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The smoking of marijuana initiates many processes in the body, mind and even soul, depending upon the intent with which it is used.1 In Part 1 many of these were mentioned in passing, and will be explored in some detail in this issue. It is very important for people to understand that marijuana, like other teacher plants, is properly called an “entheogen” or “agent in God’, as a psychoactive substance with spiritual properties. This may surprise most smokers to hear, but it is true nonetheless. It is a fact that when marijuana is smoked with the right intent, (a progressive, spiritual focus) that it can raise the user up to higher levels of consciousness. Among the effects of its’ consciousness expanding properties, the following are very notable:

1) A gaining of “chi” or energy in the physical body and aura.

2) The raising of vibration according to the potency and vibration of the buds smoked.

3) A crystallization of awareness upon itself, or put another way, greater clarity.

4) An opening of the chakras and an enhancement of personal psychic power. Not only is “ESP” increased, but so are the intuitive powers of foresight, creativity and inventiveness.

5) An aid to getting into better alignment with one’s own soul, Nature and God.

6) Provides a common high vibration when smoked by more than one person at a time, allowing enhanced, group psychic rapport, (group mind in the high).

4) The opening of the chakras and an enhancement of psychic power

Another wonder of marijuana is that it can improve the “energy body” and not just the physical one. Also mentioned in Vedic Literature dating back as far a 7000 years, the chakras are simply the energy portals of the physical and energetic bodies. Technically, the term “chakra” means “wheel”, a term meant to denote the spinning, circular aspects of these energy portals. Chakras are typically described as being 7 in number running along the line of the backbone, from the top of the head to the base of the spine. You can readily feel the reality of these by noticing those areas of concentrated feeling in the body, such as the area of the throat, heart and stomach. Notice also how these can tighten up or at least change in feeling when another person walks in the same room. This fact is not merely psychological, it is the actual psychic effect of one person to another, as facilitated by chakra to chakra subatomic energy streams. How we feel at any moment effects those around us in intimate ways.

When we smoke marijuana, there is a strong tendency for the chakras to open wider. This happens in part because the high attracts a flow of incoming subatomic particles, (chi) into our systems. The chakras open to better accommodate this flow. They also open wider, (literally to a larger diameter, from the usual 4 or 5 inches across, to twice or more that amount) because of the high vibration of this herb. High vibrations, (feelings) make us feel looser and more amiable to others, whereas lower vibrations make us more withdrawn and suspicious of others. Smoking marijuana literally improves the psychic connection from one person to the next, and this fact is what underlies the meaning of such terms as, “contact high”


Cannabis the entheogen "gateway drug"

Cannabis the entheogen "gateway drug"

Yes Dog Star! And now I see cannabis as the sacred "gateway drug" luring all us "cannabis connoisseurs of consciousness," siren-like, into the portal of YOUniverse.

Cannabis is entheogen--- entheogen (/en·the·o·gen/), from Greek, literally meaning "generating the divine within"

is any psychoactive substance that induces a spiritual experience and is aimed at spiritual development.


3rd-Eye Jedi
I had a sativa I called truth's sister that opened my chakras through the crown and by being entered into another persons and we both experienced the same phenomenon

we saw it happen and as we experienced it

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Depends on how it's grown. . Hydro has no spiritual aspect like natural pot.

I'm not trying to be mean, just based based in science. As a scientist, I have almost as many problems with things like chakras, and crystal healing, and astrology as I do with organized religion. I say almost because you don't find any crystal healers starting a war or killing people over it. However, just like with any spiritual belief, when taken too far they can have a negative effect on a person and people around them. As a nice person, though I say believe what ever works for you. It's a big universe. I don't really know shit. I do offer some friendly advice thought. Dont base major life desicions, and judgments of character on things like the zodiac signs. You may make big mistakes, miss out on really cool people, or get fucked over by shitty people. Always search for proof, and truth.

That's why this particular posts goes a little to far for me. "Hydro has no spiritual benefits." If I were to correct that statement I'd say, "poorly grown cannabis may have no positive benefit for your body, mind, or spirit."

Firsrt off if a truly good grower grows it, you'd have no idea if it was hydro, soil or coco. I literally use almost the same exact feeding methods for all three. It's because I base my practices on the science of horticulture and botany. The treatment of the plants, and the grow environment are what make good weed.

