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FINALLY..."THC Candy"....EASY Recipe w/ pics.



Well I said "Fuck It" today...and I put my best foot forward to make the BEST "hard candy" that I could figure out how to make.

this is "ButterscotchThunderfukinBlockhead"

I hate the kitchen, I dont eat much, and I sure aint a cook, but I made this shit ...and man it's the fukin BOMB!

this is the EXACT recipe:

-2 cups sugar
-1/4 cup light corn syrup
-1/2 cup CANNABUTTER (I used real butter, 1.5 sticks and a bit over 1/4 oz of good bud/some trim...after cooking and a good squeeze through the seive it came out to the 1/2 cup)

-2 tablespoons water
-2 tablespoons white wine vinegar (NOT red or apple)

bring that mix slowly to 300 degrees then drop the butterscotch drops on foil...(a pain in the ass)

...or pour it into a glass pyrex bake dish and break apart when it hardens some. (thats what i ended up doing)

Taste is super buttery dank...and a few drops is actually really potent.

1st pic-- is the bud ..DUH.
2nd--- pic is the same bud after being crushed/seived, ..stems and (5)seeds removed

3rd pic is the full concoction cooking


I was too stoned to take pics of the butter...sorry..but it was blackish green after a couple hrs simmering. :fsu:
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from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
sorry yukon but I thought that eating ..especially sugar ..makes for loss in high ... I only eat it raw the way nature intended ... takes a while tho.... usually only an 1/8 oz


Delta9-THC said:
sorry yukon but I thought that eating ..especially sugar ..makes for loss in high ... I only eat it raw the way nature intended ... takes a while tho.... usually only an 1/8 oz

"cannable" is right it really does get ya messed up...its actually VERY potent.

"delta 9" ..I've always heard the opposite myself (i could be wrong tho) about eating "raw" cannabis. I've always heard that it had to be "cooked" to "Activate" the THC....like I said I could be wrong, I've never tried that.

I have more weed around than I can smoke or eat in a year, so its fun to try new stuff....and it does work good I promise.


ganja guido said:
how many of those chips do u need to get stoned like u would off 1gram of bud

hard to say how it would compare to a gram sine I have never smoked that much by mself in 1 sitting.

but 4 pieces (about the size of a quarter and about 1/8 inch thick) seems pretty equal to about 4 healthy bong hits from the 1 foot glass...my usual smoking dosage....so about a bong hit per piece. the high comes on a bit slower though....but seems to last longer.
yukon, ive been looking for another alternitive to smoking, because i havent been alowed to smoke inside my new house. However when it comes down to having a OZ of bud verse a OZ of bud made into candy, im just wondering if there compareable. cuz paying so much for the zips i as i unfortanitly have to do, i deff dont wana make candy if it doesnt last close as long to a OZ supply of trees would
there also mite have to be a certain method of eating to get a good high, like for instance, take 2 first then wait 30 min and take another, and then another 30 min, to get a real nice high. ofcourse for that quick bang ud probly just down all 4. or for a slight long lasting high 1 chip every hour or half hour. just some thoughts


alGrenDh said:
I know what I'll be doing soon! I've got candy molds I can use. hehehehe

Thanks for the idea :wave:

man ...I looked for "candy molds" they wern't avail. at the "rural" grocery store in my community. But I did look.

"cannabrex"...my mouth doesnt burn at all (where does that logic come from?) ...just curious?


Another great candy idea! Great job!

Maybe try chocolate ganja candies to help extend that high/stone. That'd make a badass x-mas gift for friends. Assorted ganja candies and a bag o' buds. Ganja Clause...


Delta9-THC said:
sorry yukon but I thought that eating ..especially sugar ..makes for loss in high ... I only eat it raw the way nature intended ... takes a while tho.... usually only an 1/8 oz

Greetings Delta,
I've heard it also if you eat sugar, your high go away(or diminished)
But it's bad if you eat canna raw, i read it a few days ago, there was something with thc and your estomac. Allergic reaction i think??
Bless Ab.