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Double Kindness makes medicated CARAMEL COFFEE!!

Hi everyone!

I love coffee.

I love caramel.

I love weed!

So I put my favorite things together and yes it's damn delicious.

First you need the proper pot for making caramel. I use a pretty deep pot, as caramel will bubble up ferociously when you add the cream. It will spit and bubble like a volcano, and you don't want that getting everywhere and spilling over onto the burner.

That's a disaster.

Make sure it's a nice heavy pot, this makes sure the sugars heat evenly and there are no hot spots in your pan which can lead to burnt sugar spots (not the good kind of burnt sugar).

Another thing to note, use a long handled HEAT RESISTANT spatula or whisk. Or it will melt into your caramel and no one wants that.

I played around with a plethora of caramel sauce recipes, and this is by far my ultimate favorite formula.

1 cup of sugar
6 tablespoons of salted butter
1/2 cup PLUS 2 Tablespoons of heavy hipping cream at ROOM TEMPERATURE.
1.5 teaspoons of vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
I use up to 5 grams of bho/hash/shatter for this recipe, you can put however much you want in it up to 6 grams, at that point I feel it becomes too strong of a hash flavor to really enjoy.

Most people are fine with 3.5 grams in this batch for a pretty potent strength.

On medium high heat melt the sugar while stirring it with a heat proof spatula or whisk until it starts to melt, then stop stirring/whisking otherwise your caramel sauce will be grainy/crystallized. It will still be pale/clear.

Cook on med high heat until it's a dark brown color. The darker you get the sugar the more intense of a caramel flavor your sauce will have. Stop when it's a copper color.

REMOVE from heat.

Add butter and whisk/stir until it is incorporated.

Then add the heavy cream. This will bubble up VIOLENTLY and steam and sputter, BE VERY CAREFUL.

Whisk to combine. add the hash and the vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste until fully incorporated, it will bubble up again when you add the hash. This is normal.

I pout it into either little jam jars or in a pint sized wide mouthed jar. cool and store int he fridge.

I use a heaping tablespoon in my coffee in the morning.

Of course you don't have to put it in your coffee, you can put it on ice cream, brownies, dip fruit in it, put it on other people or yourself and lick it off; if that what you're into, I'm not going to judge.



I am definitely going to try this. I currently like to put a bit of cannabutter in my morning coffee, and have discovered if you use coconut oil instead of regular butter for your cannabutter your coffee will taste a bit like an Almond Joy/ Mounds candy bar. I love coffee so much...