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More effective guerilla


New member

Last winter I made 2k+ auto seeds for this years outdoor run. What I come to realize is that I need to be way more effective.
Only got like 500 of them outside. And dont want to think about how many of them died :( RIP

This year I propagated them inside with homemade newspaper pots and then brought them outside.
This was to slow and to many trips cus of the low number of plants I can bring each time.

So my plan for next year is
* Make the soil easier to work with by using tarps over them on the off season. And maybe do a lazy garden type of thing before tarping them over.
* Cutting holes in the tarps and plant in the holes to limit the weeds in the garden.
* Using Jiffy peat pellets and germ them outside with a makeshift greenhouse.

Most of my spots are hard to access open leaf forest areas with silt (sandy/clay) and some natural peat soil.
We don't get helicopters looking for gardens. So dont think the tarps will be a issue.
This winter I will make a lot more seeds, so no need to be economical with the seeds.

Now I'm looking for your input and tips for a even more effective guerilla strategy for next year.
What are you doing that I could incorporate in my garden? :)


Well-known member
I've tried guerrilla with various methods the most suceful one are with a local made greenhouse.

4 or 6 bamboo or broomstick 80 cm of lenght each with a pointed tip.

Wire (copper or steel).

Shadding fabric (50% shade)


Party cups pre holled in bottom


choose 4 corner points and hammer the sticks 20 cm down into soil.
For biggest greenhouses (more than 1 x 1 meter) make a rectangle and put the 2 sticks between the biggest distances.
Tie the wire in the stick tops like making an wire fence.
Cross the wire between all sticks making like a "X" inside a square.
Put the desired amount of party cups with substrate and seeds, cover with shadding fabric.
Pin the shadding fabric in soil with local stones or sticks.
Pulverize some pesticide in the shadding fabric.
I use 500 ml party cups for 4 weaks or until the plants reach 30 cm .
For wattering seedlings use wattering can through the shadding fabric.
Protect against hail, insects, herbivores, intense rain, wind, excessive sunlight.
Cheap and ease.
This method allows a single person to care for 200 seedling without too much work and almost 100% sucess rate.