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Do You Have Photos of Regular or Russet/Broad/Hemp Mites and/or Plant Damage?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Hey, :)

I'm putting together a spider mite thread and am looking for photo submissions. I've received mites from many growers over the years, but apparently did not take photos before I eliminated them.

Have you had spider mites? two-spotted or otherwise? Have photos of russet/broad mites in full glory? Want credit as the photographer?

I would really appreciate donations of any clear photos you have. I can add your name to the photos, or whatever info you like, before they're posted up.

Thank you

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Heres a two spotted spider mite

This is russet mite damage from a big outdoor medical grow that was filthy with them.




In that last one I'm not sure, but I think the round things are probably eggs

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Thanks, if you're publishing them for money then I want all of it, otherwise I don't really care all that much to advertise that I get vermin in my garden. I guess maybe they'e somewhat appealing photos if you're the type thats into horror movies, but thats not me, they made my stomach turn a little when I first saw them.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I'm publishing it because I'm tired of repetition. The subject of spider mites comes up SO often it's ridiculous. There's this perception out there mites are extremely awful, and they're not.

So, I want a post I can point people to and save myself some carpal tunnel. :D It will probably get a LOT of traffic, so it's up to you whether you want credit or not. hehehehe :)


I'm publishing it because I'm tired of repetition. The subject of spider mites comes up SO often it's ridiculous. There's this perception out there mites are extremely awful, and they're not.

So, I want a post I can point people to and save myself some carpal tunnel. :D It will probably get a LOT of traffic, so it's up to you whether you want credit or not. hehehehe :)

Speak for yourself buddy...I hate those fuckers:biggrin:. Spider mites and powdery mildew are my arch nemesis.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Speak for yourself buddy...I hate those fuckers:biggrin:. Spider mites and powdery mildew are my arch nemesis.
I'll be outlining the methods I use, and have used successfully for 10 years. I've also been researching the most cost effective methods for large numbers of plants, including outdoor operations.

I should be able to explain everything clearly enough. Expect less stress in the future. :D


Active member
I've got a persistent red spider mite problem which I'm constantly trying to keep at bay, I'll pull out the loupe and get some photos tonight to add.

I also hate the fuckers, and the little dots they leave on my leaves.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I've got a persistent red spider mite problem which I'm constantly trying to keep at bay, I'll pull out the loupe and get some photos tonight to add.

I also hate the fuckers, and the little dots they leave on my leaves.
Greatly appreciated. :D Crazy how they seem to multiply out of thin air. Sheesh.

FWIW, I've received mites from growers with 'resistant' mites several times. Mites they were unable to eradicate with multiple methods over many years. One fellow shut down after 10 years of constantly battling mites.

They did not survive my methods. In fact, the 'resistant' mites showed any signs of special resistance at all. :tiphat:

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Pretty sure these are either broads or cyclamen, 4 sprays 4 days apart of sulfur ftw. I think that knock them down for good, i was still fighting these fuckers in the veg room, hopefully this will wipe them clean.... gonna repeat once again in a week, just to put the final nail in the coffin!

By the way, sulfur was the only effective thing that worked against these fuckers (without crazy chemicals)... cheap and effective! Neem, pyrethrin, etc just made them giggle. I dipped one of those fuckers in 99% alcohol for 10 minutes and he was just giggling, I think he just got drunk lol but lived like a champ.

Heat treatment can be effective too, 10 minutes full submersion on 45C water and make sure to move the water every min around or so, plants will take a beating for sure, but most mites will die!

Another thing that killed em was vinegar, but u dont really want to spray your plants with that, but for cleaning the room is a good tool!





pic from google

Botanigard (beauvaria bassiana) has some rate of success...

Predator mites after the sprays is also a good idea. Swirskii's and andersonis! For spider mites persimillis and cucumeris!

Hope this info helps whoever is desperate fighting these fuckers, i have lost some keepers and much time trying to eliminate em... I think I'm finally getting the hang of it... we shall see in a month or so, fingers crossed!


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Best of luck, and yes I'm hearing great things about sulfur. :) Break the breeding cycle, every 3-4 days for 15 days. ;

Keep us posted, I'm rooting for you!

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Thanks broda, its been a war... but yeah, sulfur seems to be the way to go, hard part was ID'ing the pest... it's a great thing that you have opened this thread... it was very hard to get some picture of broad mites/cyclamen... google has only some shitty pictures...

and also finding out what works and what doesnt... few hundred bucks, a bunch of plants and months of frustration, I think sulfur its the secret... we shall see. I though they were gone, and 2 weeks ago I started seeing the damage again, in my case its a leaf curl, almost looks like it's N toxicity, that eventually starts killing the tip of the leaf and takes over the whole leaf...

First signs I sprayed sulfur and a few days later you could see the tops shooting up and greening up nicely, so far so good. I did notice some magnesium deficiencies that popped out after that, but maybe its just because I been spraying sulfur every 4 days or so, 3 times. Anyways, today I hit them up with some epson foliar and we shall see what happens. Imma spray one more time in a few days, just to be extra sure!

Sulfur will definitely be implemented on the IPM program... I think every month or so veg cab gets sprayed and then once right before being moved to flower... any suggestions is appreciated! I'm not trying to see these fucks every again :)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Glad it's helping indeed. Have you identified the original source yet? There are apparently a number of different plants these buggers hang out on, and breeding in the area on other plants is not out of the realm of possibility.

I believe the most expensive parts about sulfur are a quality sprayer and your time. When you're meticulous it's very effective. Thank you again for sharing. :D

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member

I think either worm castings, or when I brought some plants from outdoors to dry around my grow area... not exactly sure to be honest.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day DC aka TCG

Broad mite damage ;


They like new growth as it has less developed cystolithic hairs .
Other wise they attack the edges of the leaves where they are less impaired by the hairs . They don`t mind chewing pistils and calyxes either .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore

I think either worm castings, or when I brought some plants from outdoors to dry around my grow area... not exactly sure to be honest.

G `day BW

Indoors to out OK ,just need hardening to the sun .
Outdoor to in ; always trouble ...

Thanks for sharin

EB .

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