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how to remove cannabis from drug testing regimen?


Well-known member
what will it take, folks? a very few states with medical access have done it legislatively to protect their citizens from losing their jobs. there is "anecdotal" evidence available that fewer companies are testing for cannabis simply because they can't hire enough qualified workers as it is. i believe that if cannabis is removed from testing, testing, like the "war on drugs" is doomed. the use of actually dangerous drugs is tiny compared to the number of folks that smoke weed. i think if enough people that applied for jobs simply said "no, thanks" and walked out when asked to pee in a cup, that MIGHT do the trick. thoughts? suggestions? will we have to wait for our govt. to finally do the right thing? (HAH!) most of us alive today might be dead of old age waiting for THAT... OR...will the federal legalization of cannabis be enough to do the trick?:)


ICMag Donor
It's hard to fill numerous positions due to pre drug or sporadic testing.

What needs to change is pressure from elected officials to de-schedule cannabis. It was gaining momentum, then other agendas took priorities....But as you mentioned, that's a pipe dream. Tsk.


Well-known member
I've heard the three letter govt agencies couldn't find many computer whizzes that didn't use cannabis, so they don't test for it anymore...


Just this guy, ya know?
We have to smoke all the weed before they can test it. Wait, I think I misunderstood the question. I'm pretty sure to get it removed from the before hiring tests it would have to be federally legalized. If it's one of those tests they give you after you get hurt at work they test for everything on those I'm pretty sure. Alcohol, cold medicine, whatever. Anything they think can nail you for working under the influence.


That's deep.

An employer can fire you for no reason, or fail to hire you for no reason. The difference with drug testing is, as a violation of a written policy, you don't get unemployment. Cannabis could be perfectly legal and you could still get fired for it, if the employer is willing to pay the compensation.

I really don't know. I think most of them started doing it for "image"--oh, we're so committed to a drug-free workplace.

I only ever worked for one drug-testing idiot, and yep, after a while they scrubbed me on a random. But then they had a girl overdose at work on eight or more prescriptions, collapse, turn blue, get the ambulance and...that kind of person receives "help". Later on, I can't get any jobs because of credit rating, which is at least as mindlessly stupid of a technique to raise unemployment to new heights.

I don't know how to fix it by force. The first thing I would do is simply repeal the 14th amendment so a corporation is no longer a "person" and remove it as a business practice, which it was never intended to be. If freakin ownership was actually tied to their companies and had to work in them and be liable, it would probably relax the cannabis attitude, among other things.


Well-known member
We have to smoke all the weed before they can test it. Wait, I think I misunderstood the question. I'm pretty sure to get it removed from the before hiring tests it would have to be federally legalized. If it's one of those tests they give you after you get hurt at work they test for everything on those I'm pretty sure. Alcohol, cold medicine, whatever. Anything they think can nail you for working under the influence.

good point here. i'm going out on a limb here & saying "yeah, i can understand "pre-employment" testing." if someone can't quit doing drugs long enough to get a job, how long before they come into work fucked up & injure themselves or others? if they wanted to test for real-time intoxication on the job, i'm okay with that too. it really pisses me off, however, when they try to say "oh, you smoked pot two weeks ago on vacation, before you accidentally damaged something with the forklift yesterday. sorry, you're fired..." this is bullshit, just plain old blaming ANYONE trying to avoid eating the cost of an accident. sometimes shit really DOES happen, accidents occur.:moon:


Well-known member
That's deep.

An employer can fire you for no reason, or fail to hire you for no reason. The difference with drug testing is, as a violation of a written policy, you don't get unemployment. Cannabis could be perfectly legal and you could still get fired for it, if the employer is willing to pay the compensation.

I really don't know. I think most of them started doing it for "image"--oh, we're so committed to a drug-free workplace.

I only ever worked for one drug-testing idiot, and yep, after a while they scrubbed me on a random. But then they had a girl overdose at work on eight or more prescriptions, collapse, turn blue, get the ambulance and...that kind of person receives "help". Later on, I can't get any jobs because of credit rating, which is at least as mindlessly stupid of a technique to raise unemployment to new heights.

I don't know how to fix it by force. The first thing I would do is simply repeal the 14th amendment so a corporation is no longer a "person" and remove it as a business practice, which it was never intended to be. If freakin ownership was actually tied to their companies and had to work in them and be liable, it would probably relax the cannabis attitude, among other things.

