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Any southern CA. med clubs?


New member
I was wondering if there are any med clubs in soutern CA. and also would like to know if i qualify for back pain. I was diagnosed with arthritis in my lower back. anyways any info would be greatly appreciated.
As far as a Med club in SC? I have no clue. This being your first post don't expect too many answers. Med club or street hustler you are asking for a hook-up on internet chat. Not a good idea. Do some more research. If there is one near you it won't be hard to find. Google or Ya Hooka could give you some anonymous answers. Pain or stress or lack of appetite all qualify in my book. I hear small grows are ignored in Cali so look into growing some if you can.

KRS Juan

Compassionate Caregivers, 1209 N. La Brea, West Hollywood (323) 850-9121 open Tu-Sa 10 - 7.
Inglewood Wellness Center (310) 674-4444 www.InglewoodWC.org
United Medical Caregivers Clinic - 872 Huntley Ave, W. Hollywood (at Santa Monica Bl) - opening mid- April 04 - (310) 358-0212
Los Angeles Crescent Alliance for Sickle-Cell Self-Help Group (Sister Somayah)

Kern Co. - Amer. Kenpo Kungfu School of Public Health (661) 399-9099 www.RevJoeFortt.com
Northern Lights Church (San Bernardino & San Diego) (877) 716-5600 ext. 595 http://northernlightschurch.com
Today's Holistic Caregivers (661) 946-6600 caregivers420@yahoo.com
California Alliance for Medical MJ Patients (Ventura Co) (805) 890-3065 StopArrestingPts@aol.com (ID cards and medical referrals )

Only a doctor can say if it will help your back pain, but with proper medical records many people have gotten marijuana recommendations for back problems.

-KRS Juan-
P.S. nice name, my office is on Pico =)


New member
as KRS juan said yes, there are a few. With your medical recoerds and a genuine illness you will able to geta prescription from a good doctor. - cool name too! lol!