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Bayer Monsanto Merger Will Steal The Marijuana Industry

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Well-known member
Cannabologist, either you are not so clever or you are lacking information. In Germany they have patented, I think, some sort of cabbage. Other garbage that you speak of is not worth commenting.


Well-known member

Mental illness is a very sad thing.
Maybe getting in touch with Nature and not looking at Her as an evil force to be controlled by man will benefit you.

Anyway, you did confirm my suspicions about you and your lack of ethics.
Yes, i take part in hoarding pure landraces, only so people like you with no ethics can't turn around and sell them to Bayer et al.

I hope someone gifts you a bunch of muchrooms to help you work through your shit/pain and free you from your anger that you are so adamant about holding onto.


Active member
Cannabologist, either you are not so clever or you are lacking information. In Germany they have patented, I think, some sort of cabbage. Other garbage that you speak of is not worth commenting.
You think>??? Well.. Why don't you KNOW?

Yet, you are telling me I am lacking information??

I can tell you for a fact many plant varieties are patented or otherwise fall under plant variety protection rights, and sold/licensed to farmers to grow... HEY! Have you ever gone to Home depot agro section or other argo store or nursery??? LOL... OH FORGET IT!

SO!!.. I don't know what you are trying to construe since it is clear I am actually pretty clever, and not lacking in information in this regard.


Active member

Mental illness is a very sad thing.

Indeed mental illness IS a sad thing, you should have yourself checked by your doctor immediately.

In fact, get yourself a whole team of doctors, a priest, rabbi, atheist, physicist, and a prostitute.

Maybe getting in touch with Nature and not looking at Her as an evil force to be controlled by man will benefit you.
Stop being fucking retarded. Nature isn't some thinking, feeling, god like force or animal or person that cares about you dippy.
Nature isn't alive, and isn't some bitch with a green ****. Nature isn't a real thing - it's a word we use to describe, EVERYTHING, the universe we exist in... It isn't some amorphous being or a God as you have made it out to be... You're an idiot.

Stop making nature to be a religion that you want to shove down my throat with some fucky mushrooms you dumb hippy goon. Ugh how rude.

Instead take your religion and mushrooms and put them up your butt.

YEP! Put those drugs right up your butt. TRUST ME. I'm a biologist and rectal absorption of drugs IS the way to go!

I hope someone gifts you a bunch of muchrooms to help you work through your shit/pain and free you from your anger that you are so adamant about holding onto.
You're crazy. Stop projecting. Keep up the bad work :laughing:

If making fun of your lunacy is "pain and anger"... ROFL... OKAY! Whatever helps you guy. We're here for YOU and to help you figure yourself out along this journey, not me ;-D
Anyway, you did confirm my suspicions about you and your lack of ethics.
Yes, i take part in hoarding pure landraces, only so people like you with no ethics can't turn around and sell them to Bayer et al.
ROFL "lack of ethics".. You don't know dick about reality, the law, how business works, ethics, humanity, how we grow food and produce items, how stores work, how the econonmy works,.....

It's not enough I am responsible for untold miles and miles of protected wilderness for you to grow all the dope on and no one will bother you, and you can fuck it up and leave all your shit there, and you are talking to me about ethics? What about the major career shift getting sick of academia where I go and help all these people with these deleterious illnesses and other problems and try and fix these issues? What about the next major shift now where I'm working on all these new ventures and ad-ventures pushing the cause?? NO CANNAB IT'S ALL WORTHLESS!!! YOU'RE WORTHLESS!! FU!

And there you are, whittling away about "YOU NEED SOME SHROOMS MAAAAN"


Or maybe smoke a j and read some of my weed articles I've posted here for this site for people like you to read and pine over.


Active member

Dude, You have no idea what kind of quality weed I an grow.
Also, I didn't say liquor WAS watered down, I said it was LIKE drinking watered down liquor.
And as far as buying corporate food. In this house, we kill or grow what we eat.

Go back to your Corporate closet you climbed out of.
I'm sure you're weed is great. PPPPFFFFT
Hey did you lab test that weed for heavy metals, pesticides (EVEN ORGANIC ONES LIKE BTi, need, etc and all that other stuff you put on ;-D), did you test for cannabinoids and thc levels? Did you test for molds and other contaminants? Did you not sneeze and cough all over it? Especially while trimming??? Were you using gloves all the time handling that MEDICAL product that you want to sell as medicine? HEY BRO WHY DID I FIND YOUR CAT'S HAIRS IN MY BAG???

Yes and you can go live in your tent and eat roots or whatever you are doing living like a cave man.. Complaining to me on a computer/cellphone, which you bought, all made by THE MAN and THE MAN's science, lololololol... Wearing clothes you bought at a store/mall... Driving a car.. HEY DID YOU BUILD THAT CAR AND CELL PHONE FROM SCRATCH?
Go buy a clue guy :-D

BTW... who the fuck are you again? Where did you come from??? Are ANY of your posts, useful at all??? I only have 120 posts I've made over the years, but the VAST MAJORITY of all those posts is something other people will find useful and that is information that no one has put out there before... I don't see you doing anything like this but complaining about crap like a baby.
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Active member
think how many different farmers are growing particular apple strains or grape eg pinot noir. you cant sue people for growing the same strain as you.
cannabis is a crop and should be subject to the same. you cant really claim ownership of genetics which naturally occurred on the earth.
You can't claim ownership to a variety that's been around or marketed for many years - this is the law... BUT you can claim ownership of crosses and new varieties or cultivars you create that have never been on the market.. AND WHY NOT!?? YOU CREATED IT DERPPP, YOU SELECTED IT, DID THE WORK, AND KEPT IT ALIVE. Nature didn't do the work - humans did. YOU did. You put your plants out in the forest and come back in 3 years you'll have nothing. It's up to you, us.

But yes you are right, you can't patent plants and animals that have been around, and no one is doing this, and no one is trying, as no laws anywhere ever allowed for this. But many people here seem to be under the impression this is done, or can be done, when it is simply not.




These are some of the guys ahead of the curve... And there is nothing out of scope with what they are doing. Michael Backes talks about obtaining the patent and the years long battle it took for their group to show the difference between their cultivar and others on the market.


Most of cannabis patenting will only pertain to clonally kept cultivars, not seeds or seed varieties (and ONLY if you've never sold them and it is something new and unique)... WHICH nearly every seed, every plant, is by law something new and unique, and this is exceptionally clear with cannabis... And as the patent office sees this as per the basic genetics of how cannabis works, and with further legalization, more and more patents will be issued as people prove uniqueness, which in my opinion is not difficult to do, no 2 varieties will be alike just as no 2 plants from the same parent(s) will be alike, similar, but not the same.. And you can market and patent products that are similar to other people's - how do you think generics get made? Most all patents are also only good for 20 years from issue as well. Which is also how generics get made. But Barbie had many competitors and still does. But people still like Barbies.

You guys need to keep up with the law and USE IT, stop trying to swim against the tide, especially when you don't know the issues and how things work, and you just make up some hippy dippy idea of how you believe things work, and roll with that.


Well-known member
Do you see how you are polluting this thread with your anger/mania?

I hope you get help/better

Your views of Nature are very sad. Its evident you have a lot of pain and even more healing to do.
We are all here for you, even though your anger has you seeing us through a distorted lense.
And, Nature loves you too. Like a mother who gets hit by her little boy and yet hugs him even tighter.
Someday unconditional love will get through to you.

If you live your whole life in a suit if armor then you've never lived as you've only existed in fear paranoia and anger.

Let go, bro.
Its not your fault.


Active member
A lot of your post is manic and barely comprehensible, but I think I got the gist of it...

You made three points basically, which are:
1. Companies make things that are not evil
2. There are variations in the many different organic certifications and environmental nomenclature in general, and most of them are full of buzzwords and void of legitimacy
3. Cannabis is not perfect

Sure we'll just go with that for brevity...
Na cannabis is kinda perfect. People aren't perfect. That's the number 3 you should change it.

Number 2 is what I said.. The organics industry is largely bullshit. The aren't many issues that really matter here that aren't accounted for in conventional systems and markets and due to the lack of regulation organic products are actually not up to standard and sometimes dangerous and should never be put to market (ecoli outbreaks, etc). There are so called "organic" farming practices that are just good farming practices that are now becoming commonplace, such as no-till farming, that again have nothing to do with real organic chemistry, or what the word "organic" means.