Tennessee is a "right to work state" as are many others these days. they can fire you for any or no reason at all. most companies only test because they get a break on insurance that the federal govt offers, basically selling your privacy rights for a companies monetary benefit. all part of the "war on drugs", may Reagan & Nixon burn in hell... when they quit getting cheaper insurance for fucking us, they will, for the most part, stop fucking us i believe. Canada has a "citizens rights" written into their constitution, preventing them from randomly testing folks for anything other than certain safety sensitive jobs : IE - airline pilots, train engineers, etc. would it that we had that here in the states...


Well-known member
i am, per usual, out of rep today. everyone that has posted thus far has some coming, good thoughts folks.


Companies drug test to get a savings on insurance. They also get away with no paying for many work related accidents by drug testing right after they happen.

Drug tests in the US are unconstitutional. They are a unwarranted search of someone blood stream and personal body. Companies get away with this behavior because they have employees or potential employees sign a waver that says they agree to the test.

Many companies are stopping the tests or taking cannabis off because they cannot find workers that will submit to it.
If you want it to stop, tell potential employers that you are not interested in submitting yourself to an illegal/unconstitutional personally violating search of your body.
After companies start getting potentially great people refuse to take the tests and trouble filling positions they will not see the benefit on the insurance savings.


Well-known member
more cracks in the wall...
a few weeks back, Trumps Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta suggested that employers should take a "step back" from drug testing. "we have all of these Americans that are looking to work" Acosta said "are we aligning our drug testing policies with what's right for the workforce?"
and other ominous signs for the "war on drugs"... :)
in the past year, medical patients in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island sued and WON in court after being denied jobs/being fired after testing positive for cannabis. before last year, employers won ALL such suits.
about 10 years ago, nearly 95% of employers drug tested, including for weed. i ran across polling that said 2 years ago, this had dropped significantly to about 65%. recently, the Society of Human Resources (the folks that fire & hire) were polled, and they were down to 57%. the drops in unemployment mean that they are between a rock & a hard place, and many are quietly dropping testing for cannabis in order to fill job slots.

Rocky Mtn Squid

New Rule....If Only

New Rule....If Only

If I had a company with multiple employee's, which I don't, I would implement my own new rule.

It would be this: If I test you for THC and you test negative, you're fired !!! :biggrin:




Active member
I think my only stipulation with weed if I owned a business would be... don't do it on my time... what you do on your own time is your business.... now if their personal time use was affecting their job performance then thats a different story... a 3 strike policy would be enforced


Well-known member
I think my only stipulation with weed if I owned a business would be... don't do it on my time... what you do on your own time is your business.... now if their personal time use was affecting their job performance then thats a different story... a 3 strike policy would be enforced

agree. if you don't come in, show up late, or come in too fucked up to work...hell, if they could demonstrate the ability to work after burning one, i could work with that. i worked over 20 years at a company where i would walk outside with the secretaries & smoke a bowl while they had a smoke break...:tiphat:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It’s going to happen

It’s going to happen

Cannabis is not nearly as “scary” as it was even 10 years ago. It’s mentioned in mainstream entertainment constantly. The successful court cases siding on the side of medical users will be the precedent. Hopefully it gets de-scheduled and as more medical studies are completed the standard will become everyone tries it to see what they think for themselves and their circumstances. Right is right, no rules needed.

St. Phatty

Active member
Could always use the oversupply of Cannabis and slip some THC into the water supply.

Just enough so that everybody tests positive for THC.

I know, we can't get people high against their will, but it's an idea.


Could always use the oversupply of Cannabis and slip some THC into the water supply.

Reminds me of some backwards town Hugo in Colorado. A few years ago some idiot was doing an employee drug test and claimed to find THC in the water. They shut down all the water in the county and called the CBI, FBI, Big Brother,,,.

Most logical people did not believe it because THC doesn't dissolve in water like that. The gov came and tested the water and none was found. Hugo was safe again.


Well-known member
Reminds me of some backwards town Hugo in Colorado. A few years ago some idiot was doing an employee drug test and claimed to find THC in the water. They shut down all the water in the county and called the CBI, FBI, Big Brother,,,.

Most logical people did not believe it because THC doesn't dissolve in water like that. The gov came and tested the water and none was found. Hugo was safe again.

you COULD dissolve it in alcohol & pour the alcohol into the water, but...it sounds like a terrible waste of THC & alcohol to me. :tiphat:

Lost in a SOG

I seriously believe if you needed to you could flush all of the chemicals out of your blood in well less than 7 days by doing the Dr. Schulz Liver detox. After 3 days you can start to fell you liver detoxification phases kick in properly and your blood is clean again in no time.

Best thing is a Liver detox is really great for your health as well. :2cents: