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Does garlic drive off budworm moths?


Well-known member
Always before I have grown some tomatoes and garlic among the MMJ. I haven't had tomato horn-worms or the bud-worms for many years. This year I only grew MMJ and discovered a few bud-worms. Does the garlic work or am I just imagining? Oh garlic must drive off Vampires as I never get those either. LOL


Active member
Like others have said companion planting can have positive results. A quick google search will turn up a plethora of results. The problem is there is not a lot of concrete research that I've seen. Also the information doesn't typically take into consideration geographic location. Everybody's garden is different and so are the pest/predator relationships. Garlic and other highly odoriferous (smelly) plants definitely seem to deter pests, which is why they produce those compounds in the first place. Another interesting facet of companion planting I was reading about recently was planting things with the hope of drawling pests away from other plants. I'm going to try planting sunflowers with the flower heads removed in my spot, with the intention of providing a tastier option than my ladies for the grasshoppers.

Good luck, I would say just do whatever works best for you whether you are able to verify it on the internet or not.


Active member

Any chance you have plans to visit Central America? I would love to have a grow buddy here hang out with at the beach all day. :smoke out: Plus the Coca Cola here is made with real sugar and not corn syrup! Unfortunately we have an over abundance of the other kind too :no: