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Triple stacked 3K automatic


$250 apiece. I calculated that with time valued at $25/hr, and 3hour a week minimum to maintain a rez, that a set of three dosers easily pays for itself in just one cycle. Not to mention the intangible benefits of being able to take a week or longer vacation with no worries that I will run out of juice. The cost of peace of mind is intangible. I would never ever ever go back to a rez based grow again after running dosers.


Day 28, starting to chunk up:



Day 36, still 25 days to go!




I turned off the calcinit a few days ago and they seemed to like that a lot - very noticeable bulking in the past few days. Next run I will dial it back a bit earlier - keeping it at full strength until day 30 gave me a lot of extra leaves that I had to remove. Some of the closest colas are getting a touch of heat taco, I had to turn down the fan in the cooltube to a lower setting because the new bulbs were rattling around due to their bulbous shape. I plan on making some metal spacers to hold them in place so I can turn the fan back up to full. As they put on weight I am also getting more branches that are falling over - I already used 100 plant hooks and ran out and I probably need to make 100 more to train the canopy back before it gets too heavy. Next run I will be curving the trellis screens so the corners will get more light and the centers will get less. I'll gain about 4" in the hotspot areas which should be enough to take care of the heat stress.


Well-known member
Nice, when we moved to our new place I only had a small 40"x36"x8' closet to word with. So I ran slabs vert with cool tubes. Used drip as well, and 400w mh 2 high. Was able to turn a roughly 3x3 area into an area roughly 12x8. Was running some M.O.B, sog style. 8"x36" slabs, 2 cuts wide by 9 cuts long. Basically a 4" block per plant. You could really pack them in there. Anyways, effective use of watts/space!


Damn, what a difference a day makes! Don't know what happened last night but this shit is seriously packing it on. Almost looks ready to harvest and all starting to purple out, still at least three more weeks!

Here's some lights out shots:


