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Dutch leach tray's a slabs.


In the evolution of my garden I have ended up with Paragro v-slab; 6 x 3 x 40, stacked. Stacked Stadium Perimeter 3trays with a 4 tray floor. My question is what size of stack is preferred 4x4 jumbo or biggies? I'm set on pargro, I'm able to do as little as 2 feeds a day or multi depending on the stack size. Plan is to stage the room for 2 Harvey perimeter and then floor. All trays have 18 x 4 screens for flexibly and maintain canopy height. This system is currently running.
Slabs are 40" what do you recommend ? Goal is one unit per slab @ 1 min interval s.


Here is my results 5 biggie stacked 2 2 weeks in the biggie and 1 week on the slab net height 18" canopy 24 tall= 12 but there was one clear don't run runts to remind me
Next is 4 x 4
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