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2024 - What's next?


Still Learning
My bet is on Trump in 2020, so lets talk about whos going to run for P in 2024.. Do you think the next P if a Dem (I hope not) will get the same amount of respect as DT? Pandoras box is open.

The liberal press will praise any Dem, if that were to happen and the sheep will be at rest.


Well-known member
My bet is on Trump in 2020, so lets talk about whos going to run for P in 2024.. Do you think the next P if a Dem (I hope not) will get the same amount of respect as DT? Pandoras box is open.

The liberal press will praise any Dem, if that were to happen and the sheep will be at rest.

Geez. Stay positive. No more trump next week if everything goes the way it should.

And dems are crooks and liars too.

We need a logical choice. Not already corrupted. No pubes, no dems. Maybe someone real. A farmer or scientist. But no more Trump. Thanks


Namekian resident/farmer
I say the people of the world all retaliate against that evil force that has been committing crime and after crime and their agendas to depopulate the Earth "eugenics" then we search for peace

The end....


Well-known member
I say he's become a liability to the Republican party and his family and the Mueller investigation will be taking the whole family down long before the next election which the party has most likely already lost!


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The hope for a third party hinges on sheeple not believing they're throwing their vote away by not choosing a donkey or an elephant.

How about a human for a change?

I think we should dissolve parties and focus on individuals.

But this country loves being brand loyal...


Well-known member
Being real means treating all hunans with respect. The current way polititians whore themselves out to lobbyists will never do that. And this last election proved one thing to me. Half of the country will vote for a retarded lunatic that has no respect for anything, not even his own planet. And happens to be a spoiled brat that thinks he can do anything he wants. Because they also feel they should be free to consume anything they can. Regardless of whose it was.

But yeah. Tear both wings off.


Still Learning
I say he's become a liability to the Republican party and his family and the Mueller investigation will be taking the whole family down long before the next election which the party has most likely already lost!

The Republican party lost its way to 'progressive' thinking, RINOS... and the left moving the US to a socialist population, further to the left.. there has to be balance. But you all thinking that every kid in a contest should get a trophy are the problem. Just like you, they too will not be able to take the defeat and cry every time they/you dont get your/their way. Even with the good things that are happening here. I kinda like the saying - "there's no such thing as a free lunch".. go ahead, say more insulting things, that's all you have.


Active member
Let's not be divisive, yea? Like me, I'm not a real big swordfish fan. I know lots of people like fishing, but that's beside the point. I agree with the other posts 99%. Mentioning or blaming one of two political parties doesn't address much. Saying who or what has failed itself or each other or who, also isn't addressing much. Part of me feels like everyone is responsible for letting whatever it is they are complaining about happen. And when the country has had a fixed election, see media manipulation (which may have been provoked by the calls for freedom in other countries around the world using cell phones and internet to communicate), this is what it means 'third world status in one generation' from the title of the other thread.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
The Republican party lost its way to 'progressive' thinking, RINOS... and the left moving the US to a socialist population, further to the left.. there has to be balance. But you all thinking that every kid in a contest should get a trophy are the problem. Just like you, they too will not be able to take the defeat and cry every time they/you dont get your/their way. Even with the good things that are happening here. I kinda like the saying - "there's no such thing as a free lunch".. go ahead, say more insulting things, that's all you have.

There was a post here recently that had a quote by Mark Twain that read:

"It's easier to fool people,than it is to convince them that they have been fooled". (that might not be a exact quote,but it is close...and oh so true evidently).

I'm not pointing any fingers...but........


Well-known member


Active member
Why was this not posted in "The Speaker's Corner" forum? But at least it's not one of those threads chugging along then some creep makes some political comment and am argument ensues. Seems to happen a lot lately. I think the "Speakers Corner" was created just for the political rhetoric and arguments. Some want that. I personally hate it and haven't even read this thread past the first post.


Well-known member
Why was this not posted in "The Speaker's Corner" forum? But at least it's not one of those threads chugging along then some creep makes some political comment and am argument ensues. Seems to happen a lot lately. I think the "Speakers Corner" was created just for the political rhetoric and arguments. Some want that. I personally hate it and haven't even read this thread past the first post.

Many people here were growing long before legalization. So naturally we are concerned with what the people in power will do to us next. Not to mention our planet. We all seem to have different opinions on what needs to happen but most of us agree we need a serious change in direction.

If you are not trying to fix the problem you are part of the problem.

