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Very high CBD strains, which ones?



Thanks Pops. I wonder if medical data could be obtained from these folks. I'm sure that they kept an eye on things like blood pressure at least.


Active member
CBD's possible downside

CBD's possible downside

Pops said:
Sativex failed its tests because the test group that got placebos did far better than expected. It doesn't mean that Sativex didn't work, but the power of suggestion(placebos) can sometimes cause folks to either heal themselves of feel better. Mental affects physical! I agree with you that the death probably had nothing to do with sativex. Brazilian scientists gave people up to 1480mg of CBD daily with no side effects.

While I am interested in the benefits of CBD, there is a possible concern for glaucoma patients if it might actually have an adverse effect on intra-ocular pressure:


September 28, 2006 - Oxford, United Kingdom

Oxford, United Kingdom: The oromucosal administration of natural THC extracts temporarily reduces ocular hypertension in glaucoma patients, according to the findings of a pilot study to be published in the October issue of the Journal of Glaucoma.

Six patients diagnosed with ocular hypertension or early primary open angle glaucoma participated in the randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Investigators measured the impact of THC, CBD (cannabidiol), or placebo on patients' intraocular pressure (IOP) following single dose administration. Elevated IOP can cause damage to the optic nerve and is considered to be a leading risk factor for glaucoma.

"Two hours after sublingual administration of 5 mg [of] delta-9-THC, [patients'] IOP was significantly lower than after placebo," investigators found. "[Patients'] IOP returned to baseline level after the 4-hour IOP measurement."

Investigators further reported that a single dosage of CBD had no impact on IOP in low doses (20 mg) while elevating patients' IOP at high doses (40 mg).

Clinical trials performed at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1971 first reported that inhaled cannabis temporarily reduces ocular tension.

An estimated three million Americans suffer from glaucoma, which leads to blindness if left untreated.

For more information, please contact Paul Armentano, NORML Senior Policy Analyst, at (202) 483-5500. Full text of the study, "Effect of sublingual application of cannabinoids on intraocular pressure: a pilot study," appears in the October[2006] issue of the Journal of Glaucoma.


Resident pissy old man
rsteeb, that is exactly why we need more medical research on cannabis. We know that THC is a vasodilator and will help IOP for glaucoma patients. There is a Japanese doctor at U. of Sask. in Canada who used CBD to treat glutamate induced neuron death in the retina of the eye. We need to find what will work in some conditions and what will not work. There is some indication that CBD has the ability to regulate blood pressure, but there has not been enough work on it. I hope to use it to reduce glutamate excitotoxicity in the spinal fluid of my son who has ALS.
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Pops said:
rsteeb, that is exactly why we need more medical research on cannabis. We know that THC is a vasodilator and will help IOP for glaucoma patients. There is a Japanese doctor at U. of Sask. in Canada who used CBD to treat glutamate induced neuron death in the retina of the eye. We need to find what will work in some conditions and what will not work. There is some indication that CBD has the ability to regulate blood pressure, but there has not been enough work on it. I hope to use it to reduce glutamate excitotoxicity in the spinal fluid of my son who has ALS.
Pops! Just ran into this and thought yuo would want to see it:

Published online on June 23, 2008
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.0803601105

Beta-caryophyllene is a dietary cannabinoid

Jürg Gertsch*,{dagger}, Marco Leonti{ddagger},§, Stefan Raduner*,§, Ildiko Racz¶, Jian-Zhong Chen||, Xiang-Qun Xie||, Karl-Heinz Altmann*, Meliha Karsak¶, and Andreas Zimmer¶

*Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland; {ddagger}Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico, University of Cagliari, 01924 Cagliari, Italy; ¶Department of Molecular Psychiatry, University of Bonn, 53115 Bonn Germany; and ||Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Edited by L. L. Iversen, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, and approved May 6, 2008 (received for review April 14, 2008)


