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Is there any chance of Harvesting a pure 20-24 week Sativa at 45 degree?


Well-known member
Did anyone try such a crazy thing? I mean you would shure harvest a tiny bud, but would that turn out?
Any experiences at around 45 degre north.. middle europe?

I see 2 main Problems and one wich might be no problem:
1: Here it often only snows around end of december, so frost could kill plants, but i have hope cause i often heard that thais are extremly frost resistant. So maybe it would live until end of december if you lucky and it doesent earlier.
2. Light intensity: in their natural habitat sativas have high light intensity, and i multiple times heard in indoor growing you need stronger lamps as average. So this seems unsolvable.
3: no problem seems to be mold, cause in their habitat sativas have still higher humidity than here, so they are mostly humidity resistent.

So the biggest problem stays lightintensity.
But on the floweringtime side i just would consider harvesting very early, wich would make a little harvest, not tasting as good, but early harvest TO A CERTAIN DEGREE can eventually even intensivy some sativas trippyness.
Aswell there is a soulution of prevegging for about two months indoor to gain an earlier harvest. But i think i heard some lineges arent impressed by preflowering as much as others if i racall this right. But how much can you shorten harvet time? is there a limit? Cause otherwise this seems the easiest soulution for theharvest-time-problem. Easy seems to be that if i recall right , that in early vegetation you have a big variety of Lamps wich can be used. Aswell lighting cycles seem rather unimportant. I even heard plants dont need pure dark at night , but some said sativas can hermie if not dark at night.. so if that hasent effect on hermies, then you could even just install some lights in the corner of your bedroom.
And the expences for 2 months wouldnt be that great, so easy and quiet cheap.

So if anyone has any tipps how to grow a puure 20 to 24 week flowering sativa please tell. I dont care for Taste, just wanna know if someone managed to get some strong sativa at around 45 degree north? And i never heard someone talk closer about that topic elswhere, so i would have a clue after it.



Well-known member
And is light deprivation the go to soulution? cause if that claim is right that i can preflower indoors and harvest will be earlier, this would be a unlike easier task..
The question is if you can harvest earlier, how shure that will work out, and how much earlier , if you perform indoor preveg.
I tried light deprivation, made even an automatic one, was to small and plants died cause of oxygen i guess, atleas all became brown in the same time, and its a hard task everything i had to cover with aluminium, or else, it just has to be COMPLETE dark, no holes... Its a hard task... No i can only recomend this if you have muuuuch patience to build it automatic, or you are willing to stand up early and be at home EVERY evening, wich i wasnt. And i failed cause it was to little, so.. risky to install, and loose a complete season, x hours...
Yes and i want a pure Thai sativa, would like to have this questions anwsred for pure sativas 20-24 weekers. No haze intended.. maybe 18 weeker thais, but dont wanna compromise genetics, that wont be the same.. i can imagine nepal shortenup-incrosses.. not the badest, but just not good enough i guess


Keyboard Warrior
Flower under lights and put out at 10 weeks in time for august, finish it outdoor under plasic or glass.


Well-known member
to illuminate
do you mean : that sativas only need strong light in vegitation?
But then i eventuallly can grow the whole season indoors somehow, for shure with what i think you describe you can reduce costs, so quiet a good input, but actually the risky couldness to exchange with reducing costs halfway, is actually not that great i think.. if they die in the last month then you lost all and spent the half of bill.
But i still want to know : do full on sativas only need strong light in summer? do you know? Actually it seems possible, cause naturally given they may know rather strong summerlight....
Thanks intersesting concept, but in may opinionn makes it quiet a bit more complicated. You seem to be a bright mind tho.
And just for making clear.... i said 20 to 24 full on sativa, therefore finishing 1st january to 1st february in norther sphere...! So i would love to hear if anyone really managed to get even anything
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Well-known member
Probably possible.

Probably be better off with a shorter flowering plant.

IME, longer flowering doesn't mean anything other than it takes a long time. It CAN be great, it can be hay.

Lost in a SOG

Try using dusk far red supplementation at lights off to change the phytochrome quicker.. it might well speed things up..


Well-known member
to pinkus: And if you planted a real 20 plus week sativa you seemed to mention, did you do it outdoor? how?
And i actually dont agree on longer flowering plants beeing nothing special, or how i lay that out . I think its a must if you want the best, but thats actually not what i want to question now thnx


Well-known member
to lost in a sog
what you mean, at night red light, while sleeping period? so do you think i could use this extra.. quasi using additionl light to force flower. flower wich needs darknes.. shure this might work? interesting idea, i actually had myselve, but i guess its just an idea.. giving the flowers red light soo they get sleepy and wanna flower, even outdoor as flowering-initiation-support eventually at night or at day, it might work to trigger flower... might. cool..
alltho i rather believe in flowers reacting on the whole spectrum of light, so if still long hours of blue light nothing to make , im rather tend to think thats the case right away...
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Lost in a SOG

It induces flowering epigenetic changes faster..

