks each.
I find GE kitchen and Bath tubes to work fine...almost as good and better than most grow tubes in dep't stores. Any floro will work in veg until the plant gets too big. Keep growing tips about 2 inches from the tubes. BOG

Metal halide also rocks in Veg!


Active member
Seedlings might die in this mix.

Just use potting soil and perlite for first two weeks in a small pot is my advise.

Some may realize that the feeding formula soil isn't entirely organic. It has a little osmocote in it which I added to my soil long ago. The amount of feed in the feeding soil is really just a bit strong for seedlings so I use it.

I use other organic supplements and one non organic supplement. Superthrive is used in my method once in early flowering to promote lots of growth while budsites are still being formed.

I use Pure Blend (not Pro) both veg and bloom formulas. In early flower I treat one time with Foxfarm Bigbloom and in mid to late flower I like Earth juice Bloom.

That's how I grew this. It was in a 6 gallon wide mouth pot and i vegged it for about 6 weeks taking one clone from it for a new SBB clone. A clone variation of Bogbubble. BOG

I would be glad to detail the amounts and how often but I think many people overfeed in the early stages.


Active member
Some people think I have some special secrets but this mix and the organic ferts I use is no secret. Here we go...

Wal-mart feeding soil with added perlite 15% and 1 cup of blood meal and 1 cup bone meal per 1 cu. ft. bag of soil.

Pure Blend Grow and Pure Blend Bloom. Foxfarm Bigbloom 1 time in early flower. Superthrive 1 time in early flower. Earth Juice Bloom for mid to late flowering.

The Lime is optional depending on your water ph. If your water is alkaline (7.0 or higher) don't add the lime. BOG

This link will show you a hardy just cut plant that was grown using my simplest method.


Contrary to some misinformation Blood meal and Bone meal are entirely organic.


i agree with the overfeeding in the begining totally, I usually dont start nut's until middle of week 2, i love a (10 day) rotation, its good to hear that somebody else says the same, usually your plants will take in all it can, from a new soil, within its first part of life. And on the ph side, there's different things to adjust ph with, that shouldnt be a change of what soil you use, just because yours loves acid to balance ph doesnt mean mine doesnt, and wont get any from my Earthworm casting/bat guano enriched medium that uses oyster shell....anyways it doesnt matter what i use, im not the one marketing the seeds!!! Im the one consuming them!!!


3 parts black gold organic, 1 part foxfarm ocean forrest, coco coir bricks, ive used lava rocks but didnt like the weird ph battle very unstable.. for lighting i just switched over to t5ho's, i picked up a few cheap, used them last time and was happy with the overall weight of my garden compared to just having a few big guys.


i wont tell you what i put in my tea besides superswell for shits and giggles sake's.....i use foxfarm nut's........you use tea's??


I'm hydro all the way. I do however start beans in rapid starter peat cubes. I then use a combination of hydrotron and large coarse lava rocks. I put the lava rocks in the bottom 1/2 to 2/3 of a 6"x6"x7" square pot and then top off with hydrotron.

I think the lava at the bottom gives the plants roots a better hold, better drainage, it is not as densely packed in as the hydrotron and it allows for more root mass. You can the big bags of the black or red lava rocks at Home Depot and it doesn't raise an eyebrow.



it might have been bad rocks, or just the ones in my head... but i didnt have them in there and never had a problem, i had them in there had a problem, dont have them in there no problem, my eyes are proven theory good enough for me!! there off indian land so maybe bad juju.....they are heavy for a medium though ecspecially soil

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