The psychoactive cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa L. and the arachidonic acid-derived endocannabinoids are nonselective natural ligands for cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) and CB2 receptors. Although the CB1 receptor is responsible for the psychomodulatory effects, activation of the CB2 receptor is a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of inflammation, pain, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis. Here, we report that the widespread plant volatile (E)-ß-caryophyllene [(E)-BCP] selectively binds to the CB2 receptor (Ki = 155 ± 4 nM) and that it is a functional CB2 agonist. Intriguingly, (E)-BCP is a common constituent of the essential oils of numerous spice and food plants and a major component in Cannabis. Molecular docking simulations have identified a putative binding site of (E)-BCP in the CB2 receptor, showing ligand {pi}–{pi} stacking interactions with residues F117 and W258. Upon binding to the CB2 receptor, (E)-BCP inhibits adenylate cylcase, leads to intracellular calcium transients and weakly activates the mitogen-activated kinases Erk1/2 and p38 in primary human monocytes. (E)-BCP (500 nM) inhibits lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced proinflammatory cytokine expression in peripheral blood and attenuates LPS-stimulated Erk1/2 and JNK1/2 phosphorylation in monocytes. Furthermore, peroral (E)-BCP at 5 mg/kg strongly reduces the carrageenan-induced inflammatory response in wild-type mice but not in mice lacking CB2 receptors, providing evidence that this natural product exerts cannabimimetic effects in vivo. These results identify (E)-BCP as a functional nonpsychoactive CB2 receptor ligand in foodstuff and as a macrocyclic antiinflammatory cannabinoid in Cannabis.


Active member
If you let the plant grow, a lot THC will degrade to CBN after a while...and then it dies.

get that crazy ruderalis one...but ppl say you don't really get high from it. It's not only them just saying it, I've read it in reviews.
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Active member
Interesting, cuz the same plant that contains Beta-caryophyllene, the Rosmarinus officinalis, is said to improve memory!

ooo, wow, I guess it's a acetylcholinesterase inhitibitor which prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory and muscle signal transmission. I want some of this stuff. like puuure stuff.
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Good to see my old thread going still. I would really love to hear from anyone who has access to high CBD strain seeds. Does anyone have wild indica seeds by any chance? I suppose this would be the best place to look for such a plant, wild/feral indica plants. I have inflammatory bowel disease and severe anxiety problems so i really need to find one. I can't live off benzos and painkillers for the rest of my life and immunosuppressants.



devilgoob said:
If you let the plant grow, a lot THC will degrade to CBD after a while...and then it dies.
I believe that pathway of THC manufacture has been shown to be in error here.

THC and CBD both come from the same material in the plant. The THC will degrade after a while but into CBN not CBD.

There is some possibility that CBD production within the plant can be urged into it's maximum genetic potential for that strain with selection of nutrients.

Using nutrients designed for maximum THC production also tend to lower CBD production. The two compete for available starting material. Additionally CBD lessens the impact of THC and would be considered undesirable when growing for recreational purposes.

There was a test of nutrients, I think quoted here, that showed GroTek nuets caused such a gain in CBD content.


There is this Finnish NON-thc strain Finola. It can take minus 5 degress celsius, and it finnishess to total maturity in finlandn short summer. It is grown for oil, oil is in the seeds, result is finola oil.

Once I went and drove nby a farm, and all I saw was hemp everywhere. As an old thieve, I cuold not resist, and I stopd my car, and I took few of them.

After good drying and cureing, I sampled some with my bong...at that time i had serious anxious depression going on.

It didn't get me high at all. But sure it did calm me down. It really worked for my brain. And it did relax my muscles, and it did remove some pains, like LUI would do. I guess it was quite high-CBD strain, this finola.

U see, You really shuold, meduser-people try to get your hands with these genes, it is a vigorous plant, even idiot can grow that weed,it is impossible to kill. Hey, if u can grow it in finland, u can grow it anywhere.

And, it seems very very very stable. I think it could be good father. It might add some cbd to genetical mix-up.

Here is more science about this oil strain: http://www.finola.com

Most interesting thing is, these seeds seems to be the perfect food for human.
These could solve food problem. And it helped my spinal pains and axiousness quite well. Still, I would like to add some thc, to the mix-up too.
:joint: The seed oil cured my close relatives skin desease.
Monsanto will kill me after saying this out... :bashhead:
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I am not sure if this is another cannamyth or not but according to weedbay.net there is a strain coming soon called "HI-CBD". The author of the story stops by the bulldog coffee shop in oakland where some people are talking about it.... here is the article...... weedbay.net just scroll down on the front page...

The Bulldog

It’s still the hub in Oaksterdam, the old OCBC is still serving cards and the line looked long today, hehe. Who knew Jeff was so lucky at cards. The OCBC is now known as the Patient ID Center. They still operate at 1733 Broadway in Oakland and 470 S San Vicente Blvd Los Angeles. The bulldog is rumor central so I check with my unnamed sources after meeting up with that old friend of mine.
Supposedly there is going to be a new strain in town in about a month. This is a very high CBD strain and it’s going to be called Hi-CBD. This new strain is going to be about 3 or 4% CBD, much higher than the 0.01% found in modern strains that have been tested lately. I have no idea where it’s going to be available at but it will show up. So there’s an inside tip for you.