When the light hours go down and the dark hours increase the ratio of Far Red : Red phytochrome hormone in the plant increases signalling the start of autumn..

Supplementing with far red at dusk boosts this response.

It wont work in the day, only at lights off.. 15 mins ish 5 before lights off and 10 ish after..

Only Far red not red.. the difference in plant signalling is critical.


Well-known member
how many weeks could one gain with this red light/ red suplementation? I guess 3 weeks , or a month... using this tec only when its already getting late, but shifting the moment of flower slightly to earlier..not bad, if you grow in your garden

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
You probably have a better chance of winning the lotto.
At least without a heated greenhouse. I hope you find something that works.
Best of luck.

Peace GG


Well-known member
to pinkus: And if you planted a real 20 plus week sativa you seemed to mention, did you do it outdoor? how?
And i actually dont agree on longer flowering plants beeing nothing special, or how i lay that out . I think its a must if you want the best, but thats actually not what i want to question now thnx
I am an old guy who used to always want to grow Thai. I grew a LOT. More often than not, it was more like hay than rocket fuel.

Yes, those days were mostly outdoors.

Bringing a plant to it's full potential always gets the best results, IME.

What ever you decide, the best of luck and growing to you. :tiphat:


Well-known member
allright pinkus, but the reason why it was more like hay could actually be the genetix.. Thais are ranging from hay to rocketfuel even indoors all the time. So that might have been 50 procent posiibly the reason! Did you actually have some comarison with the same genetix grown in southern climate, so you could make out the clima as the problem? a missing comparison might have made a wrong impression. I think the light intensity made it impossible, or hard to create tripweed... I always see pictures from somewhere in spain.. and all plants look more happy. But was you getting some tripweed sometimes.. cool! and how far north you was?


Well-known member
allright pinkus, but the reason why it was more like hay could actually be the genetix.. Thais are ranging from hay to rocketfuel even indoors all the time. So that might have be 50 procent posiibly the reason! Did you actually have some comarison with the same genetix grown in southern climate, so you could make out the clima as the problem? and how much north you was?

Do what you are going to do.

I am aware that genetics are crucial. They were seeds from Thai and Buddha sticks or compacted Asian bud from the old Veteran's weed pipeline from the early 80s.

Again, best of luck to you.

Thanks for the weed lesson. LOL.

Lost in a SOG

Id say the gain would be unique to genetics and latitude probably, if not doing light dep.. but id say probably/possibly 3+ weeks earlier anyway..

I use FR indoors as i stated but have yet to do it in a greenhouse..


Well-known member
Check the threads by member yoss33, he did some incredible sativas at 45n outdoors.
Haze, Zamaldelica, Panama haze... not 20+ but closest to what you seek.

I only tried the old malawi and angola thai in guerrilla outdoors at 45n but my results were not so good, weed like hay. Far too less sun exposition, bad weather and early frost, had to cut them in early december, in mid flowering.

Basically it could be done but it needs some effort + a great spot and some luck with the weather.



Well-known member
Hey pinkus , it wasnt ment as to proll how good my knowledge about weed is. should i have been able to assume that you was aware exactly that its this or that not creating rocketfuelstuff. i know weed from old times has insane potential, but still how should i have known it was buddha, or rather chocolate t.. just asking for the most proof i can get .. ok it was buddha.. was considered rather continously strong. then the climate may really been the problem. all clear.
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Well-known member
Dr young stated something very interesting in another thread, wich i ha some concern about it working, but if then its very interresting, i put it here:
Veg inside, and plant outside so it flowers in spring anywhere in a greenhouse is do-able im pretty sure.

That is actually a hot idea under the requiremnt that 20 weeker sativas need strong lighting only in flower and there fore the more intense sun in summer would solve that problem! probably i could gain strength the effect trough that! I have to admit, that i read : if you wanna use the short days in very early spring, that iread that this earlyflowering was the most consitent achieved rather trough (outdoor) sunlight and rather not trough short indoor lighting.. some said he recommends heated greenhouse. actually ver good idea BUT there is eventually a problem. Its that complete equatorial plants are rather not reacting on lighting if i recall right... and are autoflowering! or not?

How long do one need to let plants grow in springsun to get them into flowering mode and stay there until done? do you know? i hope this still works for equatorial sativas since im no more so shure about the uninpressability to hours of sunlight


Well-known member
I'm just going to add that these Sats tend to take time to trigger, and that they often don't trigger until very close to the "standard" 12 hour trigger.

Lot's of hybrids will show under 15 or more hours of light IME. I'm just adding that in case you weren't aware. In order to do what you plan, you'll need all the knowledge you can absorb. :tiphat:

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