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Duffy Moon said:
With all due respect here;

Would not elaborate on the charges? Whatever the charges?

I am sorry, but when thousands upon thousands of people are
looking for credible info, and you start your post with " I'm just
waiting for him to say that it's O.K. to even start a fund...

Where is he? What jail was he in? What has he been charged with?
When is his next court appearance? These are a few of the
questions that NEED to be answered.

Keep yer pants on. The dude was just released..

btw. 'would not' & 'did not'

Can u spot the difference?


Active member
Thank for the update, I am relieved that RC has re-established contact and I am sure the rest of the story will come through in time.

Quite incredible how the rumors grow in the absence of facts. Put the conspiracy theories to rest, they are all stoned rambling without substance.


This is the biggest(sickest) joke going. You should all be ashamed with what you are saying and doing.



Great for people who were worried about the server... but what about people who sent $$ for seeds? It would be great to know if he shut down the mailign center, or something. Anyone have any ideas on how to proceed if you were in that situation?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Duffy Moon said:
With all due respect here;

Would not elaborate on the charges? Whatever the charges?

I am sorry, but when thousands upon thousands of people are
looking for credible info, and you start your post with " I'm just
waiting for him to say that it's O.K. to even start a fund...

Where is he? What jail was he in? What has he been charged with?
When is his next court appearance? These are a few of the
questions that NEED to be answered.

...Look man...I'm just telling you what I have heard.....I thought that it was important for you all to hear this.....

....credible info?.......well I'm relatively credible and I have heard this info right?...

....If you don't think that I am credible and that I am talking a bunch of regurgitated hog-wash then say so ....and then take a long walk somewhere else that is more ambient for your countenance....

....I don't need to know all of the exact details right now...(but sure would like to).....all I am doing is being some sort of conduit of information for you to make a multitude of assumptions and thoeries about it .....it seems......


I'd like to know these things if anyone has info:

Details on which agencies were involved. Just RCMP...or DEA also?

Details on whether any incoming/outgoing orders were seized, or if it is known if the mail was watched..etc. prior to the event. This info is particularly important to the security of MANY auction/website customers who had orders pending/payment en route and needs to be revealed ASAP.

Any other info appreciated. thanks.


What about all the breeders that had sales on C-bay/ and buyers also? What about the advertisers on the sites?? Were they informed the site was/ is down? Are they compensated for lost advertising time that they paid for? Were they informed the sites were down? Anybody directly involved here anything?


Sorry oldpink, Gypsy.

I saw you both post at the same time an was puzzled. I then saw your "out of the loop post" op. My bad.

Many thnx for the updates.


Active member
thanks a lot gyps. i appreciate ur channeling and piping this info to us and if someone can't take your word on these boards then who's word can they take??

until more is revealed: thanks. somoz


Active member
So Gypsy, how's it feeling to be spit on in your own home bro?
I'd be pissed, everyone is welcome to there opinions but why spit on the man, the messenger while your sitting on his couch. He can only relay what he is told, after years of honest dealings with peeps abroad, why would Gypsy whip out the schlong and stick it to folks now? Do you really think this is an endevour to control the seed market? Do you think he wants all the heat from around the world sitting outside his borders, squezzing his govt. to let them in so they can schackle him and haul him away? I personnaly have no ties to OG or any of its affiliates or members. No matter whether its true or false, gypsy can only tell you what he's been told. Preciate the long neck hanging out for the masses trying to cut it off Gypsy. I can only imagine the bill for bandwith usage for this month. When you pull the plug on this thing, drop me an email to the new site bro. Everybody stay safe and chill.
Thanks For Info

Thanks For Info

Thanks for the info Gypsy. One thing: in Canada even if the arseholes seize your money and property they have to give you enough to mount a defense, at least that's how it used to be and Bush's bumboy has not been in power long enough to change anything yet.


Why would Gypsy lie about any of this?
Do you think there is some large conspiracy between him OP and RC?
I've been on OG since the late 90's and have never found OP or GN to provide any info that was intended to be misleading.
I have full faith in gypsy, op and RC. For everyone complaining that RC just up and left, that would be SO much better than his getting busted, and I would personally hope that was the case. But all of the most reliable info points to his arrest. In fact, there is NO reliable information pointing to ANYTHING else but an arrest.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....I'll let you know...as and when I know more.........

...one thing was that RC never suggested that I help him at all......I offered assistance....but he said that he first had to talk with his lawyer about it...

....at least he is out from a jail cell now..........I am sure that all the charges/details will come to light in the near future as more information becomes available...


This is my first post after joining a few weeks ago. I, like everyone else have been glued here watching this all unfold. All I can say is I can't believe the way some of you "so-called members" are acting. And to top it off, as previously stated, in his own house, no less. GN is a much bigger man than I am, for sure. I wouldn't blame him at all if he gave a big "FUCK YOU" to the a- holes demanding proof. If you want proof, find it on your own. GN does not owe you a fuckin' thing, and if that is your attitude, you are more than welcome to go elsewhere. Go talk to your "hero", ME. I for one apologize to our host, and am truly ashamed of this conduct.




