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Hillary Clinton Pledges to End Medical Marijuana Raids


I believe hillary, not because i think she is trustworthy, but because i think she believes in MMJ. on another encouraging note in Paul brouns apparent upset win in the special election in georgia, as he has stated that MMJ should be left up to the states. I understand all you libertarians who love Ron Paul so much because he believes that the federal government should stay out of the states business when it comes to MMJ, and stopping the federal raids is indeed a good first step, but how about looking for canidates that support MMj at a federal level anyway, why not a president who will appoint people to the FDA that will openly recognize marijuana's medical value and stop making it a federal crime to use it medicinally. Even if you stick to the states rights claim, and stop the raids, it would still be a federal crime, dispensary owners and employees, med patients and caregivers would still be criminals, they just would not be punished for it, i think we should hope for more than that.


I hope you are right, D-J. I don't watch tv: certainly not Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc. No one 'has me convinced'...this is just what I think based on what I've seen thus far(in my life).

I'm glad he's doing well in the online polls; I'd love to see a true conservative as President.

I see myself as a libertarian with a pro-society belief that there should be a socio-economic floor and a ceiling that all members of a society fit within; no one falls below/no one exceeds the upper limits. What I mean is the person who makes the most money in a society should not be allowed to make more than say 10x the person who makes the least. Success is still success, but relative within the bounds of reason and moral acceptability. Basically, all excess at the top gets channeled back to the bottom, thus lifting the society as a whole...which it is..one group, one team, all for one and one for all. The values of the devil's system, aka babylon, have fragmented this (USA) society and is making it's move globally as we speak.

We The People in tune with our own higher nature and heart resonance will be the only thing that will stop the advancing darkness.

We have great cause for hope, these events will serve to wake us from our slumber.



wow, first you say you'd love to see a true conservative be elected president, and then you essentially spell out very concisely a very great extrememly liberal view of the world. i understand that you call yourself a conservative because your very libertarian, but to me your exactly the defination of a liberal: someone who believes the government should stay out of peoples personal lives, but believes there needs to be some government regulation of the economy to prevent people from being overly expoited or the wealth gap from becoming too great.


The reason that Paul will never have a chance is because people fall for liars like Hillary.

You should live in a state with her as one of your politicians to understand I guess. She is nothing better then Bush, she will lie to your face to get you to vote, then do whatever she feels will keep her in office.

The only chance we have is with paul unfortunatly, too many people are Democrat to death, and regardless if they are voting in a liar, who for years had a bigger liar as her husband they will vote that way just because of her political party.

Do some research on the clintons, and no I don't mean by reading conservitive rags either.. Bill clinton was just as curropt as any pres we have had and unfortunatly he was just good at covering up his tracks, well minus the fact he was getting head on OUR dime as president.

I am not connected to any party until I get to see who is the best option for me at the time to vote for, Paul is it and unless we get him in office we will be doing the same thing we are doing now for the next 4 years, trying to figure out why we can't get states where people VOTED to have MMJ, safe consumption with out goverment intervention.

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frankly i don't give a shit how much the clintons lie, all politicians lie, and i happen to like their politics. Oh and cornerstone i have a feeling i know what you mean when you say a true conservative, similar to what i mean when i say that i am a Liberal with a capital L, by which i mean a classical liberal in the historical and philosophical sense.


Canna Coco grower
Hell.. I'm a LIBERAL.. a DEMOCRAT.. voted for Clinton.. Dukkais..GORE.. KErry... Yeah.. I AM.. a LIBERAL.. and i'll vote for Hillary..IF..and ONLY IF.. Dr. Ron Paul is not on the ballot.... WHY??


And they STILL want to vote for someone else... Well then... I did all I could... but I BET YOU... NOT NEARLY ENUFF.. Have heard his message.. much less KNOWS WHO HE IS..

Get the message out.. RON PAUL... REPUBLICAN...Not third party.. RON PAUL... Conservative... NOT in name only.... RON PAUL.. tells the TRUTH... NOONE else does..

Dr. Paul's message fits fine with CONSERVATIVES or LIBERALS... we would BOTH get what we wanted with him... He alone could not change the laws... JUST FORCE CONGRESS TO PASS EVERYTHING WITH A 2/3rd MAJORITY... LOL!!!... that would be the day!! LOL!.. Plus HE WILL order the DEA.. to FUCK OFF.. bust HERION COCAINE...

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D0nC0smic said:
frankly i don't give a shit how much the clintons lie, all politicians lie, and i happen to like their politics. Oh and cornerstone i have a feeling i know what you mean when you say a true conservative, similar to what i mean when i say that i am a Liberal with a capital L, by which i mean a classical liberal in the historical and philosophical sense.

so your answer to her blatent lies and rhetoric is "Oh well everyone lies ill just vote lib because im a liberal?"

Thats the reason we as marijuana users in the US are stuck in this current state of fear for our freedom.

That is NO excuse to take the ignorance stance. But I digress, you are about to vote for someone who calls out members of office for doing the same exact thing her and her husband did in office while trying to act like they are on the side of the people.

I feel sorry for us as a country, there is too many sheep and not enough free thinkers to ever change this country. All I can do is keep doing what I can to change the minds of the lost I guess.


Ron paul, check him out, his voting record is spotless. Everyone else is full of shit and nothing but Liars and thieves.


Here is some of his bills he has backed some good some bad in my opinion but always on what he says he is going to do:

Sponsored legislation

Paul sponsors many bills in Congress, many of which, such as those would abolish the income tax or the Federal Reserve, do not get out of committee. Nevertheless, he has been named one of the "50 Most Effective Members of Congress" by Congressional Quarterly.[59] He has sponsored successful legislation to prevent the Department of Housing and Urban Development from seizing a church in New York state through eminent domain and a bill transferring ownership of the Lake Texana dam project from the federal government to Texas.[11] Paul has also sponsored legislation to end the Bank Secrecy Act.[60] Paul said in 2004 that he had refused to vote for more than 700 bills creating a larger government over his previous two terms in office.[61] In March 2001, Paul introduced the "Constitutional War Powers Resolution of 2001" which would repeal the 1973 War Powers Resolution, and thus prohibit presidents from initiating a war without a formal declaration of war by Congress.[62] In 2001, however, Paul voted for the Authorization for Use of Military Force, which authorized the president, pursuant to War Powers Resolution, to respond to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.[21]

Paul was one of 17 members of a bipartisan coalition of members of Congress who filed a lawsuit against President Bill Clinton in 1999 over his conduct of the war in Kosovo. In the filing, they accused Clinton of not reporting to Congress within 48 hours on the status of the action as required by the 1973 War Powers Resolution and not first obtaining a declaration of war from Congress as required in the Constitution. Congress had voted 427 to 2 against a declaration of war with Yugoslavia and had voted to deny support for the air campaign in Kosovo. A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit, ruling that since Congress had voted for funding after the United States was actively engaged in the war with Kosovo, legislators had sent a confusing message about whether they approved of the war. Paul said that the judge's decision was an attempt to circumvent the Constitution and make it legal for the president to conduct a war without approval from Congress.[63]

Paul introduced legislation in October 2002 for Congress to declare war on Iraq. He said he would not vote for his own bill, but if his fellow members of Congress wished to go to war in Iraq, they should follow the Constitution and declare war. In a hearing on the resolution, Republican Rep. Henry Hyde said, "There are things in the Constitution that have been overtaken by events, by time. Declaration of war is one of them. There are things no longer relevant to a modern society. Why declare war if you don’t have to? We are saying to the President, use your judgment. So, to demand that we declare war is to strengthen something to death. You have got a hammerlock on this situation, and it is not called for. Inappropriate, anachronistic, it isn’t done anymore."[61] As one of five Republicans to vote against the Iraq War Resolution, Paul inspired the founding of a group called the National Peace Lobby Project to promote a resolution he and Oregon representative Peter DeFazio sponsored to repeal the war authorization in February 2003. His column "35 Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq"[64] was translated and published in German, French, Russian, Italian, and Swiss publications before the Iraq War began.[58]

Paul has said his fellow members of Congress have increased domestic spending by 33 percent since Bush came into office. After introduction of a 2005 bill that was touted as "slashing" government waste, he wrote that the bill only decreased spending by less than a fraction of one percent and that "Congress couldn't slash spending if the members' lives depended on it."[65]


Somebody obviously doesn't know the definition of a classical liberal, maybe you should catch up on your history of political philosophy


D0nC0smic said:
Somebody obviously doesn't know the definition of a classical liberal, maybe you should catch up on your history of political philosophy

That changes the fact you said that it doesn't matter to you how much Clinton lies, because all politicans lie how?

/shrug what exactly does that have to do with new age liberalism, or classical liberalism?
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they two comments i made in the other post were not related to each other, i don't mind that clinton lies because in the end i like what she does, a person can be the most honest person in the world, but if i don't agree with their beliefs then why would i want to vote for them?


D0nC0smic said:
they two comments i made in the other post were not related to each other, i don't mind that clinton lies because in the end i like what she does, a person can be the most honest person in the world, but if i don't agree with their beliefs then why would i want to vote for them?

so.. you are for keeping goverment full of liars and pimps as long as she tells you to your face she isn't for something, yet when she gets in office she does what ever will win her the most donations.

She has done so many stupid things here in NY its not funny, this coming from someone who is about as middle as you can get in terms of views.

Im for pro choice, im anti drug war, im for harsher penalities on violent / sex crimes, against income taxes, I think government should be smaller, not bigger and most of all I think the old money, with old lies attached to it should be removed from office, not put back in because

i don't mind that clinton lies because in the end i like what she does, a person can be the most honest person in the world, but if i don't agree with their beliefs then why would i want to vote for them?"

That statement right there is why America will always have the government it has in place now.. because people like you don't care you are being lied to as long as its hidden from you,.
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New member
"That statement right there is why America will always have the government it has in place now.. because people like you don't care you are being lied to as long as its hidden from you,."

The sheeple of Amerikkka.

^ exactly. Not to mention how can you or why would you trust her beliefs if you know shes a liar?


i don't trust her beliefs, i trust what she and her husband have done. i could never vote for ron paul because he is too strict a libertarian and i don't believe in the fanatical worship of "the invisible hand of the market" that goes along with that. being against government interferance in our daily lives is all well and good until you realize that without government interference the corporations would be fucking us over even more than they already do.


kgb420 said:
I will take my chances and vote for her if she continues to keep a pro state rights stance when it comes to mmj. If you vote for a third party candidate your vote won't count but it does send a message.

Your reasoning for not voting for a "3rd party candidte" is exactly why 1 could never win. Vote for who you think will do the best by the American people & not who u think will win.

Noth bashing you man, it's just that attitude is what keeps the system from working properly. It's almost like, "I'm not voting cuz it won't matter anyway".