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I lost my nerve


While I hate the fact that it is illegal for you, I encourage you to truly think about the consequences of being caught, arrested and convicted.

If you can handle that, carry on.

For a lot of people, especially with families, I doubt the risk is worth it.

Defacto has it right. What's the phrase...if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. The laws are totally stupid...we can all agree to that. But the idea of living in fear...well shit man, that's no way to live.

Oh and Creeper made a great point: Do not tell anyone about your grow.

I am in a legal state but not so much for growing...possible but big hassle. I recently bought a pallet of grow stuff at an auction and it was delivered inside our RV park by semi-truck. I had a few twinges...but hell, I needed the gear. It's all a matter of attitude.