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hush grows out some homemade mystery seeds


Señor Member
Hey y'all. I was holding off on starting up a journal for this garden because I didn't think I would want to flower them out so soon, but I'm a moody sonuvabitch and change my mind a lot. Here's the back story...


I recently came across a tupperware container of unlabeled seeds that I basically remembered nothing about. I instantly had a flashback to the moment when I put the seeds in the container, and vaguely remembered something about these seeds being of a presumed lesser-quality than something else of similar or identical genetics that I had already made seeds from. But since the seeds existed, I kept them anyway. I didn't bother putting them in cold storage with dessicant, but I figured I'd keep them around.

That's literally all I could remember. I couldn't remember which plants they came from, although I had my suspicions. I initially narrowed it down to either a Northern Skunk F2 (or selfie), or a BC Kush x Northern Lights F2. Anyway, I figured I'd go ahead and see if they pop, so I threw some on some damp paper towels, put them in a tupperware container, and put them in a warm place. Lo and behold, all of them popped, and I put them in starter plugs under some LEDs.

All of them grew vigorously right from the start, and I could instantly see some phenotype differences among them all, which heavily suggested that these were in fact K x NL of some sort... but having grown out a bunch of other F2 seeds that I made with a selected mother and father, these were NOT appearing the same way. In the planned F2 grow-out, I noticed that there was quite a bit of variation among phenotypes. In this grow, they were practically all homogenous! Out of 15 plants, 4 of them were a very familiar pheno that I recall from the original K x NL F1s, but the remaining 11 were so identical that they were practically clones of each other.

Long story short, I am so impressed with how homogenous they are that I'm going to go ahead and flower them out right now. I removed the two [barely] weakest looking plants to bring the plant count down to 9, and have dedicated the LED tent to them. Today is day 1 of 12/12.


Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
The amount of variation resulting from the combination of any two given cannabis plants is hard to predict without progeny testing. In general horticulture, making an F1 hybrid of two unrelated lines is a way to stabilize traits and create heterosis, or hybrid vigor. Going to the F2 is a way to see increased variation. In other words, it does the opposite of the F1.

Most commercial spinach or tomatoes are F1 hybrid of two unrelated inbred strains. The keyword is unrelated. In cannabis, it's hard to know how many generations have passed since the two plants had a common ancestor, unless one is a known landrace sativa.

I'm not saying the 'all modern cannabis strains are inbred', I'm just saying that even if they have a common ancestor four generations back, the resulting cross will have more phenotypical variation and less hererosis and 'stability'. And maybe it's just my opinion, but I think the likely hood of any two connoisseur quality cannabis plants NOT having a few common ancestors in their (5-7 generations) pedigree is pretty low these days.

TL;DR They're probably F1 seeds? F1's are much more stable for traits than the F2's you ran before. Other possibility is, could they be selfed?


Power Armor rules
They're looking very healthy, I'll be watching this grow show.

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Well-known member
thanks for straightening those pots up....

looking good...going to make my own homemade mystery seeds in the near future


Señor Member
Day 11.

Unless there are any late-blooming males in this batch, I've removed the only the two there were. That means I'm down to 7 plants now, and I think they're probably females.

That means that these were definitely not S1s of any kind. That rules out the Northern Skunk possibility. That means these are probably KxNL-based. I remembered a few more journals that I have out there so I'm going to look through those and see if I mentioned the making of these seeds.



Señor Member
Day 17 of flowering. I thinned the plants a bit. Got rid of the lower branches. There's more light getting to the main stems now.

