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The Architects of Western Decline - Cultural Marxism?


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ICMag Donor
This is ex-KGB officer and Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov who decided to openly reveal KGB's subversive tactics against western society as a whole.



Active member
‘Alt-right’- a meme made on an anonymous tihitian underwater bread basket making image forum that has been pushed by the msm to label anybody that doesn’t agree with their propaganda a racist

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Culture industry wasn't a diabolical Jew conspiracy, it was a product made by popular demand. People have been buying and selling status and identity ever since they decided to stop working for their own. Don't buy garbage and they'll have to stop making it.

This is is why we have shitty role models for our children like honey-boo boo, while art and critical thinking have all but disappeared from our society.

Its not the communist, or the Jew, but rather our own shitty and lazy standards of quality and conduct.


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Seems like we always get back to this whole 'RACIST ISSUE'...no matter what one side of the conversation is talking about, the other side kicks in with 'oh, they are racist, that's why!'...and it's getting old.

By now any sane person with basic observational skills living in the west must realize that already we are very mixed racially, in fact I am a mutt/mongrel/polyhybrid like all of my family and just about everyone else I know.....there is NO RACIAL PURITY, if there ever was.

So I don't think this whole cultural marxism has anything to do with race particularly.....unless someone pops up and says 'oh they are racist, that's why!'....and tries to make it all about race, again and again and again...

Seems like calling someone a racist is the only ammunition many people have, after all we are in reality just one race THE HUMAN RACE.

Cultural Marxism looks to be about herding us all into one mindset with one very limited 'New-Speak' sort of language under the very strong gaze of a very large and intrusive government that allows us less privacy than we have at present, less liberty, .....and so less freedoms.......no matter what sort of sun-tan you have.

Origin of the term "racism"
An urban legend has developed in certain quarters that the term "racism" was coined by Leon Trotsky, which proves that talking about racism is a Communist strategy to destroy America and freedom. This is based on the fact that, in 1930, Trotsky used the word "rasisti" in his text The History of the Russian Revolution, and the term "racism" appears to have cropped up in English some time later in the same decade. However, what this claim ignores is the existence of the roughly equivalent term "racialism", which was in use as early as 1907, and the word "racism" itself was used in English in 1902... It should also go without saying that the abstract concepts of racial hatred and racial prejudice were recognized even further beforehand.

i mean the origins of cultural marxism come from the nazi's "cultural bolshevism" where they were definitely racist against jews who they thought were responsible for spreading of marxist and communist thought. that's a cornerstone of fascism - to point your finger at the "other" and blame them for all your ills.

my great grandma came from germany and fled nazi germany with my grandfather and she was quite racist against the jews lol. that stupid shit permeated their culture.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The ideological perception of reality and the bit on demoralization near the end of that vid...is quite interesting weedobix.

This is ex-KGB officer and Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov who decided to openly reveal KGB's subversive tactics against western society as a whole.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Seems to always come back to one sort of tribalism or another, having to fit in with one tribe/group/gang while scapegoating another tribe/group or gang as a real and perceived enemy and competition in life to justify any action against them, has been going on since anyone can remember.

What group you are in (or not) can depend on many factors including skin color/ethnic origins, political persuasion, family and/or occupational ties, religion, home nation or what sports team you might support....but people seem still to feel strength in numbers and like to identify with some group or another, that's why we see so many different groups right across the socio-political-religious spectrum. Accentuating the divide of any group so far as to getting them to take up arms against one another is divide and rule tactics in action, and we are seeing this happening all too often when the debate and discussion breaks down to leave only shouting and violence.

i mean the origins of cultural marxism come from the nazi's "cultural bolshevism" where they were definitely racist against jews who they thought were responsible for spreading of marxist and communist thought. that's a cornerstone of fascism - to point your finger at the "other" and blame them for all your ills.

my great grandma came from germany and fled nazi germany with my grandfather and she was quite racist against the jews lol. that stupid shit permeated their culture.


Well-known member
Not sure we ever had a better man than Henry Wallace. Bless his memory.

Great man.
Too great in fact.
So great that he was not allowed Presidency, even though The People wanted him.
The DCC was sabotaged because he was gaining momentum.
After Roosevelt, The Powers That Be couldn't allow someone like Wallace, who would fight for the 'common man' and fight to maintain our constitution, to take office. They needed a patsy like Truman who would sign the National Security Act(s) of 1947 and 1949, allow for the creation of the CIA, and allow the Air Force to drop the Atomic bombs.

It really is amazing how close we were to world peace. Soooo fucking close. but, peace is bad for business.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It really is amazing how close we were to world peace. Soooo fucking close. but, peace is bad for business.

