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Massive cross-platform censorship just happened


Active member
Just like Assange warned everyone; the establishment would take down unpopular or controversial sources first and then once emboldened by getting away with that they would start taking down more legitimate sources.

They've attacked sites ranging from far-right to far-left and its going to get worse.


"Facebook has purged more dissident political media pages today, this time under the pretense of protecting its users from “inauthentic activity”. In a statement co-authored by Facebook Head of Cybersecurity Nathaniel Gleicher (who also happens to be the former White House National Security Council Director of Cybersecurity Policy), the massive social media platform explained that it has removed “559 Pages and 251 accounts that have consistently broken our rules against spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior.”This “inauthentic behavior”, according to Facebook, consists of using “sensational political content – regardless of its political slant – to build an audience and drive traffic to their websites,” which is the same as saying they write about controversial things, and posting those political articles “in dozens of Facebook Groups, often hundreds of times in a short period, to drum up traffic for their websites.”"

St. Phatty

Active member
I think Assange & Snowden both deserve genuine Peace prizes. not sure the Nobel qualifies, since they gave one to Kissinger, the mass murderer.

I would love to see a movement out of left field to put Snowden in the White House.


Comfortably numb!
i saw this coming when they censored Alex Jones, in fact i opened a thread about it. some people didnt understand that censorship of 1 person, means anyone can be.

heres a link:


I think Assange & Snowden both deserve genuine Peace prizes. not sure the Nobel qualifies, since they gave one to Kissinger, the mass murderer.

I would love to see a movement out of left field to put Snowden in the White House.
I'm a nobody. I don't do FB but the posts I get off Twitter has changed DRASTICALLY in the last 6M :(

PS: AFAIC Snowden is a HERO :)


never did facebook nor twitter and i intend to stay out. been thinking about ig, but i get no further then the terms and conditions before deciding it wasn't that important anyway.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I feel the same way gaius - never had a FB - well there is a fake Gypsy Nirvana there - so let him have-at-it.

I did set up a twitter page once, but have never done anything with it really - too busy right here.

But this new censorship is happening because for the ruling cabal - they don't like too much of the truth to be spoken - especially when people are starting to see thru their lies and talk about it on the internet - it breeds discontent to them, so they are clamping down on the free exchange of information and free speech.

Seen it coming for a while now..

never did facebook nor twitter and i intend to stay out. been thinking about ig, but i get no further then the terms and conditions before deciding it wasn't that important anyway.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
IMO, let Facebook do what it wants. I would prefer it to be a completely political free zone in truth. I don't want anyone to get their political "news" from there.

I want people to engage their brain, find four or five completely unrelated news sources covering the same topic, and glean the truth from there. Not some 15 second sound byte and some talking heads opinion he/she tries to pass off as fact.

But that takes time. And time people don't want to invest because they're too busy posting away on Social Media to actually have an informed opinion.

No wonder the US is such a fucking mess.


Active member
The site mewe dot com shows some promise as an alternative to FB. Its entire premise revolves around privacy.


ICMag Donor
i saw this coming when they censored Alex Jones, in fact i opened a thread about it. some people didnt understand that censorship of 1 person, means anyone can be.

heres a link:


Gubment thinks we're geese....


What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

FB = Never for me. Same for twitter. I have an IG account but the reason I made it is disappearing from IG as well. I've only made a few posts and a few comments. It's a good place to find crystals in they're raw form.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Politics has always been a puppet show - for those that pull the strings - and today, for us, its supposed to look like a reality show - they even got a top reality show host for the latest lead puppet.

These days, with the aid of the internet we have started to be able to catch a glimpse of whats beyond that curtain - maybe even who is pulling those strings, and why - so that's the reason these puppet-masters (who shall remain nameless) now want to control what is said and what is not said on the internet - They would rather us fight amongst each other over what their puppets say, and what their puppets do - keeps us distracted and keeps the heat off the power behind the curtain - by keeping us divided - in my opinion.

Inauthentic Activity == Most of the actions in politics these days
Where's the purge there?


St. Phatty

Active member
These days, with the aid of the internet we have started to be able to catch a glimpse of whats beyond that curtain - maybe even who is pulling those strings, and why - so that's the reason these puppet-masters (who shall remain nameless) now want to control what is said and what is not said on the internet - They would rather us fight amongst each other over what their puppets say, and what their puppets do - keeps us distracted and keeps the heat off the power behind the curtain - by keeping us divided - in my opinion.

I would say, that's more than opinion. It's a statement of fact.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I personally think it has nothing to do with censorship, but more the effect of group thought on profits for these businesses. After all, services like youtube, twitter, facebook, etc... all exist to make money. The interesting thing about these services is they rely on interaction from the general public. When the general public reject an idea or individual in this day and age, these ideas and people are pretty much written off without second thought. These incredibly profitable business know this so preempt public outcry (read as loss of profits) by censoring 'offensive' material. Not saying that this is in anyway a good thing I just see it as more of a reflection of societies current state.

