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No till, No legal


We have outside cats. They even have their own door & prefer to do their business... in the garden, so it's a moot point.They just have a litter box for when it's raining or there's snow on the ground.

I seriously doubt that oocysts can survive for long in our tumbler. My wife has developed a real feel for the process, adding the right amounts of moisture, garbage, green matter & brown matter to really get it cooking, sometimes hitting 160F. The bacteria go absolutely wild & gobble up everything. That's the whitish color you can see on some of the clods in the pic.

Its funny because Im not an argumentative type at all, and am very agreeable on here as I know that Im the inexperienced one but Im kind of going to have to call you out on this jhhhhhn..

1st of, yes it is a nice tumbler and set up. no doubt about that.
It is extremely irresponsible of you to come on here and say that its totally fine to just mix cat litter in your compost. Someone could follow your advice and not do it properly

You need to do one of these for this to be ok:
A) make sure it hits 165F(people should use a probe to measure all parts of the pile are consistently reaching this temperature)
B) composts for 18+ Months
C) not use around edible crops or cannabis indoors. Outdoors if you burried it 1 foot underground I could see that being okay maybe.

Im all for recycling and re using and being sustainable, but with this I don't think its worth it. My mom got infected when she was younger, and gave birth and my sister has Epilepsy, which has been found to have links to Toxoplasmosis. It has made my sisters life very difficult. So each there own, but don't mislead people because you are not fully aware of the consequences yourself.

"Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. On average, it is estimated that 20% to 40% of the population in North America is infected – that infection rate is even higher in other parts of the world.

This single-celled parasite is capable of living in a wide range of birds and mammals, but only produces eggs in the lining of the intestines of cats. In humans it usually causes no symptoms. However, once infected, the infection remains for life.

Toxoplasmosis usually lies dormant, but occasionally it reactivates to cause disease. Usually this happens when some other disease weakens the immune system. Toxoplasmosis is considered an opportunistic infection, one that shouldn't harm healthy people but can be very serious if your immune defenses are down (e.g., people with AIDS or cancer, or who are taking medications that suppress the immune system). It also threatens the fetus if an expectant mother is infected during pregnancy."