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Compost Tea - A Complete Guide

I've tried the aerated tea I made last week and all the plants I watered with it absolutely loved it, there's something in there that really promotes a natural healthy look in the leaves.. I gave some to my cannabis plants and to my house plants to see the effects and I'm very impressed.

I was looking for cheese cloths and just happened to discover these screen document pouches at the dollar store, seems like a perfect tea bag to hold the aact ingredients. Theres even a corner loop to easily tie and suspend it in your brewer.



I've tried it on many different types of plants just to be sure it wasn't placebo, sometimes it's hard to notice what you gave them is having an effect or not especially on cannabis.

At first I was a bit skeptical of using a the tea undiluted so I diluted 1:1 ta to water and tried it on a few strawberry plants within a short period of time they started showing signs of appreciation, leaves we're standing straight up and the veins in the leaves had a slightly different colour like the tea went straight to their internal cells..




Yesterday I noticed something different happening, there's fungal activity in my substrate, this is only 4-5 days after watering with the act, I threw in some backyard natural leaf and wood compost and I suspect I innoculated the tea with beneficial decomposing fungal species. Here's what I saw..




I've made a second batch of act since and have been using it undiluted for watering and foliar spraying.

This stuff is definitely a complex tonic for plants, it's very simple to make your own, trick is to plan a few days ahead of when you plan on using it not to waste it. I use microbe organics recipe and use a bit less worm castings than he recommends to substitute for my own natural leaf/branch compost and add a few tsp of bio rock (granulated igneous volcanic rock) to add some extra minerals and nutrients. Brew for 36-72 hrs max...


is natural fluoride ok in compost tea water?

are other natural minerals found on well water ok for compost tea?

i know they are bad in tap water added but found from ground water?

also is horsetail ok for compost tea? horsetail should have silica? silicate slow down microbial colonnies in water

i think i leave horsetail alone :D

what about brewing temperatures if the grow room temperature in soil is different than the brewing place would the warm bacteria die in colder soil?

winter in north can be cold on floors and soil can be cold too

would it be wise to brew cold brew in room that can hit +13c on lamps off and use that
or warm brew in warm and pour it to cold
i think i read that some soil expert said that it would be wise to do it in space environment.

but would i brew in colder environment longer if bacteria takes more time in cold

room will warm up up to +20c lights on or top of plants maybe more

so in that time the brew could warm more but its in floor so its pretty cold

so far its smells like candy and have about 5-10cm of foam

i use bactrex+insectfrass+wormpoop+biotabscomposttea+completeorganics+molasses

is that over doing it i want as far range of beneficial as i can :D or if its possible so cold

well everything in nature cold environment compost and live in ground so i guess something happens on cold too :p

i brewed now max 48hours i think





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how fast the level of airobic bacteria will drop if you stop brewing will it drop in minutes or in hours?

taking the air pump off and taking your time to pour the tea around how long its ''good''?




is there some chart for how many litre air per minute for how many litres of water?


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hey all please remember one very important FACT ABOUT TEA'S
That Dr.Elaine Ingham stresses adamantly,
* When you mix a tea up the microbial clock starts counting down. For every food source in your tea there is a dominant set of microbes eating it.

* When that food source is gone another type of microbes becomes dominant for the source and this cycle repeats itself until depletion of food sources.

* The EXUDATES in your soils Rhyzosphere acclimates to a specific microbial colony that it feeds from. Every time you change up a tea you change the symbiotic relationship achieved in the rhyzosphere.

Please go to my thread in Cannabis Botany and Advanced Science Techniques.
My thread is
Making Marijuana Great Again. The first pages are decades of doctorate research that I have collected. Teas are fantastic and get even better when you fully understand how they actually work.
God bless your grows!


Active member
I like teas because in veg I want my N doing its work... then gone

The Nitrogen teas are good in veg

Its good having something that activates now rather than break down later @ the wrong time