Keeping the root system clean is one of the most important, and overlooked parts of growing. It doesn't matter which grow medium you use. In order to grow good weed the roots need frequent flushing of salts, and the grower needs to build a healthy environment of well fed microbes in the root zone. This is because a plant and its root zone are like a natural hydraulic system. Dirty pipes equals bad flow. Microbes like beneficial bacteria and fungi are like root zone janitors. They help keep roots squeaky clean. It doesn't even matter if an organic base or a chemical base is used. The mircrobes in the root zone will break down everything the same. The reason chemical nutrients cause bad taste is from drastic over use causing salt build up that never gets flushed out until the end. I feed at 1/3 to 1/2 the amount recommended, when I use a chemical base. I also flush every other day in order to get the same results as an organic base.

The reason organic taste better most of the time is because it naturally contains many microbes already, and supports their reproduction. In order to accomplish this in hydro you must feed them with carbohydrates. Short chain and long chain. So something like raw sweet, and something like molasses should both be used. Adding other organic additives like liquid kelp or guano helps with flavor too.

Adding organic ingredients to hydro systems can be hard though. Most hydro production growers will cut these corners so they can run drip lines to save time. You cant really use drip lines and grow organic hydro. It's easiest to do this by using flood and drain. Wide hoses won't get clogged with the biological material.

Personally I like coco mixes like roots organic 707 mix, and royal gold mendo mix. I get the benefits of hydro and soil. Fast growth rate like hydro, but easy to use organic additives, and keep my microbes alive.

As for chakras. That's all up to you. I just know it's good for my mental health, and if if it's good for you mental health then that's probably good for you chakras, or your soul, or whatever higher energy you connect with. Mine just happens to be dark matter. Lol :D



Active member
Beliefs are dangerous. As far as energy centers in the nervous system; they can be under active or over active. Lot's of room for bullshit when it comes to religion or spiritual interests. That being said shrooms sure do mix well with weed, at times.

But for things to be law it takes some scientific affirmation.

Dog Star

Active member
Today scientific belifes say that Xanax and SSRI anti-depressives are cool and that street drugs are bad...

do you really belive in this fake scientific facts?

specialy if your life will be dependent on this belifes as we know today for sure that pills are depopulation tool that goverments use for easier control of masses.

Lot of deaths happends while people are quiet and look how their relatives or friends
perish from this realm.. and they still quiet,they do nothing about this scientific facts.



3rd-Eye Jedi
what is more dangerous than belief is ignorance

the chakras all correlate to different glands in our glandular system and ultimately chakra alignment is about optimal endocrine system performance

I can only imagine the limits of some people's minds that they lack the ability to translate and map the perceived spirutual world to our physical reality because in the end that is what theses phenomenon simply are




Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Today scientific belifes say that Xanax and SSRI anti-depressives are cool and that street drugs are bad...

do you really belive in this fake scientific facts?

specialy if your life will be dependent on this belifes as we know today for sure that pills are depopulation tool that goverments use for easier control of masses.

Lot of deaths happends while people are quiet and look how their relatives or friends
perish from this realm.. and they still quiet,they do nothing about this scientific facts.


Actually they don't say they are ok. They recognize that using them will compromise your health in the long run. They list the bad side effects, and doctors know that using those drugs has long term effects on the liver, kidneys, brain, and other organs. Many times western medicine will treat the symptom and notmthe problem. Instead of fixing the chemical imbalance in the brain that causes the mental disorder by figuring out what's causing the imbalance, they go for the quick fix and just block or activate the receptors in the brain that aren't working with a pill. The proper fixes can take a decade of therapy, and people don't have a decade to sit around and be chemically depressed. They want a quick fix so they can get back to their lives. That's why there is a market for those pills.

Sometimes they are needed too. Like for schizophrenia, or a multitude of other mental health issues that will not get solved with life style changes or herbal remedies. Some drugs are also needed emergency situations like blood pressure meds. Some peoples blood pressure gets so so high because of their eating habits and stress levels, and they don't have time for their life style changes to take effect. They could die. Another example would be medicine that helps people's blood clot because they can't form blood clots. Some people are born with diseases they they can't cure. They rely on modern medicine to keep them alive. If they lived 100 years ago they would have just died. They didn't even have the option to ruin their livers to buy another decade of life. They just died because there was nothing to help them. Pharmaceuticals are not 100 percent evil.
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Dog Star

Active member
But why then in Colorado they saved huge money for pills that people dont eating
any more cause of weed is legal now..??

So herbal remedies help.. but first you need to aloud them to people,and we dont live
in legal states like you does Hash.. you are in some kind priviliged as for you herbal
remedie is alouded,but imagine folks that live in non-legal states and need to belive
to their crooked doctors that support pharma companies by administrating more

They already made genocide over folks but this is quiet genocide.. no body give much attention,its like normal to get sick and die from pills.. ahh who cares..nobody is respossible.. goverment and doctors are still great..

people will just stay ignorant..

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
But why then in Colorado they saved huge money for pills that people dont eating
any more cause of weed is legal now..??

So herbal remedies help.. but first you need to aloud them to people,and we dont live
in legal states like you does Hash.. you are in some kind priviliged as for you herbal
remedie is alouded,but imagine folks that live in non-legal states and need to belive
to their crooked doctors that support pharma companies by administrating more

They already made genocide over folks but this is quiet genocide.. no body give much attention,its like normal to get sick and die from pills.. ahh who cares..nobody is respossible.. goverment and doctors are still great..

people will just stay ignorant..

I didn't say herbal remedies are useless and never work. I said they don't work for certain things, or they don't work quick enough. There is no herbal remedy that works for schizophrenia. I know. I have extensive experience in this, and that's just one example. You're also not going to cure a large chemical imbalance in the brain for something like depression, or bi polar disorder. Herbal remedies will help people with situational depression, because that's not their normal brain function, but it will not help somebody with a severe chemical imbalance.

As the science of mental health advances though, we are learning more. Psychiatry is doing more and more brain scans and blood tests to create more accurate drug regiments. Up until a few years ago they were just kinda stabbing in the dark, which was causing as many problems as it was fixing. This is why there is a common misconception that all of these pills are inherently bad. I have watched many of my patients go through this process over the years. It's takes a lot of time, and effort to get these regiments correct. I have lost friends due to psychiatrist fucking up. I am no stranger to death caused by incompetence.

Dog Star

Active member
Agree Hash,glad you understand that there is a lot of problems in that branch of medicine..

i was also sees lot of folks that passed away from doctors medicine so now i am
pretty paranoid if i need to belive them by defoult.. trying to look for self more
herbal and to avoid pills under any circumstance,trying to survive in this perfid
society that dont alouds herbal but for them pills are OK,its not legal state and
here they kill you for few grams of weed like those boy on Ultra that passed away
after he tryed to swallow pack with few grams of weed.. police hit him in neck
and guy 24 years was suffocated.. nothing happends to police same as those
doctors who prescribe dangerous pills,its a killing with a licence..

society is silent..


I find my morning dose of butter definitely enhances my morning seated meditation if taken before I sit.

Cannabis also gets my vagus nerve going, dare I say I am a more consciously compassionate being under its effects. Personally I feel this effect lasts beyond the experience..I feel it guides/teaches us the right path...It changes us..

Like Tesla said - vibrations


Speed of Dark
All I wanted was to learn how to swing a mean sword, but I got Buddhist training instead. Turns out voiding the mind of all thought is necessary for swordplay. Nine hours a week for eight years and marijuana did NOT help.
After achieving the second black smoking was much less an interference and became pleasant, except during formal practice. Being high puts me in an induced high rather than one I travel to on my own.
A very large difference. I do like being stoned but it is recreation, any awareness, even pleasure, engages part of the mind in non relevance detrimental to 'now'.

I am guessing this is all individual and depends on expectations and experience of each unique person.


All I wanted was to learn how to swing a mean sword, but I got Buddhist training instead. Turns out voiding the mind of all thought is necessary for swordplay. Nine hours a week for eight years and marijuana did NOT help.
After achieving the second black smoking was much less an interference and became pleasant, except during formal practice. Being high puts me in an induced high rather than one I travel to on my own.
A very large difference. I do like being stoned but it is recreation, any awareness, even pleasure, engages part of the mind in non relevance detrimental to 'now'.

I am guessing this is all individual and depends on expectations and experience of each unique person.

I can dig your words, especially induced vs travel on my own...

...I imagine interference can be dangerous with a sword in hand.


I find my morning dose of butter definitely enhances my morning seated meditation if taken before I sit.

Cannabis also gets my vagus nerve going, dare I say I am a more consciously compassionate being under its effects. Personally I feel this effect lasts beyond the experience..I feel it guides/teaches us the right path...It changes us..

Like Tesla said - vibrations

It is worth mentioning that due to tolerance, I do not actually get 'high' from these doses. I believe their work is 'unnoticed' sometimes, unless called to awareness, in my experience.