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US Army seeks new intel tool able to understand social media


They are throwing a temper tantrum because all the old methods of deception are not working. Anyone remember those washed up Hollywood has beens "The White Helmets"? Lucky for everyone people exposed that regime change propaganda campaign and it was mostly from people on social media rockin the caps lock key typing THE WHITE HELMETS ARE AL QAEDA!!!! THE WHITE HELMETS ARE AL QAEDA!!!! They got the Oscars and George Clooney involved like a page straight out of the CIA's "Operation Mocking Bird". It didn't work by my God they gave that one a real good shot, a failure but you got to hand it to them they gave it a real good shot.


They are throwing a temper tantrum because all the old methods of deception are not working. Anyone remember those washed up Hollywood has beens "The White Helmets"? Lucky for everyone people exposed that regime change propaganda campaign and it was mostly from people on social media rockin the caps lock key typing THE WHITE HELMETS ARE AL QAEDA!!!! THE WHITE HELMETS ARE AL QAEDA!!!! They got the Oscars and George Clooney involved like a page straight out of the CIA's "Operation Mocking Bird". It didn't work by my God they gave that one a real good shot, a failure but you got to hand it to them they gave it a real good shot.


the white helmets scam is on going, western governments are still financing them, while they let the real Syrian red crescent emergency rescue services, rot under the sanctions. they are still telling people the white helmets are heroes saving people from the bombs of Bashar al Assad, in fact they also have a so called free Syrian police now, roflmao. they will be ready to chop hands, gouge eyes, chop heads and stone adulterers on western tax payers dime!

all the while these groups members are being videoed while they are involved in terrorism and war crimes with both isis and al qaida affiliated groups.

the world needs to wake up to this shitty mess, stop supporting anyone who believes in a military solution in Syria.


Another very creepy and Orwellian thing they have done in the media and on social media is they have effectively changed our vocabulary when talking about the Middle East as follows..

Q: Why cant we call The members of ISIS Islamic extremists anymore???

A: Because ISIS is not real Islam they have nothing to do with the real Islamic faith!

Q: So we must call them something that dose not refer to the Islamic faith right??

A: Yes! we must now refer to them as Islamists!

So you look at vocabulary as a maze that leads to other descriptive words. If you arrive at the term Islamic extremist it is a dead end you are stuck there. There are no good Islamic extremists, There are no acceptable Islamic extremists.

So what happens when you arrive at the term Islamist ?? Just look at the wiki page below for Islamist varieties.


Now you see you are no longer at a dead end in the maze are you? Because according to the wiki definition there are "Moderate and reformist Islamists"
as well as the extremist ones.

Do you suppose the Free Syrian Army are the moderate Islamists ??

They have changed our vocabulary to make supporting extremists in the Middle East seem acceptable. This is very creepy very Orwellian and no one even realizes that its happening.


Active member
There are no good extremists anyway looking at any. There are left wing radicals, right wing wingnuts and all sorts of inbetweens. There is a popular extreme militarism, extreme patriatism, extremists for everyone who lacks a life of healthy emotion.

The concern I and others have is an extreme Government. Republicans claim the don't want an extreme Government, but that's what they vote for. Not that there aren't moderates.

The military is a dangerous weapon and I do not trust dangerous weapons. Never have. My first memory of psychic pain was seeing Dad's loaded rifle in the closet. But somehow rifles are friendly looking to people. How does a weapon look friendly?


Active member
Well no, not really. Militarism is extreme extremism. So is law enforcment.

People have signed away their rights fighting some phantom menace. They think the problem is out there or other people when they think they are so good and deny any social influence or power what so ever.

Am I really doing good praying everyday when I vote for people that pass laws that create issues and don't solve anymore? Cause that is what America has done or risked being called a radical. If you are proactive against anything that Uncle Sam takes a position on they surveil you. I can bet if your Grandparents where under constant watch they too would have crimes. Maybe not very serious crimes but there is dirt on everyone.


yeah true, specially when the law books are numbered in the thousands. no human can ever even learn all the laws, let alone not breaking the odd one here and there...


The internet was once a free, open platform that allowed people to be anonymous...post or share content without fear.

That ship sailed a long time ago...

BREAKING: HUNDREDS of Twitter Employees Paid to View "Everything You Post," & Private "Sex Messages"

holy fuck, i only just watched this. really good link, it proves what has long been suspected, but it goes even further, they actually use your pm content as well as your public posts to make a profile about you to sell to advertisers. i'm halfway through the video, well worth watching.

thanks for the link vta.


Active member
I think it's part 2 or 3 in a series...that being said, take the context into account, as PV has been known to embellish a bit...although it has been a while.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I don't think that ICMAG is a hot-bed for private sexy messages.....so no worries around here. lol.

The internet has evolved and been weaponized to snoop on all of us who participate in it, and even others who do not but are discussed by those that do.

Some hermit could be living up a mountain somewhere, happily living his life devoid of any social interaction with anyone for years. He don't use a phone, the internet, radio or any other form of communication because he don't want to communicate with anyone, he doesn't want to have anything to do with anyone at all, just to live his simple self-sufficient lifestyle 'far from the madding crowds'.

Then one day some keen vlogger/blogger passes by the hermits cave, films the whole thing, then suddenly that peaceful old hermit is all over the bloody internet like a rash! His very private world has been made VERY public.

Its as if we don't really have the privacy we once had any more pre-internet/social media.

These corporations realize that there is money in data and will use it to squeeze whatever they can out of it, even if it means stepping all over your privacy.

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