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Help! One week old Og kush auto seedling help..

Can any one help. I have 1 week old seedling auto flower Og kush. It's stretching and now is on a support of a wood stick cuz it was drooling on the ground when I checked it.. I don't know what it's the problem.. Though the plant looks healthy leaves r perfect... Is it the light problem or water problem.. I am growing them in a pot on my terrace.. In natural sunlight.. Right now they r in shade since the time they have popped out of the soil they have not had direct sunlight on them.. And my question is when can I give them dirct sunlight as they r one week old only.... Please help me on this.. This IE my second grow and m in india.. Plz Pls plz help and also if any one can give me his or her email address I would be obliged and really thank full... My email is Dreambolic7@icloud.com
Sometimes they just droop in the beginning because the new developing leaves are too heavy for the skinny stem to hold up. Supporting it was the right way to go. Within a few more days or a week it should be able to stay up on its own. Make sure if you tied it to the support stick to tie it loosely because it can kill the small tender plant if there is too much pressure. More details on your setup and some pics can help people understand your issues and give you the right advice according to you grow. Good luck man. Welcome to ICMAG.


Active member
Seedlings should be in direct light asoon as they sprout

Its stretching because its trying to makes its way to the light
The only thing which I am not sure of is, when to give autoflower seedling direct sunlight.. As I am growing on my terrrce..

I have 1 week old Amenishia xxl auto seedling

Wanted to know when I can keep it under direct sunlight... Thanks for ur help
I have not kept them in direct sunlight from the time they popped out.. And it's been 1 week 1 day... I hope the light dosent give them shock.. Cuz one of my friend had kept them in direct sunlight after a week and they all died.... I will click a pic now and show u how it looks like.. Also as I am growing on the terrrce the birds try eat my other plants so I have kept a cage to protect it.. Though light and air should not be a problem... Plz check the pics


Active member
Go to user menu at top of page, click on my albums, create a album, upload ur pics

Then when your posting you click insert image and then click the image you want to post
Direct sunlight on a sprout could kill it!

Direct sunlight on a sprout could kill it!

:)Be careful bro filter the sunlight till it can get use too being in direct sun at least a few days or so use thick plastic to defuse direct light. I killed twenty seedling one time by setting them outside on the porch. Don't learn the hard way man!:tiphat:
Thanks broseph! I was wondering cuz I saw so many threads stating different views.. And I got confused..
And I am still wondering that is it OK to give it early morning sunlight till like about 10 am in the morning and get them to shade when it's too hot for them and get them back before sunsets...

And also do u think that I can grow cannibis in over 33 degrees Celsius.. But making sure not giving them direct sunlight when it's over that temp.. Thanks for u advice and help..

This is where u can find the picture of the one week old
OK its night here so tomorrow 1st thing I do is take a pic in day light and show u...... Thanks for being here ...god bless


Active member
That link didnt work but i found the pics in your album

Yes it looks about right for 1 week old

What are the straws for?
The straws are for its protection cuz my growing on the terrrce and birds might nibble on it..

It's happened to me before.. The bird ate the seedling before..

And also when does the second set of leaves come?..
Thanks for ur replies bro


Active member
Lol picture still not working

Should be a few days, but some grow faster than others