WOAAAAH MY GOD I APOLOGIZE FOR QUESTIONING YOU *bows* forgive me my lord, it's people like you who have helped implement the brilliant regulatory systems of New York, Illinois, Florida, etc.
WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING OFF ON ABOUT??? ROFL as if I personally attacked you. Get a grip.
First, I'm not a politician, I'm a pothead. I mean, a scientist. So. If I had MY way, instead of the politicians' way, it'd be very different. Second, I applaud the wins for cannabis in any and all states, however it gets done, because as it gets done, it becomes more and more free, the walls come down, and FULL legalization becomes the next stage of the plan. What is the problem here? Nothing is perfect. If it was perfect, we could have ALL drugs legal and no one would ever get addicted, die, do too much, grab some girls ass having one too many, etc., etc., but the world isn't perfect ok?

HUM MAYBE I SHOULD GO USE THIS STUFF WE CALL LAW AND DEMOCRAZY THEN TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM.. I wonder if I can do that... Maybe... Just... Maybe ;-D :huggg:

Unless you're somebody like Ethan Russo, can you disclose the relevant findings you are responsible for? It's awesome if you actually do perform research, and I don't disagree with many of the points you've made, but with so many ad hominems in your post it leaves a lot up to each reader's interpretation :).
Oh no I can only aspire to be like him, which is why I work hard and do what I do. But we also have different paths - he is a medical doctor, I'm a biologist, but that doesn't get to the nitty gritty of specifics, he is a specialist in the endocannabinoid system, my academic and further career focused on plant biology/plant ecology but also medicine, and my professional career has been as well quite varied in these past years. Wow it's 2017! Lol

Well, you know... I also got a lot of ad homs thrown at me and so I in turn responded generously and with much hilarity. Though I am sure the people I make fun of don't find it funny ;-D

I sure do so whatever! LOL! I can't be responsible for what others find or not find funny.

So why are the black markets in CO, WA, OR, CA, etc thriving? And I'm not referring to growers who ship out of state, I'm talking about the locals in each state who are again and again choosing to purchase local untested cannabis.
Because it's cheap. It's cheaper than the store. It's like that everywhere. You can easily pay half the price in a store as on the street. And sometimes it IS tested, I've seen people who lab test their own and sell it. And that's awesome! That's how you make and grow a small business. Look I ain't sitting here telling people not to sling dope, I'm telling you how the tide is turning, and changing, and some of you seem very scared and just lagging way behind. Hell I"M way behind. So yeah, that's all there is too it.

Also convenience - you can just have a dealer come by. People are still scared, they think the stores are a scam or are out to get them or are scared to show their ID, thinking they might wind up in a hole, instead they don't realize it is exactly the same as when you show your ID to prove you are 21 to buy liquor, or to enter a club.

Rest assured this will continue to go the way of the dodo as price drops and more and more stores open on every corner.

Do you remember this? http://landing.steephill.com/washington-safety
It's not just in Washington, almost every state is STILL like this.
Believe me, I see it... I'm one of the people who is always at the forefront of this.. BUT you seem to think all this pot grown in basements and outdoors by heads is SO totally safe, ROFL all being untested.. NO IT IS WORSE OOPS and that is the reality- it is LOADED with contaminants far beyond any of the reports you can find of mold or pesticide contamination at a dispensary.


It ALL winds up on the black market, mites and all. Don't try and highlight a few bad apples when the massive amounts of safe cannabis produced, actually tested, is all coming from stores. The system isn't perfect, but its way better than nothing, and better than an untested, unregulated black market for an immuno compromised patient, who doesn't even know what is in the cannabis products they are getting, they are trusting the dealer, who is often just the end point of a chain of middle men long removed from the manufacturer.

As a scientist and rational person though the TRUTH is most cannabis is still safe and produced to some decent standard, even by the guy in his basement, so yeah, this is why you don't see all these outbreaks, all these problems, and etc.... I have smoked moldy cannabis though and I have gotten pneumonia from smoking it, wasn't a good situation. Would that have happened had I not had to rely on untested black market cannabis? Unlikely... This is why you hear about this in the news, and not in the black market; because it's tested for and found out, and bad product IS taken off the market... This again NEVER happens with the black market.

At least you admit you're generalizing, while what you're describing is prevalent in many states-it's not close to the majority of growers.
I think that was a pretty duh given.. I'm using some of ya'lls post as a posting board to jump off of, I'm not trying to attack any of you personally or what you say or trying to hurt you, this is all fun and games don't poke you're eye out.