St. Phatty

Active member
The question implies that a "society" can have negative productivity across so many branches -

Educational -

where it spends $Trillions of dollars, and continue to exist,

because the negative productivity is offset by smaller industries with positive productivity -

American firearms manufacturers
Sonoma Valley wines.

Not sure it works that way.

Going out on a limb, I think the US will have a second "USSR" moment in 2021 (3 years beyond the point when collapse seems inevitable).

The first USSR moment being 9-11.

One thing's for sure, TPTB will continue spending big on MOPE (Management of Perceptions Economics). MAGA hats being one exaxmple of MOPE (in the pseudo-right-wing category.)


Still Learning
The question implies that a "society" can have negative productivity across so many branches -

Educational -

where it spends $Trillions of dollars, and continue to exist,

because the negative productivity is offset by smaller industries with positive productivity -

American firearms manufacturers
Sonoma Valley wines.

Not sure it works that way.

Going out on a limb, I think the US will have a second "USSR" moment in 2021 (3 years beyond the point when collapse seems inevitable).

The first USSR moment being 9-11.

One thing's for sure, TPTB will continue spending big on MOPE (Management of Perceptions Economics). MAGA hats being one exaxmple of MOPE (in the pseudo-right-wing category.)
Negative productivity provoked by constant, relentless negativity and HATE! The left talks about hate but are the more negative than anyone. Every uttered word is hate or racism either way conservatives flop is the wrong way... ridiculous.:comfort:
EDIT: I'm thinking social media (I have not presents at any of them) kind bends the mind to think what 'others' think is true.

See these reality shows? For people with limited imagination but not driven to do any of it themselves, whatever the reality..


Still Learning
One more thing StFatty, I'm sorry but do not know what direction your entire post means.. No disrespect but not sure.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Until we dispose of the idea of left, right, liberal, conservative, dem and pubes this will only get worse. We need well thought out, educated (in real life not politics) representatives that have their own educated opinions about things. Such as the environment, healthcare and the economy. Not to mention military. We could really use some polititians to be very openly anti war. Anyone that thinks our country makes friends by blowing other people up has a bit more psychopath in their blood than I want running anything.


Still Learning
Until we dispose of the idea of left, right, liberal, conservative, dem and pubes this will only get worse. We need well thought out, educated (in real life not politics) representatives that have their own educated opinions about things. Such as the environment, healthcare and the economy. Not to mention military. We could really use some polititians to be very openly anti war. Anyone that thinks our country makes friends by blowing other people up has a bit more psychopath in their blood than I want running anything.
I agree, kinda.. I'd like your idea on how to remove the Right/Left/Conservative/Liberal party segregation's. Dont think it possible without some kind of national war... revolution. AND we're back to war.. I did it, its not fun. Its not civil or conservative or liberal.. someone said it, "war is hell". They were right. Our government via its' military brainwashes very young adults so they might fight their wars.. we have no say. An we wonder why people are not happy. They (govt) does whatever they want and have the media hash it out, over and over till its 'the truth' regardless of what is true/right and the brain washed war machine (military) makes it happen.. Dont get me wrong, without them (military) we'd be a zip code in a socialist world that could not sustain itself without robbing the people (mostly from the middle class and the poor) via higher taxes in the name of taking from the rich but they are the rich.


Until we dispose of the idea of left, right, liberal, conservative, dem and pubes this will only get worse. We need well thought out, educated (in real life not politics) representatives that have their own educated opinions about things. Such as the environment, healthcare and the economy. Not to mention military. We could really use some polititians to be very openly anti war. Anyone that thinks our country makes friends by blowing other people up has a bit more psychopath in their blood than I want running anything.

Good luck on that, a sizable portion of the population has deemed those to be uppity elites trying to push their agenda. Not sure what happened, but the opinion of some jackass with wikipedia at the bar is now supposed to viewed with equal merit as someone who has devoted their life to studying a topic.

I really dont think trump is going to win in 2020. He picked up many of those EC votes by razor thin margins. I think there were a number of voters willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that arent going to do so next round. Independent and swing voters broke away from the Republicans this last election, given that trump put his face on the whole thing, that represents them ditching him, they went dem by 12% and third party voters moved to the dems by a similar amount. The gender divide broke wider for dems as well. The upper midwest swung back towards the dems.

Granted, i view the dems as kind of inept and give it a 50 to 75% chance they try and do some shit like run oprah or Hillary. Beto might have a good shot but it would be better for him to wait till 2024 and notch a few wins down in texas. I am not a fan but biden could also do well and pick up those lost midwest votes. Dems bench is pretty shallow though.

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