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Don't want the chopper to see me


In the process of buying a house and it has a shed out back with power already running to it. The shed is nice and was used as a man cave.

The shed: 18' x 8' with a ceiling height of 7'. Its not insulated but has a couple small windows and nice vents in the top. It's built with 2x4 construction.

I am planning on spray foaming all the space between the studs then sheet rocking it. Will do the same to the ceiling but then will do blown in insulation above.

I plan on only using half the room because the other half will be storage. Then my half/room will have two tents. Maybe a small third veg tent not sure.

Smell will be in check with carbon, sound will be good with the spray foam (might even do sound board under the Sheetrock). But I'm concerned about fly overs (infrared). Whats my best solution?