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Life calling/meaning (How did you find it?)


Microbial Repositories
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I was in a motorcycle accident. I spent 28 days in a coma and had 31 bone fractures in my upper body including 3 vertebrae in my neck.

When I left the hospital I was shocked to find so little help for hurting people. I continually learn about growing cannabis. I have been donating buds to patients in need for a decade now. I don't smoke as my industry of work piss tests often.
I still suffer greatly, but I need the job to provide for others. This is my passion and how I got it.
Peace. MedDakotabis


Active member
I was extremely unhappy with my first go-round, and after 10 years chasing money, i decided to do something else. I thought to myself, “if i won a million dollars in the lottery, and didn’t have to work anymore, but i still wanted to be useful, what would i do? I thought a LOT about that question, and decided to go into healthcare. I had a friend at the time that was a surgical tech. They help/assist in surgery. That seemed like an interesting job, so i went to school for that. A couple of years later, i became a nurse. That was twenty years ago. Best thing i ever did with my life. I am proud of what i accomplished, and also proud that i have been able to make a difference in thousands of people’s lives.

Along the way, i taught myself origami. I committed to learn a new model every month, and i practiced all of the time. I would give my origamis to my patients, and most seemed to really like them. One time, i had just learned to make a pegasus, and it was really good. I had a patient that had some serious psychiatric issues. She was very angry and combative. I needed to get her ready for surgery, and no one could go near her. I walked into her room, smiled, and simply gave her the paper pegasus. She was enthralled with it and she instantly calmed down. I never had any problems with her.

I hope you find your ikigai. I was lucky to find mine.


I heard the plant calling me at a very young age. I've done a lot of things in my life but I'm always drifting back to this plant and what I'm going to do and try next esp. with chucking pollen.


The thing for me was that I nearly died. I sat for months with my heart pounding a double beat. Wondering when it would run out of energy and just stop. And every time I moved meant PAIN. And I itched and learned to ignore all of it. Mind over matter.

So I can say I transcended my physical state. So close to Death for so long I became a kind man. A gentle man. And those who knew me marvelled at the change.

When I was not ill there were dreams. I was shown stuff that most people don't get to see. The most I 'll say about that is I seem to have a Spirit Guide.

Eventually in daily life there were all these coincidences where I met people who were helpful to me. And I realised I was 'tuned in' to the times. To whatever was going on around the place that reinforced my idea of who I am and what I wanted to do.

Today it is enough for me that ... I am that I am ...


Well-known member
Usually you can only be disappointed if you try to get a paying job that has meaning and satisfaction for you. There’s no loyalty in business and all they care about is profit. Money really is the root of all evil. I say work to pay your bills but find meaning in other areas. Work to live don’t live to work


Active member
Most people fall bass ackwards into a career. Then are too old to really change much when they find what makes them happy. I think the key is learning to find your happiness in whatever life presents you.


Well-known member
Usually you can only be disappointed if you try to get a paying job that has meaning and satisfaction for you. There’s no loyalty in business and all they care about is profit. Money really is the root of all evil. I say work to pay your bills but find meaning in other areas. Work to live don’t live to work

"i may not vote on anymore threads today" DAMMIT! i like the way you think...


Well-known member
several people here have mentioned money. a couple of years ago, i had a chance at a job paying more than i have ever earned. i was sitting in my living room thinking, and i asked aloud to myself (i thought) "should i go for the money or stay here & help people?" and a (VERY clear)voice replied "stay here and help". no one else home, no windows open where a neighbor might have heard me. unless my dog can talk, i just don't know...but, i stayed here & have not regretted it. could i have used the money? sure. but i would have missed out on a LOT in my home life. and i DO try to help people when i am able. is being helpful a calling or lifes' meaning?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What got me onto a quest - and gave great meaning to my life - was getting locked up for a small piece of cannabis resin in 1985 - a victim of a victimless crime - that month in jail gave me time to think about how I could change or stop this happening to anyone else - and I found the answer in distributing the seeds of the cannabis plant - and encouraging those who wanted or needed cannabis - to grow it - and here we are 35 years later - still those who grow or use/posses or trade in cannabis are persecuted and prosecuted - but things have got much better in some parts of the world - and many more people grow their own cannabis today - than did 35 years ago.

Nowadays so many people have 'woke' to the draconian cannabis laws - studied the history of prohibition - and because they have seen the plant grown and realize its potential - they see now why the worlds corrupt governments have been so anti-cannabis - depriving us all of our liberty if we dared to grow it - because they don't seem to like the fact that one plant can feed, clothe and medicate us - and it is so easy to grow - anyone can grow it.


Active member
Very eloquent and well spoken. My sentiments exactly. My second semester of college the English course was entitled "Man's Inhumanity to Man". There has been lots of inhumanity perpetrated on fellow humans, all through history. The course included a bunch of bullshit reading but sometimes interspersed by spots of enlightenment. But, it's the past generation's Draconian laws and attitudes against cannabis I'd never ever get. My conclusion now is money and power is the reason. Live your life without succumbing to those two things and you have lived a fulfilling life. The road to true happiness for me has always been avoiding those two evils....And have lotsa sex. :biggrin:


Well-known member
What got me onto a quest - and gave great meaning to my life - was getting locked up for a small piece of cannabis resin in 1985 - a victim of a victimless crime - that month in jail gave me time to think about how I could change or stop this happening to anyone else - and I found the answer in distributing the seeds of the cannabis plant - and encouraging those who wanted or needed cannabis - to grow it - and here we are 35 years later - still those who grow or use/posses or trade in cannabis are persecuted and prosecuted - but things have got much better in some parts of the world - and many more people grow their own cannabis today - than did 35 years ago.

Nowadays so many people have 'woke' to the draconian cannabis laws - studied the history of prohibition - and because they have seen the plant grown and realize its potential - they see now why the worlds corrupt governments have been so anti-cannabis - depriving us all of our liberty if we dared to grow it - because they don't seem to like the fact that one plant can feed, clothe and medicate us - and it is so easy to grow - anyone can grow it.

The world doesn’t realize what you have done for us. Overgrow the government was a great philosophy and you were a huge part. The seeds and comradeship from ICMAG helped so many people get the medicine they needed. You are as big a deal as any of the famous breeders. I appreciate you and want you to know since around 2000 I’ve been a grower and supporter. I wish you peace and happiness thanks for everything .


Active member
Hi everyone.
I hope i'm not dragging you in a bad mood by asking this feared and highly introspective question, but i've been kinda stuck in a bad loop for the last half decade and still didn't find anything for me...
I just wanted to know how you all found a life meaning/calling/passion - whatever you want to call it, in other words, the thing that really makes you want to get up the morning and fight your way in this life.
And if you feel like it, leave suggestions for people having trouble finding it (like the aforementioned). Thanks.

You find it by trying different things.

Find out what you like to do. Find out what you're good at. Go outside of your comfort zone. Learn new skills.

Make sure you get good at simply talking to people.

Stack your skills. Enjoy your hobbies. Be interesting and do interesting things.

Book recommendation: https://www.amazon.com/How-Fail-Almost-Everything-Still/

Read / Listen to / Think about what Naval Ravikant says: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_dVD10YuSghle8g6yjePg


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