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Some kind of shaman
As you know, sometimes less is more. Of course, that may not be in the spirit of this forum, but...

I am not a cannabis fan, but rather a cannabis researcher. One of the problems wich concerned me, was the correct dose for a real homeostatic working regime of the endocannabinoid system.

Now, we all know that THC is mimicking the anandamide (sort of), so there is the perception that ingesting/smoking it will do the same thing.
We also know that CBD is breaking down some enzymes wich are responsible for breaking down anandamide, but we also know now that this is not the only effect of CBD (5-ht receptors being a potential target for it).

One thing wich seems not to be perceived, is (if it would be to speak about this, because they are many other neurotransmiters wich are involved in homeostatic functions) that anandamide concentration in the body is usually very low. I will try to find some numbers these days in this directions.

Because of this, working in those two ways for a "regulation" of the endocannabinoid system (I mean THC in one way, or CBD in the other), we should normally keep in mind that we should employ those substances in a manner wich would preserve the same functionality of the endocannabinoid system (if it was lost in a direction: upregulation or downregulation).

A new trend in cannabis use (one for wich I tried a little to find information on the forum), is microdosing.
It makes me very attentive, because of my preocupation, and even if the idea of "microdosing" wich is trendy right now is not what I mean, it is still "less is more" in its approach.

Being very sensitive, and basically a nonuser of cannabis , it was easier for me to perceive some effects, even at small doses (if a small joint - 100mg - is a low dose, hehe...). I tried CBD, THC/CBD, THC. All the times, the results seemed to be the same: what I felt was like the endocannabinoid system was overflown.

Basically, all regulation systems in nature, for a smooth action, needs to work in a linear region (one for each system, of course). Upregulating or downregulating them, put them out of their normal function.

Using THC/CBD at "normal doses", from 1 mg and up to tens or a couple of hundreds, will make the endocannabinoid system out of its normal functioning range.

Now, if we would have a pain, or some disease, we would be anyway "out of range", there is not a discusion here.

Anyway, when in a good shape (or almost), we may be interested in keeping our "functioning" state this way. We would need then a good homeostasy.

Here, I would say, it is the place of real microdosing.

Coming back with a new post tomorrow.

L.E Yes, I know that microdosing is bad for the industry, but this is nothing I can do about it... :)


Active member
It seems too that neurogenesis could result from accumulated cannabinoids so to make receptor sites on the cell for those cannabinoids to adhere to. how far into cell development does the benefit from cannabinoids effect the cell as a whole?

also, to your assertion that we have to much cannabinoids , in my opinion we have severely screwed our diets with grocery store food when we need face in the dirt- lipids like nature( wild nature) does it so in a way we are boosting our lipid metabolism with phytocannabinoids as super charged crystalline structural boosters to take up for our food fat deficit habits... our amounts of omegas are totally off in general as civilized societies ( no face in the dirt) and if we had that ratio in effect we would not really feel a high as we know it from cannabis at all like you experience with an over sensitive endocannabinoid system...


Active member
not able to edit at this forum?!? in my second paragraph statement to your post it is from what you represent as a general measure ( cb amounts) to base assertion from


Active member
Damn! no edit--

I do like where you are coming from though and think that each person needs to know there limits as to what is enough and what is to much and microdosing is like homeopathy


Some kind of shaman
You don't have enough posts to edit.

@mods: please merge Galaxy420 posts...

St. Phatty

Active member
Once I moved & hadn't had any Cannabis for about 7 months. I was out walking and bought a hempseed chocolate chip cookie.

Damned if I didn't get a buzz ! It seemed like, from the seeds.

By taste, I don't think any pot was mixed in. But there could have been a little.


Some kind of shaman
I usually get a buzz from one fan leave only, but of course, I use cannabis only now and then and in small quantities, so for me it is normal.

Yesterday I made some cannaghee, CBD only (I have a pure CBD strain, THC only in ... traces of traces).

300mg of CBD for 300ml cannaghee. I made it so diluted because I wanted to have the possibility to test at very low doses. From this, I took under the tongue something like 0.2ml, so this would be 0.2mg of CBD.

Now, the doses are estimated pretty well, no way to be big errors (like x10).

I wasn't ingesting cannabis at all in the last two month (nor smokung, hehe...), Kept the ghee more than 20 min in the mouth.

The effects were the ones expected: a state of well being, even from the first minutes, growing gradually, and being steady for a couple of hours.

Some time ago, I tested the same product, only much more concentrated, maybe 100x. I don't remember how much CBD I ingested, but it was maybe 100x more then now. The effect was quite strange: for maybe 2 minutes, I felt some kind of pleasure rush in all my body. Very intense, exceptional.

However, after those 2 minutes, all my feeling dissapeared, had gone blank. I mean I was alive, still somehow, no feeling, like going numb somehow. The feeling was there for many days, maybe a week. Because of the experience, I figured then that the endocannabinoid system was saturated (and maybe other systems wich were "touched" by CBD).

This time, with this low dose of CBD, it didn't happened the same. Still, because of the triple effects of cannabinoids (sattva/rajas/tamas, those who knows some ayurveda medicine will understand easily), there was a "drag" after some hours: some kind of restlesness, combined with sleepiness, wich impaired some of my... sensitive activities.

L.E. A new post tomorrow, or after tomorrow...


Active member
I usually get a buzz from one fan leave only, but of course, I use cannabis only now and then and in small quantities, so for me it is normal.

Yesterday I made some cannaghee, CBD only (I have a pure CBD strain, THC only in ... traces of traces).

300mg of CBD for 300ml cannaghee. I made it so diluted because I wanted to have the possibility to test at very low doses. From this, I took under the tongue something like 0.2ml, so this would be 0.2mg of CBD.

Now, the doses are estimated pretty well, no way to be big errors (like x10).

I wasn't ingesting cannabis at all in the last two month (nor smokung, hehe...), Kept the ghee more than 20 min in the mouth.

The effects were the ones expected: a state of well being, even from the first minutes, growing gradually, and being steady for a couple of hours.

Some time ago, I tested the same product, only much more concentrated, maybe 100x. I don't remember how much CBD I ingested, but it was maybe 100x more then now. The effect was quite strange: for maybe 2 minutes, I felt some kind of pleasure rush in all my body. Very intense, exceptional.

However, after those 2 minutes, all my feeling dissapeared, had gone blank. I mean I was alive, still somehow, no feeling, like going numb somehow. The feeling was there for many days, maybe a week. Because of the experience, I figured then that the endocannabinoid system was saturated (and maybe other systems wich were "touched" by CBD).

This time, with this low dose of CBD, it didn't happened the same. Still, because of the triple effects of cannabinoids (sattva/rajas/tamas, those who knows some ayurveda medicine will understand easily), there was a "drag" after some hours: some kind of restlesness, combined with sleepiness, wich impaired some of my... sensitive activities.

L.E. A new post tomorrow, or after tomorrow...

yeah, profile of the cannabinoid regardless of thc cbd etc will impart the effects... plus all the other terpenes and other compounds we do not have three letter abbreviations for yet... add in black pepper or turmeric to boost cannabinoids too....
I find if I need to cut back on usage big time I can just smoke tiny amounts and after about a week or so my tolerance will level to the new baseline and those tiny hits will get me pretty high.

I enjoy it. I don't know if it's microdosing for sure but it'll be like .1g or something small like tht.


Some kind of shaman
I finally re-found the movie with dr. Sarne's lecture about microdosing:


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