Also, you can't silence everyone, there's still the darknet. :)


I personally think it has nothing to do with censorship, but more the effect of group thought on profits for these businesses. After all, services like youtube, twitter, facebook, etc... all exist to make money. The interesting thing about these services is they rely on interaction from the general public. When the general public reject an idea or individual in this day and age, these ideas and people are pretty much written off without second thought. These incredibly profitable business know this so preempt public outcry (read as loss of profits) by censoring 'offensive' material. Not saying that this is in anyway a good thing I just see it as more of a reflection of societies current state.

Also, you can't silence everyone, there's still the darknet. :)

it goes way beyond that, many FB groups with right or left leaning content have been taken out, they state inauthentic behaviour. this is a purge, just in time for the mid term elections in the US. they are actively meddling in the election by deciding who gets to keep on speaking to their followers and who doesnt. from congressman, to activists, to commenters, even people with a million followers are not safe if they talk about the wrong things.

in fact this mission to stop certain people from "interfering" in the elections with their voice is in it's self interference in the election. they are now taking the right to decide who can and can not speak, thats very dangerous and doesn't bode well.

yes we have the dark net, who the fuck goes there though? but places like fb, twitter, ig, google have become the public square of this day and age, ad they are taking the right to censor people from that public square. it' will back fire heavily, but meanwhile they are trying to control the message on both sides no less.

St. Phatty

Active member
If I had a single prayer to have answered, besides a quick remedy to my tooth infection situation that doesn't involve euthanasia, it would be to ==>


Look at the massive censorship that is occurring at Google, Youtube, Facebook etc.


It is still possible to Out-Yahoo Yahoo, as Google demonstrated.

OF COURSE it is possible to Out-Google Google.

If you have any doubts about your own abilities to be part of something like that, well, have more faith in yourself.

One of the guys that helped me learn 3D animation, after I spent 18 years doing 3D work for engineering, is a guy named Dan Gregoire.

He went to a small junior college in some Midwest state.

Now he is one of the biggest names in pre-vis. Pre-vis is, when a director like Spielberg needs someone to draw while he talks, during a production meeting for a new movie, they have no problem paying someone $1000 an hour to sit there and draw stuff.

So Dan went from very humble beginnings to being an indispensable part of the American movie industry. Completely self-taught, though he is surrounded by people that he can learn from.

Admittedly, that is sort of getting off the topic. Just a little :woohoo:

Getting back to Out-Googling Google - you just need to apply some of your own personal Dan Gregoire-ness to creating a media property.

Like Gypsy has done.

The programming tools are all there. Here is 1 example -


Please don't just talk about the deficiencies of the current situation. Most ICMag members have the ability to be fantastic database programmers - though I'm not sure that is required.

Partially because of his people skills, I think Gypsy has the ability to out-Google Google.

Of course, it also helps to have free use of half the bandwidth of Stanford University, as Brin & Page did before they moved their experimental search engine off-campus.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
it goes way beyond that, many FB groups with right or left leaning content have been taken out, they state inauthentic behaviour. this is a purge, just in time for the mid term elections in the US. they are actively meddling in the election by deciding who gets to keep on speaking to their followers and who doesnt. from congressman, to activists, to commenters, even people with a million followers are not safe if they talk about the wrong things.

in fact this mission to stop certain people from "interfering" in the elections with their voice is in it's self interference in the election. they are now taking the right to decide who can and can not speak, thats very dangerous and doesn't bode well.

yes we have the dark net, who the fuck goes there though? but places like fb, twitter, ig, google have become the public square of this day and age, ad they are taking the right to censor people from that public square. it' will back fire heavily, but meanwhile they are trying to control the message on both sides no less.

I suppose I should have phrased it more as I don't believe it really has a lot to do with political censorship, it is clearly censoring voices, I just don't believe it started as a political mechanism. I feel like the government has slipped it's slimy tentacles into these empires because it's realized the huge level of influence they have. Zuckerburg, Page, Brin, Dorsey, all these guys have the ability to influence and reach many more people than the government can do which gives them immense power and sway.

I don't believe you guy are incorrect in saying that it's the beginning of something dangerous, I just think this current round is more due to fear of lost profits from the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Google. There's no doubt in my mind it's government influenced, but I don't believe it's government controlled as of yet. I, strangely, have some faith in silicon valley, these guys realize their positions, Apple didn't bow down to the FBI so it'll be nice to see other companies do it. Though that leads to another interesting conundrum of what happens when single corporations have more power and influence than a countries own government?


Active member
Zionist owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerbergerface has been doing this sort of thing to Palestinian groups for quite some time already. In fact, at one point, ISIS had Facebook presence that was not being blocked while Palestinian rights groups with no affiliation with Hamas were getting deleted almost as soon as t hey were created and even the accounts of individual Palestinians have been getting deleted.


Active member
Its not "meddling" when Zionists do it, or when the British do it. Its apparently not even "meddling" when China does it(which they do all the time). It seems to only be "meddling" when the Russians might be involved in some way.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Out Google Google?

Hmmm....if only I had a great database developer that could work with me - then ehhh,....maybe?