Lastly.... cannabis stocks are all jokes now lol.
The fucking talking fish on the wall is a joke... Doesn't mean you shouldn't or can't make money off it. Comedians make millions... I could be the next Richard Prior :)

GW was the best buy a few years ago, but it's hilariously overpriced.
I wouldn't buy GW for a number of reasons, I feel it's overpriced also too.. The time to get in I believe would have been years ago, and sell now.. But I am often wrong, and could eat my words, and it still make great leaps and bounds, and making an investment now, even though high, could be a huge payoff- it is hard to know and all speculation, that is the way of the stock market.

Now's a great time to buy really anything other than them, especially with the upcoming market correction given the increase in interest rates...
The canadian markets look promising.. Or so I hear. I am a science guy, not a business guy. If I went into business instead of science with what I know at my age now I'd be a fucking millionaire. Ugh. LoL

just don't watch too many Ted Talks and end up investing in the next cannabis version of Theranos with lots of buzzwords like "disruptive" "innovative" "reinventing the industry" :)
NA bro I'm trying to give the next Ted Talk about cannabis and why everyone should get on the ship, any ship, big or small that they can sail on, and go with it. Can't find a ship? Make one out of hemp!! So, yeah, you know.... :-D


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Canna--you are too funny, but for some reason are unable to let this dead horse lie dead.

Here are the facts:

Post #84 Sam makes a post about GMO.
Post #85 I make a comparison of the cannabis and wine industries--both fragmented marketplaces.
Post #90 Purpleman makes the last post about GMO, until Sam's response to my post (his Post #105).
Post #102 I make this "inflammatory" statement (notice there is ZERO mention of GMO):

And...ahem, drum roll please, then is it any surprise that in 2009 (2 years after Monsanto's research got department got involved with GW Pharm) that GW Pharm announced it had succeeded in genetically altering a cannabis plant and patented a new breed of cannabis. Imagine that.

So, if the cannabis technology has been shared by all 3 (Bayer+Monsanto+GW Pharm) for almost 10 years know--then isn't the "the sky is falling" crowd a little late to this parade?

Post #105 Sam asks, "Please list the patent for a GMO Cannabis plant that GW made and patented?" Although the discussion was NOT about GMO, Sam redirected it at this point.
Post #108 I post the link to the GW Pharma patent and made this statement:

BTW I never said GW Pharm used GMO cannabis for breeding...lol. Imagine that! You reading words that were never written.

Post #109 I cut & paste the 2014 article.
Post #'s 110 & 112, Sam continues his GMO attack on me (ignoring my "no GMO" Post #108)
Post #113 I refer to language on GW Pharmas website:

In the genetic model used, the cannabinoid content of each chemical phenotype (chemotype) is controlled by four independent loci. By manipulating the genes at these four positions, our scientists can precisely control the cannabinoid composition of a plant.

Selected seedlings are maintained as clones. Clones are genetically identical, thus ensuring that the ratio of plant constituents is fixed within narrow limits. Clonal propagation does not involve genetic modification.

Then the pile on began--included your bullshit.

Post #124, I quote my "no GMO" (post 108)...and the pile finally subsided.

So I ask, for all you guys that piled on after Post #108, if you do not have a reading comprehension problem, then what is it?

I submit--most of the discussion after my "no GMO" Post #108 is based on the shit Sam stirred up--certainly not on facts.

Ohh Canna, what webs we weave....


ICMag Donor
Oh fucking forget it. Hippies are clueless :tiphat:

Damn dude... Did you get you ass kicked by some hippies or something?
You say there's room for everybody then you say this shit!!!

WTF is wrong with you?


Active member
^^ If it's a dead horse, why are you bringing it up again???

I dealt with your statement(s) in a prior post. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=7759561&postcount=136

Those are the facts. Your out of context take of the facts, ie. the discussion as it is laid bare, isn't necessary and your examination of said discussion is erroneous. You are like a defendant here on the stand acting as your own lawyer as well, not a good method or ploy :-D

You even here state in THIS POST you just made that you say a "genetically altered plant", Sam didn't redirect anything, you said it. A buncha times.

You were implying GMO.. You TOTALLY implied it. A room full of people agree on this. Stop weaseling out of nonsense K? This is boring. You are trying to backpedal and say "DERR no I never said that".. Stop trying to lawyer yourself out of committing murder. You didn't commit murder. It's okay. Just let it go!

Nothing I said was bullshit. I applaud your continued attempt to defend the crap you posted, and continue to post though.. LOL.. Accusing me of beating the dead horse, etc., etc,.

Projection is a thing you know, you shouldn't do it ;-D

And dude, no ones piling on you. Get a hold of yourself. You're on the internet. Jesus christ almighty.

Canna--you are too funny, but for some reason are unable to let this dead horse lie dead.

Here are the facts:

Post #84 Sam makes a post about GMO.
Post #85 I make a comparison of the cannabis and wine industries--both fragmented marketplaces.
Post #90 Purpleman makes the last post about GMO, until Sam's response to my post (his Post #105).
Post #102 I make this "inflammatory" statement (notice there is ZERO mention of GMO):

****And...ahem, drum roll please, then is it any surprise that in 2009 (2 years after Monsanto's research got department got involved with GW Pharm) that GW Pharm announced it had succeeded in genetically altering a cannabis plant and patented a new breed of cannabis. Imagine that.****(my emphasis for yeah... I mean, comeon folks, it's right here, what more can I say?)

So, if the cannabis technology has been shared by all 3 (Bayer+Monsanto+GW Pharm) for almost 10 years know--then isn't the "the sky is falling" crowd a little late to this parade?

Post #105 Sam asks, "Please list the patent for a GMO Cannabis plant that GW made and patented?" Although the discussion was NOT about GMO, Sam redirected it at this point.
Post #108 I post the link to the GW Pharma patent and made this statement:

BTW I never said GW Pharm used GMO cannabis for breeding...lol. Imagine that! You reading words that were never written.

Post #109 I cut & paste the 2014 article.
Post #'s 110 & 112, Sam continues his GMO attack on me (ignoring my "no GMO" Post #108)
Post #113 I refer to language on GW Pharmas website:

In the genetic model used, the cannabinoid content of each chemical phenotype (chemotype) is controlled by four independent loci. By manipulating the genes at these four positions, our scientists can precisely control the cannabinoid composition of a plant.

Selected seedlings are maintained as clones. Clones are genetically identical, thus ensuring that the ratio of plant constituents is fixed within narrow limits. Clonal propagation does not involve genetic modification.

Then the pile on began--included your bullshit.

Post #124, I quote my "no GMO" (post 108)...and the pile finally subsided.

So I ask, for all you guys that piled on after Post #108, if you do not have a reading comprehension problem, then what is it?

I submit--most of the discussion after my "no GMO" Post #108 is based on the shit Sam stirred up--certainly not on facts.

Ohh Canna, what webs we weave....


ICMag Donor


OH NO!!! THIS GUY WORKS FOR PEOPLE!!! HE GROWS AND MAKES MONEY! LOOK OUT!!! (I donno do I?? Hmmmm I've never made a claim one way or the other to work for any canna related company, business, or other ancillary industry. MAYBE I do. MAYBE I don't... UM>.. WHO CARES).. How many people oon this site here worked in a weed store in cali guy? My question is rhetorical since it's quite a few.

dot dot dot.

What the fuck. what that vapid, ridiculous, completely stupid comment is supposed to mean? You hate STORES (you know, the places you go to obtain goods and services.. Like, deodorant :comfort:).

YES I agree with patenting things you create.

Making plants in your basement, yard, laboratory, church, garden, field, greenhouse, EIVL MEGA SINFUL CORPORATION OF EVIL CORPORATE SCIENTISTS TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD WHERE ARE YOU CAPTAIN PLANET... (plants that can't survive in nature cause you know, life lol)

YES I agree with being able to patent things you create, and work you do. Its called REALITY you momo... No one is patenting maple trees you dumb ass. (you have NO CLUE how patenting works, OBVIOUSLY, so, yeah, you're about to get it ;-D LOL).

Wtf kind of stupid hippy juice are you on?

No one is trying to limit a patient's access to anything BUT YOU!


YOU are the one who, with your fucking bullshit and your anti-science garbage, prevent people from finding real solutions and real cures, and legitimate people look at your stinking smelling scrubby ass and say, WTF.. well that moron doesn't know dick.. CAUSE YOU DON'T!!

So don't come here spewing some anti-science nonsense and pointing fingers guy, you have no clue what you are babbling about!

Did you know the weed college course you took online doesn't count for anything? Oh crap! Did they tell you the best weed is "organic".. Just let those benes do all the work dude!

Oh the best weed is "always organic".. You mean like organic chemistry?? You know "organic", "organic food", "organic products" is a MARKETING term right? And has nothing to do with with anything in reality? OF course you probably don't! Don't worry, you're not alone here.

Soooo, you want to sell some untested, unregulated (snake oil) to people anywhere and say, "OH YEAH MANNNNNN THIS'LL CURE ALL THE PROBLEMS.."" DERP SORRY it doesn't actually work that way, weed isn't a magic cure all and it isn't for everyone, and the medical efficacy and how and why it works isn't worked out in any kind of way, in fact it is a real mess when considering the state of affairs - and it's YOUR fault, people like YOU... Not scientists and researchers like me who are doing the real work trying to figure this plant out, and HOW and WHY it works, and works for some, and not others.

You'd probably be surprised for me to say that there are a fair amount of people who just can't smoke or ingest cannabis, for many reasons, one point being allergies or adverse reactions. WHAT WHAT NO WAY MAN WEEED IS HARMLESS ANYONE CAN SMOKE IT DUHHHH

Uh.. No they can't. And this is coming from probably the biggest pothead and pot advocate in the universe. I smoke more pot than everyone on ICmag combined. K? But weed ain't some fairy hippy magic bullshit and not everyone can do it and it isn't some magic cure all. If it was, people who used it to try and cure cancer wouldn't be fucking dead. People who have used it have seemed to have efficacy against particular cancers, but many, most, still don't, and there are many other things involved with all of this... ARE YOU FIGURING THAT OUT?

No people like me are. And people go to stores so they find clean, tested, reliable products that they need that work. Or not work. At least they can go and try it out and they don't have to deal with dumb shady dealers trying to sling HEYYY MAN THIS IS THE BEST SHIT DON"T GO TO THE GUY DOWN THE STREET OR THE STORE I'VE GOT THE BEST WEED BRO TRUST ME DUDE

k sure, do you have a lab test for that weed you are selling because guess what stores all have to be tested and in spite of what morons will lie about no sorry oops you can't just pay a *legitimate* lab for a test sure you could and you know what keep it up cause eventually you will get caught, the lab will get caught, and you'll both be fucked. You think there isn't any oversight? Legalization is all about oversight.

You have no clue guy. Go some more joints and stop wasting people's time :-D


"rape nature"... as if "nature" is your friend. Go outside without some shirts and pants. Nature is not your friend. NATURE IS TRYING TO RAPE YOU. CONSTANTLY. Are you high? The ants are looking to rape you. The worms. Kill some flies today, because just give it time, they don't care and will eat you inside out. They don't care if you're alive, only that you can't shush them away from crawling in your nose, ears, mouth, everything, and EATING YOU. Nature, freezing, drowning, boiling, etc, your body. Get out of town!

As someone who is a REAL environmentalist, who spent actual time and work and effort to create (rofl lol.. safe, government protected) spaces where YOU! YOU, you dummy, can go, that are protected habitats for many rare and threatened species, lovely areas you can walk through, swim, and pack in and out your fucking trash I hope you better cause I'll be!!!.. You know.. LOL..

Places that are amazing for guys like you to go and cut down trees and set up illegal outdoor grow ops, like so many of yous do in those vast public lands... not that I'm saying I really care since the ACTUAL damage growers do versus the reality is actually very very tiny no matter how some popo or enviro nut will spin it.

But you lala's don't have what I'd like to call a "burner" mentality (ie. leave no trace) when you set up shop in some remote area left that way for you know, rare shit, and leave stuff everywhere, use up water, etc, either, hoping to make wages for a season. BUT ITS PUBLIC LAND MAAAANN... Yeah.. NOT FOR YOU TO SET UP DOPE OPERATIONS ON MAAAAAN to make some bucks. Not saying I'm accusing you, I'm just generalizing for everyone else out there :tiphat:
(and I like weed and weed operations, just as much as I like oil and the benefits of oil. and food and medicine, and all that. There is always some sort of cost, and fuck you nature pay me you rapey nature bitch you're just trying to rape us with your flies and roots that grow into everything. And I'll keep you all nice cause apparently people don't know nature that you're just out there to get them and rape them, so I'll protect them from you and you just try not be killing us all the time k nature? ROFL who am I kidding nature isn't listening to me it isn't a person with a soul and mind thinking about me and you and all of us it just wants to rape and eat us. nature is a cruel, evil monster. like, hm, satan!)

