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Action Alert- Dr. Philip Leveque


now at peace
Dear All,

As many of you may know, Dr. Philip Leveque of Portland, Oregon was sanctioned some two years ago by the Oregon State Medical Board for his actions in recommending cannabis to patients under Oregon Law.

The charge was made that Dr. Leveque was essentially a "paper mill" writing mass numbers of recommendations without medical indication. This is entirely untrue.

Dr. Leveque was fined and placed on probation with special conditions for writing medical marijuana recommendations. Despite having fulfilled these conditions, including exhaustive reviews of medical records and having qualified nurse practitioners conduct physical examinations, the Oregon Board has gone to Court to suspend Dr. Leveque's license.

Some in the Oregon Government don't like the idea that over 10,000 sick and disabled Oregonians have availed themselves of the State Medical Marijuana Law. They see that Dr. Leveque in his zeal to help patients off narcotics has written some 4,000 recommendations and are intent on closing him down and slowing or stopping the growth of medical marijuana rolls.

Should Oregon suspend then revoke Dr. Leveque's license they will have not only acted unfairly to Dr. Leveque but they will put a chill on any Oregon physician thinking of writing a recommendation. The State could even throw out Dr. Leveque's recommendations and purge the State program of his patients.

We need to come together and write the Governor of Oregon, Ted Kulongoski, about this dire situation. The prosecution of Dr. Leveque has nothing to do with science or the practice of medicine. He is being singled out and defamed as a "croaker" and "menace" for simply trying to help patients find relief for their conditions with a less toxic medicine.

Please join me in writing the Governor and demanding that the persecution of Leveque be stopped. You can write the Governor at:


Jay R. Cavanaugh, PhD
National Director
American Alliance for Medical Cannabis

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production


I thought this post deserved a bump. Has anyone heard any new news on this article. I think last i heard he had his license suspended. Personnally I think it's a non issue. 4000 patients is nothing when you consider how many online pharmacies there are and many of them will give you prescriptions without seeing you face to face, and we're not just talking tylenol here.

GreatLakes THC


now at peace


Not only has the good doctor been suspended (despite rigorously following the Medical Board guidelines set up for him) but the recommendations of his patients have been called into question and hundreds if not thousands of patients are going to have to reapply.

Dr. Jay