2buds said:
So Gypsy, how's it feeling to be spit on in your own home bro?
I'd be pissed, everyone is welcome to there opinions but why spit on the man, the messenger while your sitting on his couch. He can only relay what he is told, after years of honest dealings with peeps abroad, why would Gypsy whip out the schlong and stick it to folks now? Do you really think this is an endevour to control the seed market? Do you think he wants all the heat from around the world sitting outside his borders, squezzing his govt. to let them in so they can schackle him and haul him away? I personnaly have no ties to OG or any of its affiliates or members. No matter whether its true or false, gypsy can only tell you what he's been told. Preciate the long neck hanging out for the masses trying to cut it off Gypsy. I can only imagine the bill for bandwith usage for this month. When you pull the plug on this thing, drop me an email to the new site bro. Everybody stay safe and chill.

... I don't think anyone is being that harsh towards GN... they just what more facts.... what charges, how much was his bail, which side made the arrest?
A lot of people are satisfied with the IP address issue said to have disabled before his arrest.... but what about the seed orders?
People would really like to know if they too are in jepordy of arrest... you follow what I trying to say here? :wallbash:

OR... is this a case of they go after the BIG GUY.... the seed vendor... the growers will slowly go away. :confused:
After all the prisons are already full!!!

I mean unless RC is shackled it's still possible to make connections.
Wasn't it also mentioned that RC as been released for some time now?

Not that it really matters to me... but I'm thinking a lot of peeps from OG are demanding a little better explaination of the events! A well written document, not just BLOGS.

But hey I could be wrong.... :2cents:



It sucks the sites went down but life will go on obviously! My only problem with this entire thing is this. People asking for money to help support a legal fund. Now this guy RC is a BIG player in the game obviously and that grants him a relief fund? WTF happend when/if I get busted anybody gonna send me some money for legal fees? I HIGHLY FUCKING DOUBT IT!!!!!! Lets stick to the facts and not try to scam people for money that this guy obviously already has.



Active member
Well put, HoosierDaddy. Well put.
Also, welcome to The ICMAG. I know, for the most part, you're gonna enjoy your stay.
Great peeps here. You already know our host n crew. Things aren't usually like this here, but......these are changing and trying times. Like you, we are all awaiting how this unfolds.
But, again, welcome.

Stay safe.
Success w/ya grow.


Watch em grow!!! :canabis:



Active member
Gypsy that is great news
Thanks for keeping us all informed
Its good to hear that he is out on bail ,and that the og and cw severs was ok .Though i am sure there is alot of folks out there with seed orders that are pritty spooked and would like to know .But as you have said once you or OP know more then we will simple as that untill then all we can do is sit tight .Though i know the sooner everyone knows for sure what the facts are .more folks will be able to set there minds at rest as it has been a worring and sad times for all .most of all for Rc and his wife , But we have all lost alot so now we just need to wait and see it has been alo time though and the more time it is the worse it could be for people with seeds orders so i can understand why alot of folks are still worried . I just had grows on og that was it .But that does not mean i was not worried far from it to tell you the truth .
The only thing that matters now, is that we all pull togther .And help our fallen brother Rc out once we get the ok that is.One day this witch will end . Some members dont seem to understand that all his Money could be freezed As it more than likely is and i am sure someone said it had been if i am wrong sorry .I honesly cant understand some peoples minds on this thread .Maybe they was not on og or cw for along time i dont know .but i joined og in 2002 though i was a lurker a year before .In that time we was able to do a few ok grows , thanks in alot of ways to og and its members .Though we had done some before we had joined og .But it was and allways has been a great help as was cw for my lurking information .Now i was never a sub on og but in the time i was there i had made alot of good people .Who i am glad to call good friends .A few i have even had the pleasure to meet .And i can tell you one thing everyone of them have been sound as a pound .And some are now good friends ,And i know that if i had not joined og i would never of got the chance to of talk to so many like minded people .So that is why in times like this it is inportant for all of us to pull togther .as we are all on the same side .So now is our time to give somthing back its as simple as that .
Last edited:


let me formally apologize on behalf of some of these jackasses I have seen in this thread Gypsy!!!
Jesus some people, I swear.......the man got on as soon as he knew some kind of new update on RC and all some of you can do is crack his balls!!!!
C'mon now, this is no way to be and as an ex OG'er, I want no part of that dumb shit.
Obviously there is no "official" news to report here so Gypsy has been kind enough to offer something that I believe to be concrete.
There are some people on here really making OG look like a fuckin trollhouse.
Thanks for the news Gypsy!!
I for one am very grateful for the report!

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