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help dark pictures????


if it smells like fish
Nikon d70s with opteka telephoto lense 650-1300 mm lr1300hd with lense doubler,,,... all my pics come out dark as hell. hard to even see anything...what the hell am I doing wrong???,,, I don't see an f stop ring on it anywhere...any ideas...and no I wasn't taking pics in the dark...full light....errrrrrrrrrrrr


Don't know the science but - http://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/2989515 - for a start.

There is NO aperture control on this lens and it's fixed at f8-f16 which is way too small/dark for long shots except in the brightest light. It's a very limited use lens. With lens glass you usually get what you pay for.

All I can suggest is use the slowest SS (shutter speed) you can get away with without everything being blurred by motion, means the cam/lens will need to be set in concrete - very stable platform, but then there's the rotation of the earth to consider ... If you increase the ISO sensitivity, it's an adjustment in your cam, you may be able to get away with a slightly faster SS but will also increase digital noise and optical abberations.

That said, at 2600mm (with doubler, which also narrows the effective aperture - somehow - making it even darker) I think you are being hopeful of anything useable from it.

google it? Some seem to get usable video with it??


if it smells like fish
well I got other lenses luckily... back to the 400mm I guess.....gonna play with it for a few more days tho then if no good its going up for sale...or I could beat someone with it and get out my aggressions lol...thanks man... I do have tripod for lense and have taken iso off auto..can go to like 1600 I think...


if it smells like fish
ya I know its basically a telescope... I got other lenses including one for macros...I don't have issues using any of the other lenses.....battery is fine,,, EDIT yeehaw I got it figured out... low iso setting and slower shutter speed... I had shutter speed way too fast....now to fine tune it


if it smells like fish
me too .. the cooler weather is coming and time to get taking pictures and notes as hunting season is coming too... my shutter speed was way to fast for lense... had it at 1\8000...lol


New member
It seems that you really do understand about cameras and how they work, but in general I´m a bit annoyed how people often buy cameras/lenses because they have great "zooming abilites" and then whine about the low quality/darkness of the pictures. Yes, that´s what you get if you zoom far and don´t have good image sensor...


if it smells like fish
ha ha I bought like 5 lenses for diff things ...but this was indeed for moon pics and distance shots....yeehaw...I like my Nikon and lenses ,,,that one just was a learning curve ..I can use it fine now...