I can't even. I have no words. Oh wait yes I do, they are right there>> TLDR!

You really don't know anything don't talk shit about what you don't know you know ALL my points are 100% spot on but you know point fingers back and forth alllll day who cares yadda yadda don't care you're wrong I'm right convince me and everyone else with something not ludicrous.

Or better

even more ludicrous :peacock:

Your ego is so fucking huge it blocked me from reading this thread any longer.

I'm requesting that you STOP posting while your drunk!
I, & I'm sure others, don't want to read your drunken off topic ramblings!


Active member
Damn dude... Did you get you ass kicked by some hippies or something?
You say there's room for everybody then you say this shit!!!

WTF is wrong with you?
Hummm.. What's wrong with me... I donno. Probably not too much. Doctor says I have corn flakes disease though.

Well, I've seen what hippies who claim to be leftist and progressive are and do, and they as a whole are anything but progressive, or liberal, or environmental, or environmentalists, or have any inkling or how agriculture or other industries work, yet they want, and think they have the right to dictate how these industries work and are run or should be run, or think they have any clue as to how to save species and and protect habitats. You wonder why the founder of Greenpeace left the organization.... You don't save trees that are grown to be cut down hugging them and chaining yourself to them and getting arrested and a charge on your record, you realize those trees are grown to be cut and there is a management industry (like the forestry industry) that handles the growth and use of these kinds of resources.

If there is a real environmental injustice going on, or say, land that is up for grabs but also an area worthy of protection, because of rare trees, and someone wants to cut them down, you don't wait and wait and wait until the deals are all done and then the land is ready to be transformed and tractors are moving in, you lobby and do the diligence you need to do and get the city or state or feds to buy the land and/or otherwise turn it into a protected space, or if you have the dough you can buy it yourself, but most people unless they are uber rich angel environmentalists who know how to actually do stuff have the money for such deals or knowledge as to how to pull that off. There are some sure, but its mostly through public works.

As I said... Not a clue ;-D

Yeah... That other post was a TLDR diatribe on new years when some rando tried to step on my dick. What's you're point? You don't like laughter and learning at the same time? Sorry my fun doesn't end after putting the wifey to bed. If your panties are all in a bunch, my suggestion is going commando.
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The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Can't change the facts Canna--as I never said GMO, but I guess changing the facts and creating a "false narrative" is one way that will make you feel like a "winner". LOL.

Like most here, I prefer to discuss "facts"--not "bullshit". You can't fix stupid!
you know, some people can figure out these things after almost 50 years of growing weed, without having to go "corporate" to figure out how to grow good product.
Who am I ?
Im the guy laughing my ass off at somebody who probably never set foot in the outdoors.
Im laughing my ass off at a "corporate fool" who is so blindsided by being corporate that they feel everyone else is wrong but them. And I mean fool !
Who am I ? I am someone who grew up in the real Marijuana trade, learning from real growers, not some government crap you are touting as better than someone who learned how to grow without test tubes and labs. I have forgotten more than you will ever learn, especially with that narrow mind.
WOW !! 120 POSTS. Well shit, I didn't know you were an expert. And as far as a "useful" posts. Looking for "online fights, shows how "useful" your posts are, don't they.


Active member
^^ You keep claiming I am "corporate" (whatever that is supposed to mean) and never stepped foot outside...

Have you been reading my posts at all or just make shit up as you go along? My question is rhetorical.

Please keep making up hilarious shit and projecting all the crap about yourself upon me :laughing:

Also, try reading my posts ya nub. LOL. This is HIGHlarious :tiphat:

OKAY MR. expert. Please, tell us something then we don't know. Tell us the ultimate super duper nute recipe and regimen to end them all, with all your years of growing up in the weed trade, and all the experts you've learned from. What is the optimal soilless mix, what is the best soil? What is the best PK booster, and when is it a good time to give one? How much should one apply per gallon? Why are double ended lights better than traditional sockets? Which is preferable, RO water or the municipal tap? How much potash should be applied within an outdoor growing season, or indoor crop? Kg/acre will be acceptable lol.

If you start telling me "Itz just da microbes bro" "I just use some fish".. LOL. I'm gonna keep laughing. You should too!

Feel free not to answer anything mr 50 posts I'm just squishing your sack :-D


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Joke for the day:

PhD = "piled higher and deeper" or "piled higher degree" or "permanent head damage".
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