Storm Crow

Active member
Are any breeders reading this?

Are any breeders reading this?

FINALLY! There is some breeder who could saw the need for a higher level CBD cannabis! Even so, the CBD levels are a fraction of what we see in THC. But that will change quickly, now that we know what to look for and have the tools to test for it!

THC is relatively easy to test for, even in a very primitive society. You harvest a plant, you smoke a pipe of it, if it gets you high, you save the seeds. The rest are chicken food!

CBD's noticable effects are more subtle and harder to pinpoint. Makes it harder to breed for. But we have spectrograph machines and all kinds of fun toys! So now, if some foresighted breeders with the equipment (or cash to hire it), really set their minds to it, the percentages will rise rapidly!

And I'd like to thank Cannabal and Golden Cloud for contributing their knowledge to this discussion. We need more of this kind of behavior! For decades, stoners have been looked down as lazy and apathetic and blah blah blah.....oh, you've all heard it all, at least 1000 times!

I think it is time to kill that myth! With a very few exceptions, the folks that I know who use cannabis are "good people". If I get in a difficult situation, it is my stoner friends whom I would turn to. Cannabis users, I find, are more generous in spirit and compassionate. They may not have much, but they share. If you need a hand, they are there.

Our modern world tries to harden us and turn us into "good little robots"/"sheeple". Cannabis keeps us human/ humane. For 2/3s of my life, 40 years, I have had cannabis shape me and my view of the world. Cannabis helps be be closer the the "Storm Crow" I'm supposed to be! You know who you are supposed to be- your best "you". Aren't you a more generous, more loving, more creative, more joyful person when you are stoned? Let Cannabis bring out the best in you! I'm not saying be stoned all the time (although I usually am) but just ACT like you're stoned! Be more loving, more generous, more of that "good person" that cannabis brings out!

(The song "We shall lift each other up! Higher and higher!" just came on my stereo.)

Cannabis equals Compassion and Cooperation- that is the whole thing in a short phrase. Live it!

I'll hush up now (been "medicating" again lol) - Granny


Hey Storm Crow, good point. I see it... I felt similar at a point in my life where I actually was completely sober, even from caffeine. The only way I was able to feel compassionate and good...was from working outside doing physical hard labor...where I exerted myself and pushed myself to "do a good job"... and I also put on a candle at 7 pm and read until I fell asleep. Everyday I would also pray/meditate, and also express gratitude for the things I had.

But I agree with you. Marijuana is pretty dang unique. I haven't had it in a long time because of circumstances. I just hope people realize that they can also choose compassion and cooperation as values they hold, reguardless. But marijuana seems to be a plant teacher that can definitely remind us of certain values and ways of being that are so against are anti-spiritual and pro-materialistic culture we are living in!

The kind of culture where someone could literally get run over in a street and no one around would try to help. See that video?

Where we are so alienated from each other...

I hope to once again, once my court duties are over, to experience the gift of marijuana...and what it can help me see.

Thanks :)
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Looks like i'll be getting some parvati valley landrace seeds shortly. Hopefully these will yield a good amount of CBD. Landraces and wild strains would be the place to look for these CBD plants i would say. Hopefully oneday we will have alot more info on which strains contain high CBD. Its a shame it hasn't happened already given the medicinal benefits of CBD for many ailments. The priority of most seedbanks is to produce THC rich plants with lack of interest in the medicinal benefits of other cannabinoids because most people just wanna get high i suppose and whether a strain is medicinal or not doesn't mean much to them.


Active member
afghanicus, drchronic.com supplies worldofseed genetics, regular is landrace only, and feminized is landrace and their own crosses


Hello everyone,

I've been reading this topic about CBD and THCV, well there are some high CBD-strains available at this moment, one of them are the USO-strains from the Ukraine.These strains are grown for seeds and fibre, big flower production and early flowering.One research in the Ukraine showed their levels of CBD were appr. 4%.The THC levels are very low appr.0.05-0.1%.
I'm working with the USO-31 strain and named a pheno UKRO31.This pheno gave very early ripe seeds and was not so tall as the rest.These strains are monoecious and feminized seeds can be made from it when crossed with other strains.I've have also been working with some strains from the Yunnan region of China (south-west).These strains has also a higher CBD-content.These strains are mostly grown for seeds in China and perhaps for some marijuana used by the minority.Some scientists believe that Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica originated in Yunnan



Here is the real picture of UKRO31.On the background you have the Chinese Yunnan strains.