Yeah too true, world peace would mean we would all start loving one another and making more kids to love each other into the future too...
But that's kinda idyllic since humankind has not yet evolved out of the tribal - feudal stage we are now in, if we ever will, and that's taken advantage of by those elites that still want to play tin-soldiers with humanity by creating wars and fears to keep us battling with one foe or another, on one side or another of the divide that rules over us.


The Tri Guy
Marx and Engels had a central idea: that of thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
Given that, coupled with Marx's own statement that he wasn't a communist, gave rise to the acceptance of the idea that "communism" wasn't the end aim of their communist manifesto. By taking the starting point of uncontrolled capitalism as the thesis, and then generating the opposing position, communism/antithesis, the aim was to create a balanced economic system or synthesis of the 2.


Active member
Yeah too true, world peace would mean we would all start loving one another and making more kids to love each other into the future too...
But that's kinda idyllic since humankind has not yet evolved out of the tribal - feudal stage we are now in, if we ever will, and that's taken advantage of by those elites that still want to play tin-soldiers with humanity by creating wars and fears to keep us battling with one foe or another, on one side or another of the divide that rules over us.

Question becomes.... have we truly NOT evolved out of tribalism or is that ‘tribalism’ forced down our throats by the powers at be (you can decide WHO those powers are). Do MOST ‘wasps’ truly HATE minorities? IMHO no, but that is what is pushed on people to believe every WASP is a bigot to keep people fighting amongst themselves all while getting bent over with out the common courtesy of a reach around?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It is odd how muti-culturalism is touted......as if all tribes/cultures/ethnicities and religions should be celebrated as our wonderful diversity, and yet so many are ideologically at odds with one another and also with how the west is currently run....so yes in many respects we are forced to accept these tribes/cultures/religions which fail to assimilate often, and can only ever be a threat or a thorn in the side of modern progressive social evolution since they are about curtailing and destroying the very freedoms the people have managed to attain over the past 500 years or so.....and that leads to social and political tension.

How much tension can a society take before it breaks and falls apart? And is this something that was engineered, or came about by chance and can be attributed to the downward spiral of Western Decline?

Question becomes.... have we truly NOT evolved out of tribalism or is that ‘tribalism’ forced down our throats by the powers at be (you can decide WHO those powers are). Do MOST ‘wasps’ truly HATE minorities? IMHO no, but that is what is pushed on people to believe every WASP is a bigot to keep people fighting amongst themselves all while getting bent over with out the common courtesy of a reach around?
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Out(of mind)Grower
I saw many faces in this thread but nobody put him ..


so ,why did not he kill 77 Muslims, if the evil is the Muslims because he killed 77 minor boys compatriots?....these young people were coming on cultural Marxists?


Well-known member
It is odd how muti-culturalism is touted......as if all tribes/cultures/ethnicities and religions should be celebrated as our wonderful diversity, and yet so many are ideologically at odds with one another and also with how the west is currently run....so yes in many respects we are forced to accept these tribes/cultures/religions which fail to assimilate often, and can only ever be a threat or a thorn in the side of modern progressive social evolution since they are about curtailing and destroying the very freedoms the people have managed to attain over the past 500 years or so.....and that leads to social and political tension.

How much tension can a society take before it breaks and falls apart? And is this something that was engineered, or came about by chance and can be attributed to the downward spiral of Western Decline?

An interesting perspective Gypsy. One might suppose such things could have been considered prior to engaging other cultures.

I found it interesting that the current pope has apologized to an indigenous culture, which has set a precedent.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
The idea of celebrating ANY religion to me is the equivalent of celebrating fear itself.

Bunch of finger pointing, club swinging cavemen, too scared of the dark to use even the simplest reason.



Well-known member
Sorry if any one finds the subject of religion uncomfortable, but I fail to see how one could even have an open discussion of cultural decline without it coming into play.

The foundation for expansion revolved around the the concept of 'dominion' as was practiced by the Catholic Church, and is the legal foundation for the claim of the land we reside upon.
I am not suggesting it was just, merely that it is fact.


The current Pope recently said that there is no Hell.
And that the Death Penalty is wrong in any case no matter what.

Thats a huge change from the past when fear was their main tool of oppression.

The Dalai Lama is a hard act to follow.

Looks like the pope is doing what he can to make the Catholic Church appear "spiritual" in the modern world.
Unlike the last Pope who was a member of the Nazi Youth and wore thousand dollar Gucci shoes.

Doubt it will work.
Most Catholics I know only go to church out of brainwashed guilt from their parents.
Next generation probably wont be so driven by that.

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